Here’s a thing that’s quickly becoming a part of our shared reality: human beings — normal, red-blooded, humans, many of them god-fearing — have embraced a new tool of self-expression, designed to enhance our fragile planet’s favorite past-time. It’s called the “selfie stick” and people are going absolutely crazy over it.自拍是普通人最喜欢的一种消遣方式,而目前有一种提升自拍效果的新神器正迅速成为我们大家生活的一部分。它就是 “自拍杆”,人们简直为它而疯狂。
You’ve probably noticed a few of these new type of photos popping up in your Instagram feed. Much like a selfie, the composition is generally of one or more people mugging for their phone’s front-facing camera, only this time these photos are different, taking on what I can only describe as a more dramatic, almost fish-eye quality. Like crossing a photo trend with a 2-liter bottle of Mountain Dew, the result adds a certain level of X-TREME™ to what is, most likely, an otherwise mundane photo. In some cases, it turns an impressive picture into a stunning image.也许你在刷Instagram的时候已经看到过一些这样的新式照片。自拍照通常是一两个人挤到手机前置摄像头前摆表情扮鬼脸,这些照片也差不多,只不过它们的品质更高,几乎可以与鱼眼镜头的拍摄效果媲美。就像是给自拍开了外挂一样,一幅可能很一般的照片一下子就有了质的飞跃,而本来已不错的照片有时就成了神级照片。

While the selfie stick’s origins seem to come from the extreme sports community — mostly Go-Pro users — the trend is quickly spreading to the everyday, smartphone wielding populace. A quick Instagram search for #selfiestick doesn’t return sky-divers and base jumpers, but regular people uploading performance-enhanced selfies of everyday activities. In most cases, the appeal seems to be simply fitting more people into the frame.自拍杆可能来源于极限运动爱好者(大多数使用GoPro相机),然而这股风潮很快便走进了使用智能手机的大众的每日生活。在Instagram上搜索#selfiestick,你看到的不是高空跳伞的照片,而是一般人上传的更高品质的日常生活照。很多情况下,人们使用自拍杆只是想让镜头塞下更多的人。
Regardless of the reason, the trend is very real, according to camera and photo retailers. “It’s sold so well we’ve had trouble keeping it in stock,” Darrick Olson, a buyer at National Camera Exchange, told BuzzFeed.照相器材零售商表示,无论什么原因,它确实火了。在美国照相设备交易所采购的德里克•奥森说,“自拍杆卖得非常好,我们的货基本不够。”
Debate be damned, they are coming. You’ve been warned.不管怎么说,这可是最新流行趋势。我已经告诉你了哦。