After the disturbing story of Madeleine’stears, it takes a while for me to feel excited as we head down the hill. But assoon as I see Edinburgh, my dreams get the upper hand.
I feel like Christopher Columbusdiscovering America. The twisted maze of streets beckons like a lover. Houses lean towards each other, shrinking the sky. I’m running! A single breath could bring the whole city tumbling down in a game of brick dominoes. I’m running!The trees are still stuck up there on top of the hill, but down here people arespringing up everywhere, the women an explosion of flowers, poppy-hats,poppy-dresses. I see them leaning out of balcony windows, as far as the market that brightens Salisbury Place.
我就像哥伦布发现了美洲大陆一样。蜿蜒的迷宫般的街道如爱人般招手;房屋紧挨着,天空也因此显得更小了。我自由地奔跑着。只是一个呼吸就能让城市像多米诺骨牌一样坍塌;我奔跑着,树木都只在远远的山上,这儿人潮涌动,妇女们如怒放的鲜花。我看着人们靠着阳台的窗户,就和照亮Salisbury Place的集市一样遥远。
I’m taking it all in: clogs ringing outover the cobblestones; mingled voices that carry me away. And the great belltower, tolling with a heart ten times bigger than mine.
‘Is that my father?’
‘No, no, it’s not your father . . . It’s chiming for one o’clock, itonly tolls once a day,’ Madeleine answers, out of puff.
We cross the square. Music can be heardround the corner of a side street, as mischievous and melancholic as harmoniousglitter. The melody takes my breath away; inside me, it’s raining and shiningat the same time.
‘That’s a barrel organ. Nice, isn’t it?’ Madeleine tells me. ‘It functions in much the same way as your heart, which is probably why you like itso much. It’s mechanical on the outside, with emotions on the inside.’