如不习惯CAD2006的系统设置可以改回 CAD2005的设置
第一个:VTENABLE 参数0~7 ,默认的是3 ,改为0 ZOOM时就没有平滑缩放。原文:Controls when smooth view transitions are used. Smooth view transitions can be on or off for panning and zooming, for changes of view angle, or for scripts. The valid range is 0 to 7.
第二个:SELECTIONAREA 参数0~1,默认的是1,改为0,选择的时候选区内就没有透明色 原文:Controls the display of effects for selection areas. Selection areas are created by the Window, Crossing, WPolygon, and CPolygon options of SELECT.
第三个:SELECTIONPREVIEW 参数0~3 ,默认的是3 改为0 ,选择物体时就不会显高亮(建议用2,在命令状态下,选择物体时显高亮,这样能看清选择的物体)原文:Controls the display of selection previewing. Objects are highlighted when the pickbox cursor rolls over them. This selection previewing indicates that the object would be selected if you clicked. The setting is stored as a bitcode using the sum of the following values:
VTFPS 参数1~30 默认7 控制平滑缩放的速度,原文:Sets the minimum speed of a smooth view transition, in frames per second. When a smooth view transition cannot maintain this speed, an instant transition is used. The valid range is 1.0 to 30.0.
SELECTIONAREAOPACITY 参数0~100 默认25 控制选择区域透明色的透明度 原文:Controls the transparency of the selection area during window and crossing selection. The valid range is 0 to 100. The lower the setting, the more transparent the area. A value of 100 makes the area opaque. The SELECTIONAREA system variable must be on.