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1楼2015-02-20 17:55回复

    Nolse MOB (Rhyme-A- & Minos)
    Comprise of Rhyme -A-, who’s entrenched with ’90srap nostalgia, and Minos, who’s known to capture emotional minutiae of everydaylife, this project group advocates the “I don’t give a fuck” mentality that’soften left to the wayside in Korean hip-hop. Armed withbraggadocios battle raps, the two artists complement each other’sartistry, creating a batch of thumping records that sound better than any oftheir previous work.
    组合由深具90年代怀旧说唱特色的Rhyme-A-和善于捕捉生活中细节和情感的Minos组成。他们秉着“老子懒得吊你”的心态,这种理念在韩国hip-hop往往会因为失败而被放弃。在自夸和吹牛的武装下,两位rapper在作品中表现出互补且相得益彰,创造出了前所未有的好作品好成绩。(注:这哥俩之前是soul company的)

    3楼2015-02-20 18:00

      Huckleberry P
      Huck P’s acknowledged as Korea’s most giftedfreestyle MCs. But beyond spontaneous rap discharges, P’s an active solo artistwho’s also a member of Paloalto’s Hi-Lite records. His collaborative recordingswith producer Soulfish, known as Pinodyne, renders well-conceived storytellingprojects, dismissing the now international notion that freestyle rappers aren’tcapable of creating thorough album
      Huck P是韩国公认的有天赋的freestyle MC。除了自发的说唱,P还是Paloalto的Hi-Lite厂牌下一个在活动的solo艺人。他跟Soulfish(也被称为Pinodyne)合作,在专辑中表现出精密的构思给了那些说freestyle没有创造力的人狠狠的一巴掌。

      5楼2015-02-20 18:04

        Around early 2000, Korean hip-hop landscape wasfilled with Timb-boots-stomping, boom-bap aficionados. During the height ofsuch verbal spews and neck-snapping music stood Deepflow, whose first output Vismajor, decked with chopped samples and brusquecommandments immediately caught the attention of hardcore hip-hop heads. His2011 effort HeavyDeep retained theclassic East Coast golden era sentiments while also uplifting the bravura to anevolved soundscape. Lately, Deepflow heads a crew known as Vismajor and looksto release a compilation album.
        在2000年初,韩国嘻哈圈充斥着喜欢穿着timberland靴子跺脚的疯狂表演者。Deepflow站在那些语言吐槽和neck-snapping音乐的顶端(这个不知道怎么翻译..有语言犀利的意思,也是一种rap的形式,这句的意思我都不确定,原谅我的渣英文TAT),他做出了一种有压倒性力量的音乐,作品运用剪辑样本和粗暴的命令口吻,立刻吸引了铁杆嘻哈粉和前辈的注意。2011年Heavy Deep,作品保留了东海岸黄金时期经典的情怀,并且在音界形成了一种令人振奋而且让人赞赏的大胆表演形式。最近,Deepflow带着一群Vismajor在做他们自己的有力量的音乐。

        6楼2015-02-20 18:06

          Although he is a member of Illionaire Records,unlike The Quiett and Dok2 who are now veterans, Zino’s rise is stillrelatively new. Since his debut in the late aughts, he’s been praised as Koreanhip-hop’s rising golden child, bodying every guest feature he hops on, andunleashing the widely lauded solo debut 24:26. Quickly becoming a star of his own, hishumorous storytelling abilities—stylistically reminiscent of early records fromthe Native Tongues posse—are attracting the mainstream fan base, as well asearning the respect from rap heads. Despite the similarity in the name toBoston rapper Benzino, threatening magazine writers or running hate campaignsis not part of his math.
          尽管是!1llionaire厂牌中的一员,但不像Dok2和TheQuiett那样是资深的嘻哈前辈(这里用的词是“老兵”..资深的嘻哈前辈翻译得也是蛮醉的,但我已经不知道用什么词好了..=·=)。Zino还是一颗冉冉升起的新星。在他出道的时候,他就被赞誉为韩国hiphop的具有无限潜力的黄金小孩(哈哈哈哈),在发行的solo专辑24:26中体现出了特色,之后很快成为了独具特色的rapstar。在专辑中用它独特幽默的讲故事能力,这种风格让人联想起早期的Native Tongues posse,这正是他圈饭的能力,也是得到前辈们尊重和认可的能力。尽管他的名字和波士顿的rapper Benzino过分相似,但写不写错名字误导读者就是杂志攥稿人的事了(就是数不数得清有几个e)。

          7楼2015-02-20 18:08

            Around mid-2000, Korean hip-hop was heavilyinfluenced by the sounds and style of Korean-Americans that relocated back totheir motherland. Out of the batch, Swings stood out as the most talented, witha clear understanding of his stylistic approach. In Korea, he’s known as thekey figure who made the concept of punch lines an accepted and understoodelement of rapping. Of course, long before Swings’ arrival, many rappers appliedthe rudimentary technique in their verses, but no one did it quite like thesquiggly MC, who made punch lines his muse, living up to his self-claimed boastas the “Punch Line King.” Whereas a bulk of Korean rap concentrates on themessage, Swings made the art into a sport, outshining his peers with pure witand skills. Minus all the politics and glittery packaging, Swings’ talents areabove and beyond more than 90-percent of his peers. Including many on thislist.

            8楼2015-02-20 18:09

              Supreme Team (Simon D & E-Sens)
              While they’ve both grown into nationallyrecognized celebrities—thanks to their appearances on variety shows and top-40rap singles—both Simon D and E-Sens started their careers in the underground,and were considered as the country’s top rap prospects. Even now, Simon D, whohas amassed pop star status, is still acknowledged for his sharp rap assaults,and E-Sens, thanks to his latest reflective ode “Poison,” is praised for hisstorytelling aptitude.

              10楼2015-02-20 18:14

                Dok2 & The Quiett of 1llionaire Records
                The reason these two well-established artists arebranded as a unit is because of their collective development behind thesensational rise of Illionaire Records. As a hip-hop label, IllionaireRecords—both in terms of financial wealth and influence—boast the highest levelof triumph in Korea. As their international following quickly expanded withtheir affiliation with K-Pop artist Jay Park, the clique of Dok2 and Quiett(who have both amassed prior success as solo artists) saw an immense growth intheir fan base. Their shows are sold out within 10 seconds after they go onsale, completely breaking the old notion that it’s impossible to wield successsolely off rap in Korea. In the purest sense, Dok2 and The Quiett areKorea’s first real, rap superstars. Young, rich, and getting it, is an adequatemantra for these two indie rap bosses.
                这两个成熟的艺术家合体并建立了轰动、独立的品牌1llionaireRecords。作为一个嘻哈的标签,1llionaireRecords,无论是在金融财富和影响力方面,拥有在韩国的最高水平和地位。【”Astheir…..Jay Park”这句话不想翻译..感觉有歧义…】,DOK2和Quiett的小圈子(谁都已积累了之前的成功作为solo艺术家)看到自己的fans数量巨大且迅速的在增长。他们的concert曾经创下过从开始售票到售罄只用了10秒钟的记录,这彻彻底底的打破了说唱在韩国不能成功的传统旧。年轻,富有,并且一直不停挣钱,是一个他们的口头禅,这个口头语也很适合这两个独立说唱的老板。

                12楼2015-02-20 18:18

                  13楼2015-02-20 18:21

                    Garion (MC Meta & Naachal)
                    Started as a group in the mid-1990s, Garion and Naachal are widely known as pioneers of Korean rap. Though their outputs are scarce considering their years in the game (two full-length LPs), the quality of each project attest to their talents, not their OG status. Their approach to sampling and rhyming stood out early on, for mainly flipping traditional Korean records, as well as strictly using the Korean language. Even Garion is a name derived from a mystic horse that according to legends, dwells in the holy terrains of Mount Baek Du. In 2011, for the first time as hip-hop musicians, theytook home the honor of Album of the Year at the annual Korean Music Awards.

                    18楼2015-02-21 11:20

                      Epik High (Tablo & Mithra Jin)
                      Despite some setbacks, and diluted pop records,there’s no denying this duo’s exceptional lyricism. When it’s properly focused,the sharpness in their rhymes are overwhelming. Tablo’s somber storytelling,and double entendre, combined with his partner-in-rhyme Mithra Jin’scompact—yet equally—in-depth subject matter, beg for repeated listens. Eventhough their musical edge has smoothed over to gear for mass appeal, there’s noquestioning the two MCs’ gifts as master storytellers.
                      尽管有一些挫折和一些无力的流行记录,也没有办法否认这两个人出色的抒情性(音乐和歌词)。当他们重视这件作品的时候,那这件作品可以说是具有必然压倒性的。Tablo忧郁地一语双关地讲着故事,再加上他的搭档Mithra Jin同样深邃和紧凑的韵,让人听着停不下来(感觉是在歌里面一直乞求你反复听,让你无法拒绝)。虽然他们的音乐被人吐槽过于平滑,但也没有办法不承认他们是天生的用音乐讲故事的大师。

                      19楼2015-02-21 11:35

                        23楼2015-02-21 12:20