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1楼2014-12-24 19:15回复
    最近我也是挺无聊的酒闲着逛了逛dpreview的富士版,还是收获颇多的啊,看到大家在很热烈的讨论Bayer VS xtrans sensor,不过众多用户呢都表示了和我想法差不多的见解,那就是A1M1本身成像素质没有任何差别,而高感呢是Bayer的好点因为涂抹程度不重,但是xtrans在抗摩尔纹和一些细节处理上是要好一点的。所以作为小白用户真的没啥瞧不上A1的理由。。。毕竟富士更厉害的是镜头。。。A1配上1650作为入门机性价比真的超高了,为何对他要求这么高??

    2楼2014-12-24 19:20
      Depends on your needs preferences. Personally I don't think x trans is the best APS-C sensor, it has a compromised RAW workflow and the jpg engine is over hyped (unless you like watercolour filters). I have the X-A1 and got it specifically as it was a Bayer sensor. For pure detail and clarity The sensor/kit combo is better than the sensor/lens in my GR, it trumps the Ricoh at anything over iso 800; with the 16-50 kit lens shot @28mm better colour, lower iso noise and more detail, Considering the X-a1 is a piece of (well made) plastic aimed and consumers. I'm pretty impressed.
      The A-1 is a great camera beyond the imaging needs of most. Personally I hope Fuji junk X-trans and make cheaper high end bodies with Bayer sensors, and keep developing their lens system. Their high end bodies have great haptics. However, I feel Xtrans has been a double edge sword for Fuji, especially with regards to RAW workflow and attracting users across multiple platforms. That being said, if they stick with it I would still be interested seeing where they take the technology. Where it stands however the X-Trans does not really offer and real sizable advantage over Bayer. At the end of the day I would not use any APS-C sensor past iso 1600 (3200 b&w) for anything critical, especially print.
      It makes little difference if its for low res web purposes only. Which almost most people here would present their finished work. If you like print you will not see the difference Bayer vs Trans especially at 16mp, If you like web you certainly will not see the difference. (Unless your looking at DP review comparison charts)
      A the end of the day any camera has the potential to be a serious photographic tool in the correct hands.

      3楼2014-12-24 19:22

        4楼2014-12-24 19:25