新增5个可特训技能(注:第一天更新的时候,多面手这个技能还出现在特训菜单里,但今天这个技能已经消失,不知道是什么情况。但我还是先放在可特训技能的列表里了。)Settingwalls ==> Keeper gets a defensive bonus against direct free kicks.
扑任意球专家:在防守直接任意球时获得拦截加成。Winger==>Gets a bonus of 0.25 ball passing and dueling and 1 ball blocking andspeed when the player is on one of the flanks. Gets a penalty when the playeris in the center.
边路好手:如果在球场上打边路位置的话,传球与拼抢各有0.25球加成,拦截与速度各有1球加成。如果在球场上打中路会有惩罚。ManMarker ==>Is more likely to intercept a cross or a shot at goal when he is in thesame square as the shooter, but outside the penalty area, or in cornersituations anywhere.
盯人专家:当他和射门者在同一区域内时,有更大几率拦截传球或射门(禁区内和角球除外)Versatile==>Can use scoring as passing, passing as scoring, dueling as passing orblocking as dueling. Gets 0.15 ball penalty on the primary function or 0.3 ballpenalty when using a skill for its alternative function.
多面手:可以把射门当传球用,传球当射门用,抢断当传球用,拦截当抢断用。主技能受到0.15球惩罚,被替代的技能受到0.3球惩罚LongShots ==>Gets a bonus at scoring from outside the penalty area. Can also usepassing or dueling instead of scoring for these shots.
新增7个天生技能Super Sub==>Plays better when he enters the match as a substitute in the secondhalf, but worse when he is in the starting formation. Gets maximum matchexperience when he plays at least 15 minutes.
超级替补:球员作为替补并且下半场出场的时候表现的更好,但是首发出场时表现更糟。只要踢满了15分钟就可以获取整场的经验Intelligent==>Gets 2 balls bonus on tactics. Easier to train more than one trainablespecial attribute.
高足球智商(游戏中翻译为:聪明):2个球战术加成。训练特殊技能更容易Dirty==>Players dueling with this player have a higher chance to get cards.Player also gets more cards himself.
肮脏:容易吃牌,和他抢断的球员也容易吃牌Short==>Has lesschance to get the ball in corner and free kick situations. Gets half a ballspeed bonus.
王英(游戏中翻译为:小个子):在角球和任意球时拿到球的几率更低。获得一个球速度的加成Athletic==>Fixedattribute training is 20% more effective and the maximum trainable value forfixed attributes is one ball higher.
运动健将:特训固定属性提高20%效率,增加1球固定属性上限TournamentPlayer ==>Plays better in tournament matches butslightly worse in other matches (league, friendly, interlands andqualifications). The bonus is twice (and adds to) the home advantage, thepenalty is only equal to the home advantage.
大赛型球员:在大型比赛中表现更好,但是在其他比赛(联赛、友谊赛、国际友谊赛、附加赛)中略低。主场比赛会受到2次加成,惩罚和主场优势相等Popular ==>Teamearns 10 fanclub members when this player plays a competitive match, but loses5 fanclub members when the player doesn*t play. Has no effect in U21 matchesand friendlies.