28. - Still wanna see those stars? - More than anything. - Give me two minutes. Pack a bag. - Am I going somewhere? - Go to the window. Pick a star,any star.
29. Reason tells me that you and I are unlikely to meet again,but I think I shall not listen to reason. I've seen the world inside your head,I know all things are possible.
1. - The library. So big, it doesn*t need a name. Just the great big "THE". - It*s like a city. - It*s a world,literally,a world. The whole core of planet is index computer.Biggest hard drive ever.
3. I am curtsy note 710/Aqua. Please enjoy the library and respect the Personal Access Code of all your fellow readers, regardless of species or hygiene taboos.
7. - It chose me a dead face it thought I*d like... That status got a real dead face on it ! - It*s the 51st century. It*s basically like donating a park bench.
8. Anita,stay out of shadows. Not a finger in the shadows! Until you*re safe in you ship. All of you,stay in the light ! Find a nice bright spot and stand. If you understand,you look very,very scared...No,be more scared than that.
10. - Trust me, We spent 4 days in ship with that woman, she*s…uhh… - Couldn*t tell the difference between the escape pod and the bathroom. Had to go back for her...twice.
11. - Thanks. - For what? - The usual. Coming when I call. - That was you? - You*re doing a very good job acting like you don*t know me. I*m assuming there*s a reason.