An Afternoon with Mark Gatiss and friends于11.16日下午三点如期在标准剧院举行,这一次,我们有幸邀请了现场的朋友通过markgatiss吧官方微博进行实时回报。 详情搜索微博:markgatiss吧官博 本贴除了汇总官博上的博文外,同时也会当初来自汤上大大们的超长repo,再次感谢GODTISS字幕组
- Sue was the first guest on and Mark started as he clearly meant to go on by explaining they were only fake greet-kissing each other as they’d just been chatting in the wings. And then asking her “if she was one of the gays”. About 99% gay was the response! She talked about Bake-Off and having people come up to her in the street then foisting bits of dodgy-looking cake on her to try, and her recent travelogue programme on the Mekong river. She said it had really opened her eyes to some harsh realities, and apologised for not providing a cheerier anecdote where less people died from Dengue fever. -Sue是Mark的第一个嘉宾,Mark意思意思小亲亲了一下,并且解释说他们在后台就一直在聊天了。他问她:“你是同性恋吗?”99%的同性恋都说“是的”。Sue说了一些关于烤蛋糕的事,街上有一些人试吃了她做的看起来很屎的蛋糕【dodgy looking….】 还说了一些她最近准备去湄公河的旅行计划。她说她看见了一些残酷的事实,抱歉她不能提供一些有趣的事,因为有些人死于登革热.
- Mark asked Sue about the IoS Rainbow List, with his traditional “I need to be more gay” refrain since he griped that he always seemed to be stuck around the 40-ish place. Sue hoped there would come a time when there didn’t need to be a list like that. It was mentioned that there were apparently no gay footballers. Mark said this was disappointing. Sue said she thought that if Mark had access to a football locker room for an hour then he might change that fact. -Mark问了Sue关于Rainbow List【查了一下似乎是对于同性恋相关的期望】,当然不止是传统的“我要更Gay一点”,他从40岁左右就被这个问题卡住了,Sue希望有一天不再需要有这个列表。并且提及现在没有同性恋的足球队员。Mark觉得这很遗憾。Sue说如果Mark愿意进足球队员更衣室一小时或许就能改变现状。
- Amanda and Andrew came on together, and seemed to spend a fair bit of the afternoon giggling and joking. When there was an audience question about what was the most awkward experience they’d had with a fan, the pair of them attempted to sneak away for urgent phone calls! Their debate about the existence of Father Christmas was rather adorable. And when someone said a question was “aimed at Derren” both they both (along with Sue) tried to form a human shield to protect him. Dorkishly cute together was my assessment. -Amanda和Andrew一起出场,看起来他们俩很亲密,打趣说笑【好Gay蜜】。当观众问道关于和粉丝之间的互动,他们都装做有紧急电话要先走一步的样子。他们之间关于圣诞老人是否存在的争论特别可爱。有一个观众提问时说“这个问题主要针对Darren”,他们俩(还有Sue)一起伸手挡在Darren面前做出保护他的样子,真的是萌到犯规阿!
- At one point Amanda did an impression of Martin on request, and basically sighed, shook her head and did a frowny face a bit like Grumpy Cat. And swore. When she later realised there were at least a couple of small children in the audience she couldn’t stop apologising! -当问到Amanda对Martin的印象的时候,她叹了口气,摇摇头,像Grumpy Cat一样皱眉【那个猫以一脸不爽著名】,当她意识到有一些小孩子在看得时候立刻道歉。【记得是她说:Martin很难相处阿,然后说:开玩笑拉!潮嫂很喜欢说这种反话然后先抑后扬】
- I forget how the subject was raised, but Mark said his Mum always called Cliff Richard “Cliff Richards”. To which Andrew raised the stakes by saying his Mum calls Hugh Grant “David Hunt”. It was one of those you-had-to-be-there moments, but Amanda genuinely looked like she was about to either fall off her chair or wet herself with laughter at this. I’m aware that recounting it in text makes that sound weird, but it was hilarious… -我忘了怎么说起来的,但是Mark说他的妈妈总是叫Cliff Richard “Cliff Richards”, 然后Andrew就说他的妈妈总是叫Hugh Grant “David Hunt。这种时候就是默认为” 第三个人加入说个类似的笑话”的时刻,但是Amanda【实在没什么关于这方面的笑话】于是假装大笑得掉下了椅子逃过一劫。我知道这写下来就没那么好笑,但是当时还蛮滑稽的。
- When asked if they liked musicals each panellist provided an answer, and Mark was very enthusiastic about Carousel in an OTT American accent. For some reason this was taken on as the running joke for the afternoon and “Carousel!” (with or without jazz hands) seemed to be the answer to many an unrelated question. Andrew also continued to shout “Carousel!” at Mark seemingly at random, though as Mark had been putting on a truly awful Irish accent and asking him about “Ooooireland” and “The Old Country” at every opportunity, I don’t blame him! -当被问到他们喜欢的音乐剧,Mark很热情地用一种播报员式的美国口音【OTT:over-the-top content】说是Carousel。这个笑话莫名就贯穿整个始终,大家会突然喊Carousel!(有时候一边喊还一边比划Jazz手势)。Andrew时不时就冲Mark喊Carouse,Mark则不动声色抓住机会用爱尔兰口音调侃回去。
- Derren was asked a few in-depth questions about some of his projects, like how he ensured that people weren’t traumatised by fake zombie apocalypses and whether certain people are resistant to hypnosis and so on. Mark also asked him about his “journey” from being what Derren describes as happy-clappy Christian in his youth, to a sceptical non-believer, and how this had tied in with his sexuality. During a later question he confessed he was currently reading a book by a pessimistic German philosopher. Hardcore. Mark kept asking him if he could shoot green lasers from his eyes. No sign of that! - Derren被问了一些比较深入的问题,关于他的魔术,像他如何确保人们不因被假僵尸受伤【?没看过Derren的表演表示不太理解】,以及是否某些人可以抵抗催眠等。马克还问他一些关于Derren从年轻时的一位快乐的天主教徒,到成为非信徒的心路历程。以及他如何确定自己的性向。在之后的问题,他承认,他目前在读德国悲观哲学家的一本书。硬理论。马克一直在问他能不能从眼睛里射出绿色激光。不要闹了啊喂
- When asked what he particularly enjoyed reading, Mark answered ‘nudie mags’. This sent Andrew into a fit of hysterics, I think at least partially at the idea that anyone still calls them ‘nudie mags’ let alone would buy and read them… -当问到他们喜欢读什么的时候,Mark说‘色情杂志’【我现在才知道是nudie mags..一直听成news mags。咳,罪过】这让Andrew有点兴奋过度,我想有一部分原因是,他大概没想到有人还称呼色情杂志为Nudie Mags并且还真得买来读。 - Miranda went through a number of anecdotes about directors and actors who are difficult to work with, as well as being stalked by a fan when she visited America. She had positive things to say about working with Mark on Mapp & Lucia, including that he wore tweed very well and she was impressed by how many parcels and packages she could load him up with (which makes sense if you’ve read the books!). -Mirada说道一些在美国很难相处的导演和演员,还有被粉丝纠缠的一些事。她说了一些和Mark在Mapp&Lucia工作时积极正面的事,包括他的推特写地很棒,而且她惊讶于每天他能收到多少包裹。(如果你读了那些书就会懂)【反正我没懂,我是金鱼……】
- Amanda was complemented on her very sparkly shoes and she said she’d borrowed them from Mark, who nodded along in agreement. -Amada穿了个闪闪发亮bling bling的鞋子,她说是从Mark那里借来的,Mark点点头表示认同。 - My brain has completely forgotten the context for this, but Mark wants t-shirts made with “work hard and be kind” on the front. (And “Carousel!” on the back) -我也不知道怎么说起来的,但是Mark想要做一个前面是“努力工作,善待他人(Work Hard and Be Kind)”的T恤(后面是Carouse!)【这个梗好像是Mark之前在推特上回答别人的问题,生活的意义是什么,他说是work hard and be kind.男神很正能量阿】 - Mark kept pestering Derren (who was the last-but-one person to join the panel) to “do us a trick” so Derren eventually said he would do a magical transformation and walked off, only to reappear as Peter Capaldi the final guest to join the stage! Truly magical, I didn’t see how it was done. Probably smoke and mirrors (and hypnosis). -Mark一直让Derren变魔术,Derren说他要来个大变活人,然后就走开,突然Peter Capoldi作为最后一个嘉宾出现了!真正的魔术!我没看见是怎么回事,可能是烟或者镜子(或者催眠)。【我貌似看见他就是走进后台换了个人出来而已…】
- Mark asked Peter how it felt when his childhood dream of playing a transvestite character on Prime Suspect came true. Peter said he talked to several drag queens for research purposes and was amazed at the work it took to look that good, and that wearing a corset to get down to a 28 inch waist had been the hardest part. He also at one point recounted a story about being accidentally punched in the face by Brian Blessed. That is truly something to dine out on, everyone was very impressed! -Mark问Peter关于他童年试图演异装癖的角色美梦成真有什么感觉。Peter说他以研究为目的和很多皇后异装者讨论过,并且很惊喜的发现看起来效果还不错。穿着一个28英寸腰围的紧身胸衣弯腰是最难的部分。他还讲述了以外被Brian Bless揍了一拳的故事,这是在外出吃饭时发生的,大家都印象深刻。
- Peter was asked several Doctor Who type questions like who would he like his Doctor to meet (Martin Luther King, and Robert Johnson the jazz musician who reputedly sold his soul to the devil). Mark said he’s drunkenly pitched Steven the “ultimate celebrity historical” which would be the Doctor gatecrashing the birth of Jesus. Sue, who as a child had played a mute fox in a school nativity play, seemed to be very up for appearing in that. Again as a mute fox. -Peter被问了很多关于Doctor Who的问题,比如他的Doctor希望遇见谁(马丁路德金,Robert Johnson—一位把灵魂卖给魔鬼的爵士音乐家)。Mark说,他痛揍了Steven 这位“终极历史名人”使得Doctor阻碍了耶稣的诞生。Sue 讲述了她在童年时在学校扮演一只没台词的狐狸,看起来她很高兴曾扮演这个角色。
- Ian was sorting things out backstage and kept making signs at Mark from the wings that he couldn’t really see without his glasses on, so then he had to sneak on stage and whisper in his ear. At one point Mark had just said they were wrapping up with a final question then Ian darted on and Mark corrected himself saying Ian had actually been trying to tell them they had ten more minutes! -Ian在后台负责控场,并且给Mark一些提示。但是Mark没有眼镜的时候看不太清楚,所以他们俩在台上耳语了好多次。有一次Mark已经准备用最后一个问题做结尾了,Ian跑出来耳语,提醒他其实还有十分钟!
- A couple who had met via the League of Gentlemen forums and who were now getting engaged asked for advice for their wedding day, to which Mark & Peter both said basically to just enjoy it and it’s a wonderful experience. Peter had earlier been asked about being a sex symbol and after much disbelieving splutter had said that the only person he loved like that was his wife, and she was the only person he ever wanted to love him like that, but that people were “free to enjoy his profile” in the privacy of their own homes as much as they liked. ;D -有一对通过绅士联盟论坛认识的情侣已经订婚了,他们想Mark和Peter询问关于婚礼的意见。他们都回答,只要乐在其中就可以,这会是很棒的经历。Peter之前被问到,作为现在的性感代表有没有让他困扰,他说他唯一爱的人是他的妻子,他也只渴望得到她妻子的爱。但是人们私下可以随便对他YY啦。