come onUK&Ireland! tickets are now up for the tour, thanks to everyone already coming #5sosRockOutWithOurSocksOutTour # 翻译来英国&爱尔兰!演唱会门票正在出售,谢谢每个人的到来# 5 sosrockoutwithoursocksouttour#
What an amazingday... We can't explain what this journey has been like so far, from ourparents garages and doing covers with our iPhones. To having you guys behind usall the way, we love and adore everything you do for us, let's take on theworld. So excited for our tour....... 翻译: 神奇的一天…从我们的父母的车库起家还有用iphone做翻唱影片,我们无法用言语形容到目前为止这段旅程的经过。一路有你们在我们身后,我们爱你们,感谢你们为我们做的一切。 让我们的世界,为我们的行程.......如此兴奋