Outstanding Drama Series
“Breaking Bad” (AMC)
“Downton Abbey” (PBS)
“Game of Thrones” (HBO)最佳剧集提名!
“Mad Men” (AMC)
“True Detective” (HBO)
“House of Cards” (Netflix)
GOT演员部分报的都是配角 所以....
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series
Bryan Cranston, “Breaking Bad” (AMC)
Jeff Daniels, “The Newsroom” (HBO)
Kevin Spacey, “House of Cards” (Netflix)
Jon Hamm, “Mad Men” (AMC)
Matthew McConaughey, “True Detective” (HBO)
Woody Harrelson, “True Detective” (HBO)
真探 马修大大和伍迪双男主提名!迎战老白 还有大约已是第十次艾美提名的火腿叔...
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series
Michelle Dockery, “Downton Abbey” (PBS)
Claire Danes, “Homeland” (Showtime)
Robin Wright, “House of Cards” (Netflix)
Kerry Washington, “Scandal” (ABC)
Julianna Margulies, “The Good Wife” (CBS)
Lizzy Caplan, “Masters of Sex” (Showtime)
Outstanding Drama Series
“Breaking Bad” (AMC)
“Downton Abbey” (PBS)
“Game of Thrones” (HBO)最佳剧集提名!
“Mad Men” (AMC)
“True Detective” (HBO)
“House of Cards” (Netflix)
GOT演员部分报的都是配角 所以....
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series
Bryan Cranston, “Breaking Bad” (AMC)
Jeff Daniels, “The Newsroom” (HBO)
Kevin Spacey, “House of Cards” (Netflix)
Jon Hamm, “Mad Men” (AMC)
Matthew McConaughey, “True Detective” (HBO)
Woody Harrelson, “True Detective” (HBO)
真探 马修大大和伍迪双男主提名!迎战老白 还有大约已是第十次艾美提名的火腿叔...
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series
Michelle Dockery, “Downton Abbey” (PBS)
Claire Danes, “Homeland” (Showtime)
Robin Wright, “House of Cards” (Netflix)
Kerry Washington, “Scandal” (ABC)
Julianna Margulies, “The Good Wife” (CBS)
Lizzy Caplan, “Masters of Sex” (Showtime)