Around mid-2000, Korean hip-hop was heavilyinfluenced by the sounds and style of Korean-Americans that relocated back totheir motherland. Out of the batch, Swings stood out as the most talented, witha clear understanding of his stylistic approach. In Korea, he’s known as thekey figure who made the concept of punch lines an accepted and understoodelement of rapping. Of course, long before Swings’ arrival, many rappers appliedthe rudimentary technique in their verses, but no one did it quite like thesquiggly MC, who made punch lines his muse, living up to his self-claimed boastas the “Punch Line King.” Whereas a bulk of Korean rap concentrates on themessage, Swings made the art into a sport, outshining his peers with pure witand skills. Minus all the politics and glittery packaging, Swings’ talents areabove and beyond more than 90-percent of his peers. Including many on thislist.