洛汐染吧 关注:10贴子:1,123



《Watermark》——水印 (1988)
02.Cursum Perficio
03.On your shore
04.Storms in Africa
06.Miss.Clare remembers
07.Orinoco flow
08.Evening falls
10.The long ships
11.Na Laehta Geal M’Oige
12. Storms in Africa (Part 2)
Watermark - Enya(恩雅)

50楼2014-10-01 17:00
    《Shepherd Moons》——牧羊人之月(1991)
    01.Shepherd moons
    02.Caribbean blue
    03.How can I keep from singing?
    06.No folly for Miss.Quinn
    07.Book of days
    10.Marble halls
    11.Afer ventus
    How Can I Keep From Singing - Enya

    51楼2014-10-01 17:01
      《The Memory of Trees》——树的回忆(1995)
      01.The Memory Of Trees
      02.Anywhere Is
      03.Pax Deorum
      04.Athair Ar Neamh
      05.From Where I Am
      06.China Roses
      07.Hope Has A Place
      08.Tea House Moon
      09.Once You Had Gold
      10.La Sonadora
      11.On My Way Home
      The Memory Of Trees - Enya

      52楼2014-10-01 17:03
        《Paint the Sky with Stars》——星空彩绘(1997)
        01.Orinoco Flow
        02. Caribbean Blue
        03. Book of Days
        04.Anywhere is
        05. Only if...
        06. The Celts
        07. China Roses
        08. Shepherd Moons
        09. Ebudae
        10. Stroms in Africa
        11. Watermark
        12. Paint the Sky with Stars
        13. Marble Halls
        14. On my way home
        15. The Memory of Trees
        16. Boadicea
        简介:这张「星空彩绘-恩雅世纪精选」是enya的第一次精选,也是这些年来独一无二的心情记录。除了"orinoco flow""caribbean blue""shepherd moons""the memory of trees"…等已感动过无数人的作品外,本精选辑还收录"paint the sky with stars""、"only if…"两首新作。世纪末极需被抚慰的人心,都在enya的歌声中,获得真、善、美的慰藉,并拥抱纯然新生的喜悦恩雅10年首张精选大碟,珍选14首气势万千经典代表,及2首*97年磅礴新曲,绝对是本世纪最具典藏价值的音乐宝典。
        Only If - Enya

        53楼2014-10-01 17:04
          《a day without rain》 ——雨过天晴 (2000)
          01.A Day Without Rain
          02.Wild Child
          03.Only Time
          04.Tempus Vernum
          05.Deora Ar Mo Chroi
          06.Flora*s Secret
          07.Fallen Embers
          08.Silver Inches
          10.One By One
          11.The First Of Autumn
          12.Lazy Days
          简介:意境与感觉的均衡,让专辑依循着梦境编织的罗盘,寻访感觉的驿站,同名单曲以简单的琴声让心情眺望窗外,儿时的记忆跟着“Wild Child”缓缓飘动,爱情远走的哀愁随“Only Time”的歌声涌上心头,“Flora*s Secret”古老神圣的气氛里,花神捎来爱的消息,但又在一瞬间的安魂曲中,坠入为爱神伤的角落,直到阳光的“Lazy Days”扬起,全新的感觉之路无尽延展,在恣意的梦想空间,唤醒尘封许久的记忆,还原曾有的美丽与哀愁。
          Only Time - Enya

          54楼2014-10-01 17:05
            《Amarantine》 ——永恒之约 (2005)
            01.Less Than A Pearl
            03.It*s In The Rain
            04.If I Could Be Where You Are
            05.The River Sings
            06.Long Long Journey
            08.Someone Said Goodbye
            09.A Moment Lost
            11.Amid the Falling Snow
            12.Water Shows the Hidden Heart
            简介:古典韵味的伴奏,标志性的飘渺嗓音,诗意的歌词,都表明Enya对于“保持自我风格与创新”这个所有音乐人都要面临的问题解决得很成功。不断寻求创新并没有使她失去自我风格,而是不断完善与进化。Enya的前几张专辑一直以运用多种语言演唱而备受关注,主要运用英语和盖尔语,偶尔也会唱拉丁语、威尔士语或西班牙语。在新专辑《Amarantine》中,有3首歌是用一种叫Loxian的语言演唱的。专辑中还有一首日语歌,其他的都是英语歌。这张专辑的制作花了2年时间,她说Loxian语的灵感来源于电影《指环王:护戒使者》。当时他们为影片《指环王》录制了单曲May It Be时就觉得影片中侏儒们的语言非常可爱。而此次在新专辑单曲Water Shows The Hidden Heart录制过程中,Enya觉得那种非人类语言更适合这首歌。于是Enya的御用词作者Roma Ryan就创造了这种叫做Loxian的天外“魔语”。专辑中另外两首歌Less Than a Pearl和The River Sings也是用Loxian语演唱。
            Amarantine - Enya

            55楼2014-10-01 17:07
              《And winter came...》——冬季恋歌/ 冬季降临 (2008)
              1. And Winter Came
              2. Journey of the Angels
              3. White is in the winter night
              4. O come,O come,Emmanuel
              5. Trains and winter rains
              6. Dreams are more precious
              7. Last time by moonlight
              8. One toy soldier
              9. Stars and midnight blue
              10. The spirit of Christmas past
              11. My! My! Time flies!
              12. Oiche Chiuin (chorale)
              简介:恩雅的录音室专辑《And winter came...》将由华纳兄弟唱片公司于2008年11月10日发行。经过两年的努力,《And winter came...》在位于都柏林附近的Aigle录音室完成制作,诚然又是恩雅这个有着长期合作关系的富于非凡创造力的小组之又一个心血结晶——除了Enya本人还包括 编曲/制作人: Nicky Ryan和 作词人/诗人 :Roma Ryan。“一直以来我都想创作一张圣诞专辑,但是当我们开始录音的时候却感觉到有些曲子并不适合被做成纯粹的圣诞音乐,”恩雅解释道。Nicky说,“一开始我们制作的是一张圣诞专辑,但是到后来却演变成了一张恩雅风格的以冬天节日为题材的唱片,但是如果把它称作是恩雅的圣诞专辑则是不合适的。”当然,《And winter came...》的确饱含着节日中那种温馨喜庆的气氛。”
              版本:这张专辑共收录12首歌曲,各个国家发行的版本都是相同的。唯有在苹果的iTunes商店上付费下载这张专辑,会有一首附加的拉丁语单曲 O Miraculum,译为英文便是 O wonderful things,同时iTunes还会附送恩雅和Roma夫妇录制的介绍每一首歌曲创作背景的音乐短片Track by track。
              And Winter Came - Enya(恩雅)

              56楼2014-10-01 17:10
                Angels Sing: Christmas in Ireland 2013-11-04 英语/拉丁语
                Soloists: Ben Fairman, Cassius O*Connell-White, Ciaran Bradbury-Hickey, Isaac London, Lucas Wood, Matthew Jansen,Michael Ustynovych-Repa, Thomas Delgado-Little, Jude Collins

                01. Joy to the World
                02. God Rest You Merry Gentlemen
                03. The Wexford Carol (Carúl Loch Garman)
                04. In Dulci Jubilo
                05. Angels We Have Heard On High
                06. Sanctus
                07. Danny Boy
                08. Carol of the Bells
                09. O Holy Night
                10. Still, Still, Still
                11. Gaudete
                12. Away in a Manger
                13. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
                14. Silent Night
                15. What Child Is This
                Angels We Have Heard On High - Libera. Robert Pri...

                57楼2014-10-01 17:26
                  Song of Life - A Collection 2012-10-22 英语/拉丁语
                  专辑封面专辑类型:精选集 唱片公司:百代 专辑简介:2012年推出的精选集,收录了之前尚未全球发行的Song of Life,此外也收录了近年来若干具有代表性优秀曲目。

                  01. Salva Me
                  02. Be Still My Soul
                  03. Tallis: Canon
                  04. Sanctus
                  05. Song Of Life (Full Version)
                  06. Ave Verum
                  07. You Were There
                  08. Gaelic Blessing (Deep Peace)
                  09. Voca Me
                  10. Adoro Te
                  11. Ave Virgo (based on a theme from Mozart*s Clarinet Concerto)
                  12. I Am The Day
                  13. How Shall I Sing That Majesty
                  14. Abide With Me
                  15. Gloria
                  16. Panis Angelicus
                  17. I Vow To Thee My Country
                  Be still my soul - Libera,Fiona Pears...

                  58楼2014-10-01 17:30
                    The Christmas Album 2011-11-21 英语/拉丁语
                    专辑封面专辑类型:录音室专辑 唱片公司:百代 专辑简介:Libera首次以圣诞为主题推出的专辑。iTunes版包含一首额外的Gaudete (remix)。

                    01. Joy to the World
                    02. Still, Still, Still
                    03. Carol of the Bells
                    04. Veni, Veni Emmanuel
                    05. Once in Royal David*s City
                    06. O Holy Night
                    07. White Christmas
                    08. Corpus Christi Carol
                    09. In Dulci Jubilo
                    10. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
                    11. Sing the Story
                    12. Coventry Carol
                    13. The First Noel
                    14. Jubilate Deo
                    15. While Shepherds Watched their Flocks by Night
                    16. Lullabye (Goodnight my Angel)
                    Joy to the World - Mason Neely,Libera...

                    59楼2014-10-01 17:33
                      Peace – Deluxe Edition 2010-10-22 英语/拉丁语
                      专辑封面专辑类型:录音室专辑 唱片公司:百代 专辑简介:豪华版为CD+DVD,包括18首歌曲和7个视频。日版额外增加Far Away和You Were There两个MV,及22分钟的2010年Libera日本巡演幕后视频。豪华版同时还包含了海报和日历。

                      01. Sanctissima
                      02. Time
                      03. Ave Virgo
                      04. Faithful Heart
                      05. Gaelic Blessing (Deep Peace)
                      06. Exsultate
                      07. How shall I sing that majesty?
                      08. Lacrymosa
                      09. Adoro Te
                      10. Lead, Kindly Light
                      11. Panis Angelicus
                      12. Touch the Sky
                      13. The Fountain
                      14. Lullabye (Goodnight my Angel)
                      15. Eternal Light
                      16. Going Home
                      17. Have yourself a merry little Christmas
                      18. Silent Night
                      19. DVD - Lullabye (Goodnight my Angel)
                      20. DVD - Time
                      21. DVD - Gaelic Blessing (Deep Peace)
                      22. DVD - Going Home
                      23. DVD - Libera
                      24. DVD - Bonus Feature Introducing Libera
                      25. DVD - Bonus Feature Behind the scenes
                      How Shall I Sing That Majesty - Libera,Steven Gera...

                      近年来总是弄些精选集豪华版收录的都是josh,大本时代的歌, 我在想什么时候真正意义上出些这个时代的孩子们新歌?

                      60楼2014-10-01 17:37
                        Eternal - The Best of Libera 2008-12 英语/拉丁语
                        专辑封面专辑类型:精选集 唱片公司:百代 专辑简介:Eternal为双CD,共32首歌曲。包含4首新歌: Mother of God、Gaudete(Liam Connery)、You Were There(Tom Cully)和How can I keep from singing(Josh Madine)。外加两首之前只出现在数字版中的remix: Sempiterna和Heaven。

                        01. You Were There
                        02. Sanctus
                        03. Mother of God (Tavener)
                        04. Salva me
                        05. Love and mercy
                        06. Sancte
                        07. Secret
                        08. Do not stand at my grave and weep
                        09. Always with you
                        10. Libera
                        11. Ave Maria
                        12. Gaudete
                        13. Air on G string
                        14. I am the day
                        15. We are the lost
                        16. Sempiterna (remix)
                        17. Orinoco Flow
                        18. Far Away
                        19. Gloria
                        20. Voca Me
                        21. Sing for ever
                        22. Rest in peace
                        23. Adoramus
                        24. May the road rise up
                        25. Ave Maria
                        26. Prayer
                        27. How can I keep from singing
                        28. Be still my soul
                        29. Stay with me
                        30. Recordare
                        31. Going Home
                        32. Heaven
                        Voca Me - Libera,Joseph Plat...

                        61楼2014-10-01 17:39
                          New Dawn 2008-03-03 英语/拉丁语
                          专辑封面专辑类型:录音室专辑 唱片公司:百代 专辑简介:美版2月9日发行。iTunes版额外增加一首Heaven (remix),日版中也包含了这首。
                          Soloists: Tom Cully, Joshua Madine, Ed Day, Liam Connery, Joe Snelling, Benedict Philipp

                          01. Orinoco Flow
                          02. Ave Maria (Caccini)
                          03. Secret
                          04. Air
                          05. Gloria
                          06. Sancte
                          07. Rest in Peace
                          08. Love and Mercy
                          09. May the Road Rise Up
                          10. Never be Alone
                          11. Jerusalem
                          12. Tallis* Canon
                          13. The Lamb
                          14. In Paradisum
                          Never Be Alone - Libera,Fiona Pears...

                          62楼2014-10-01 17:41
                            Angel Voices - Libera in Concert 2007-10 英语/拉丁语
                            专辑封面专辑类型:演唱会专辑 唱片公司:百代 专辑简介:Leiden演唱会, 同时有CD和DVD版本。Soloists: Tom Cully, Ed Day, Liam Connery, Ben Philipp, Joe Snelling, Joshua Madine, Sam Leggett

                            01. Adoramus
                            02. Going Home
                            03. Far Away
                            04. Prayer
                            05. Libera
                            06. Sanctus
                            07. Salva Me
                            08. Lacrymosa
                            09. Abide with Me
                            10. I vow to Thee my Country
                            11. Stay With Me
                            12. Do not stand at my grave and weep
                            13. I Am The Day
                            Going Home (based on Largo from ... - Libera,Robert Priz...

                            63楼2014-10-01 17:42
                              Angel Voices 2006-10 英语/拉丁语
                              专辑封面专辑类型:精选集 唱片公司:百代 专辑简介:包含新歌Going Home, 重新编排的第1、2、6、7和14,其余歌曲选自Free和Visions。日版增加了一首iTunes版的bonus: Sempiterna Remix和Far Away的MV。07年3月为配合4月的巡演又发行一CD/DVD双碟版, 增加一首Free中的Do Not Stand At My Grave, DVD含有I am the day、Voca Me、Locus Iste、Do not stand at my grave和2个版本的Far Away共6首MV。CD版Going home的soloists为Michael Horncastle和Tom Cully。

                              01. Far Away
                              02. Sanctus
                              03. Ave Maria
                              04. Going Home (Radio Edit)
                              05. Be Still my Soul
                              06. Salva Me
                              07. I Vow to Thee
                              08. Voca Me
                              09. Always with you
                              10. We are the lost
                              11. I am the day
                              12. Recordare
                              13. Abide with me
                              14. Silent Night
                              15. Going home
                              I Am The Day - Libera,Ben Crawley...

                              64楼2014-10-01 17:44