好吧原谅lz在一楼放了一首英文歌,虽然原意是为慈善而作, 但是想着歌词翻译也可以献给每一位在尘埃里挣扎挺立的他们, 我比较喜欢的一版歌词翻译 Hope when you*ll take that jump you don*t feel the fall. 愿你勇敢一跃,坠落无境 Hope when the water rises You*ve built a wall. 愿当水涨潮袭,你筑起高墙 Hope when the crowd screams out Screaming your name. 愿人群声嘶力竭,呼喊你名 Hope if everybody runs You choose to stay. 愿你坚持自我,勇敢面对 Hope that you fall in love and it hurts so bad. 愿你真心坠爱,刻骨铭心 The only way you can know You gave it all you had. 倾尽所有,你才会真正彻悟 And I hope that you don*t suffer But take the pain. 愿你免受折磨,当苦痛来袭 Hope when the moment comes, You*ll say. 愿当大限来临,你能高喊 Chorus: I, I, I, I did it all. I, I, I, I did it all. 我,爱过,痛过; 我,恨过,伤过; 我,活过。 I owned every second that this world could give 我用这世界所能给予的所有时间 I saw so many places, the things that I did 阅尽千山,跨过万水,披星戴月,披荆斩棘 Yeah with every broken bone I swear I lived. 纵然跌到粉身碎骨 不枉活过这一遭 ——只是觉得人的内心苦楚无法言说,人的很多举措无可奈何,百年一参透,百年一孤寂