水立方水骡子吧 关注:27贴子:723




1楼2014-08-13 12:06回复

    2楼2014-08-13 12:09

      其实仔细想想,这实在是也不能怪我。谁叫他俩是目前最当红的两位英国小生,彼此又是好邻居好兄弟,youtube上搜BC的访谈,旁边的列表里一准有他俩一起为《战马》做宣传时的访谈,小夏同学还夸Tom夸得那么不遗余力。好吧,《战马》的访谈看了,再去看几遍长腿抖森跳舞,然后顺手点了Tom在Nerd HQ的访谈,得,一下子就又陷进去了。陷进去才想起来,我其实一部Tom的戏还没看过呢。
      工作已经忙得不可开交了,可我还是趁着非常有限的可以喘口气的机会去看了《雷神》(Thor)、《复仇者联盟》(Avengers)、《雷神2》(Thorthe Dark World)和《蔚蓝深海》(The Deep Blue Sea)。这几部电影说实话都没有特别地打动我,但对理解网上的好几个Tom的长访谈非常有帮助。这几个长访谈我都喜欢的不行,除了NerdHQ的那次,还有他在马德里NewYork Times的访谈,以及在悉尼Popcorn Taxi的那次等等。
      Tom是个特别乐观的人,访谈里尽是些什么:“Take pains. Be perfect.” “We all have two lives. The second begins when you realizeyou only have one. ”这类的话。可能是因为这些话跟我现在的心境很吻合,我实在是爱听的紧。再加上伊顿公学、剑桥古典文学doublefirst honour毕业的背景,精通希腊语、法语,另外西班牙语、德语、俄语都是张嘴就能说上几句,待人谦恭有礼,长得又好,模仿起人来惟妙惟肖,实在让人很难不喜欢。
      Tom是莎士比亚的脑残粉,说话的时候动不动就引用几句莎剧台词。他参与演出的莎翁剧目有《辛白林》(Cymbeline)、《奥赛罗》(Othello)、BBC的《空王冠》(TheHollow Crown)系列,以及刚刚在唐马仓库剧院演完的《科里奥兰纳斯》(Coriolanus)。
      从未认真看过莎剧的我,面对着这38部戏剧,再加上450年来后人无数的演绎和各种研究,像是穷人乍富的眼花缭乱着,不知道该怎么高兴了。想起《千江有水千江月》里大信给贞观的信里曾经有这么一段:“我们一个教授说:读书的目的,为了要与好的东西见面:好事、好情、好人、好物。”读了十几年英文,如果是为了让我找到信仰,又能学会appreciate Shakespeare(欣赏莎士比亚)(仅指按时间顺序),那真是我再美丽不过的幸运。

      4楼2014-08-13 12:10
        神探夏洛克 S3E2里 婚礼上的 Best Man Speech
        Pray silence for the Best Man.
        Sherlock: Ladies and gentlemen, family and friends, and, um, others.Er, …. Also.
        Watson: Telegrams.
        Sherlock: Right, um…. First thing first, telegrams. Well they’re notactually telegrams,
        we just call them telegrams, I don’t know why. Weddingtradition. Because we
        don’t have enough of that already, apparently.
        “To Mr. and Mrs. Watson, so sorry I am unable to be with you on yourspecial day.
        Good luck and best wishes. Mike Stanford. “
        “To John and Mary, all good wishes for your special day. With love andmany big,
        big squishy cuddles, from Stella and Ted.”
        “Mary, lots of love, Poppet, oodles of love and heaps of good wishes.From CAM.
        Wish your family could have seen this.”
        “Special day”, “very special day”, “Love…” “Love…”, “Love…”, “Love…”
        Bit of a theme, you get the general gist. People are basically fond.
        John Watson. My friend, John Watson. John. When John first broached thesubject
        to being Best Man, I was confused. I confess at first I didn’t realizehe was asking
        me. When finally I understood, I expressed to him that I was bothflattered and
        surprised. I explained to him that I’d never expected thisrequest and I was a little
        daunted in the face of it. I nonetheless promisedthat I would do my very best to
        accomplish a task which was, for me, asdemanding and difficult as any I had ever
        contemplated. Additionally, I thankedhim for the trust he placed in me and
        indicated that I was, in some ways, veryclose to being moved by it. It later
        transpired that I’d said none of this outloud.
        Done that. Done that, Done that bit, done that bit. Done that bit.

        7楼2014-08-13 12:22
          I’m afraid John, I can’t congratulate you. All emotions, particularlylove, stand
          opposed to the pure, cold reason I hold above all things. A weddingis, in my c
          onsidered opinion, nothing short of a celebration of all that isfalse and specious
          and irrational and sentimental in this ailing and morallycompromised world. Today
          we honor the deathwatch beetle that is the doom of oursociety, and in time one
          feels certain our entire species. But anyway, let’stalk about John.
          Watson: Please.
          Sherlock: If I burden myself with a little helpmate during myadventures, it is not of
          sentiment or caprice, it is that he has many finequalities of his own that he has
          overlooked in his obsession with me. Indeed,any reputation I have for mental
          acuity and sharpness comes in truth, from theextraordinary contrast John so
          selflessly provides. It is, I believe, thatbrides tend to favour exceptionally plain
          bridesmaids for their big day. Thereis a certain analogy there, I feel, and contrast is,
          after all, God’s own planto enhance the beauty of his creation. Or it would be if
          God were not aludicrous fantasy designed to provide a career opportunity for the
          familyidiot. The point I’m trying to make is that I am the most unpleasant, rude,
          ignorant, and all around obnoxious arsehole that anyone could possibly have the
          misfortune to meet. I am dismissive of the virtuous, unaware of the beautiful,and
          uncomprehending in the face of the happy.
          So if I didn’t understand I was being asked to be Best Man, it isbecause I never
          expected to be anybody’s best friend. And certainly not thebest friend of the
          bravest and kindest and wisest human being I have ever hadthe good fortune of
          John, I am a ridiculous man. Redeemed only by the warmth and constancyof your
          friendship. But as I am apparently your best friend, I cannotcongratulate you on
          your choice of companion.
          Actually, now I can.
          Mary, when I say you deserve this man, it is thehighest compliment of which I am capable.
          John, you have endured war and injuryand tragic loss, so sorry again about that last one.
          So know this – today yousit between the woman you have made your wife and the man
          you have saved. Inshort, the two people who love you most in all this world. And I know
          I speakfor Mary as well when I say, we will never let you down and we have a lifetime
          ahead to prove that.

          8楼2014-08-13 12:24
            唐顿庄园第四季 Downton Abbey
            神探夏洛克第三季 Sherlock
            空王冠系列 The Hollow Crown
            蔚蓝深海 The Deep Blue Sea
            战马 War Horse
            凡尔赛 Versailles
            队列之末 Parade*s End
            大将军寇流兰 Coriolanus
            李尔王 King Lear
            唯爱永生 Only Lovers Left Alive
            无事生非 Much Ado About Nothing
            仲夏夜之梦 A Midsummer Night*s Dream
            梅林传奇 Merlin

            10楼2014-08-13 13:07
              另一方面是因为演Arthur的Bradley James实在养眼吧。

              11楼2014-08-13 14:28

                12楼2014-08-14 14:03
                  美到让人想哭的一个访谈 --- 抖森关于Only Lovers Left Alive的访谈


                  13楼2014-08-16 13:03

                    Only Lovers Left Alive
                    A Film about Love
                    When I first met Jim, all he said to me he wanted to make a film about love. And really it
                    was about two people, two creatures, who were pure spirits. And they were kind of …
                    they were yin and yang, they were black and white, they were the sun and the moon.
                    And they werevery rare sensitive delicate beings, who were alive to the gift of human
                    creativity, to the gift of life really. They were so sensitive to the things we’ve been given,
                    the things, nature, poetry and music, and science and philosophy and literature and love
                    ultimately. And the twist was these two creatures were vampires. And I thought it was
                    just the most amazing inversion of a very popular concept. That somehow in our
                    contemporary culture, vampires are everywhere.

                    15楼2014-08-16 13:05
                      Adam’s Character
                      When I first met Jim, he said “Tom, Adam isbasically Hamlet as played by Syd Barrette.”
                      And I thought that was one of thegreatest descriptions of a character that I have ever
                      heard. And I understoodit immediately. He is a melancholy sad poetic sensitive soul
                      inside the body ofa rock star. He was turned into a vampire around the late 16century
                      – early 17 century. We decided it so he lived through theromantic era. And in a way,
                      he is a kind of contemporary rock star with a soulof a romantic poet. For the last 500 years,
                      Adam has been a part of a movementin the progression of music and science. That’s
                      where his heart is. But he isalso a vampire, so he, so he is … so the normal things apply.

                      16楼2014-08-16 13:07
                        Vampire Artists
                        They’ve been incarnations of our sublimateddesires, you know. They have been a sort of
                        embodiment of our sexuality, of oursort of feral animalism. They are, cuz you know
                        vampires are the living dead. They’recloser to wolves and bats and beasts than humans.
                        And they live of blood, andthey have fangs, you know, there are all of these things. And
                        Jim was takingsomething that was very popular, and making it his own, and making
                        thesevampires, Adam and Eve, he was basically making them artists. Adam has aspecial
                        deal with the local hospital where he gets, you know, clean, pure,O-negative, type
                        O-negative blood. And he smuggles it in, he smuggles into hislife. Precisely because he
                        doesn’t want to destroy people, he doesn’t want tokill, or to bite. Yeah, I have been
                        saying to my family he’s like a vegetarianvampire. Ehehehe…

                        17楼2014-08-16 13:08
                          Live Forever
                          The question one has to ask oneself as an actorin this role is: what would it be like to live
                          forever? What would it be liketo be immortal? And for many many many people, that
                          would be a blessing.Because as human beings on this planet, we all run out of time.
                          We all do, weall die. And we all die, I’m sure, with a long list of things that we neverdid.
                          And Adam and Eve don’t have that problem. They have lived forever. Theywill live forever.
                          Vampires are eternal. And I think for Eve, I can’t speak forTilda, but I hope she would say
                          this, is that, her immortality is a blessing.And it’s given her the gift of seeing everything.
                          For Adam, there is a part ofimmortality as a vampire that is a curse. Because Adam has a
                          predisposition tomelancholia, to sadness, to depression. And for Adam, I think, the most
                          destructive aspect of human beings breaks his heart. The fact that human beingsdestroy
                          things, and they destroy each other, that they fight wars, that theyare capable of
                          prejudice or racism or hatred, or separatism of any kind, thatthey … The sort of the
                          fragility of the existence gives him such pain.

                          18楼2014-08-16 13:09
                            Eve asked Adam, she says “Why do you live inDetroit?” And Adam says: “For me, Detroit
                            is like watching time-lapsephotography”. Time-lapse photography of a beautiful flower
                            that grows from aseed, and opens into an exquisite blossom. It’s majestic in its perfection.
                            Andthen the flower starts to close, it trembles and fades, its stem and leavesturn brown
                            and dry. And then it crumbles to dust. In a single century, that’sDetroit for him, is this
                            flower that goes comes into blossom and then fades anddies. And because Adam is who
                            he is, because he is Hamlet as played by Syd Barrette,because he is trying to channel his
                            melancholic soul into his music, into hiswork, because he is such an intelligent sensitive
                            person, that to him is sobeautiful. To live in a city, that is, that is an example of the
                            fragility oflife. If you were a vampire, living in the present… on this, in this presentday,
                            you don’t… you are someone who don’t want to be found out, you don’t wantto be
                            discovered. So where do you live? Well, Adam chooses to live in Detroitbecause
                            probably nobody is going to look for him there.

                            19楼2014-08-16 13:11
                              Ian’s Character
                              Ian is Adam’s manager. Adam was doing this thingwhere he wants, he wants to release
                              his music underground. But he doesn’t wantany credit for it. He doesn’t want any fame
                              or any money. He’s absolutely notinterested in fame or money, any of those stuff. He
                              just wants to know whatpeople think. And Ian is his mirror. And Ian just thinks Adam is
                              the best thingsince light spread. He, Ian is kind of hero worship of Adam in a way.
                              BecauseAdam represents everything that Ian loves, about Rock & Roll, you know,
                              about Detroit, about … he is … because Adam is just so cool, you know? He lovesmusic
                              for the sake of music, he doesn’t want money, he doesn’t want fame. He isindie, he is
                              reclusive, you know. He looks how he looks. He’s got long black hair, and he’s get …
                              heis very skinny and pale. He looks like Syd Barrette, you know. So they needeach
                              other. Ian needs Adam because Adam reminds him of what’s beautiful aboutmusic
                              and Detroit. And Adam needs Ian, because you know, he can’t go out toguitar shops
                              in the day time, he’ll be burned by the sun.

                              20楼2014-08-16 13:12