2. Bite back (something)/ bite (something) back 想说又不能说,话到了嘴边只能咽回去。英文里bite有“咬”的意思,bite back“咬回去”,这个短语形容“欲言又止”是否很生动呢? 例:I attempted to smile sweetly while biting back angry comments. 我尽量挤出一丝讨喜的微笑,把一肚子气话都咽了下去。
4. Keep (yourself) to yourself 真正的“独孤求败”来啦!沉默寡言,对别人的事情从来不感兴趣。总之,自己的想法自己知道就好~ 例:Nobody knows much about him; he keeps himself very much to himself. 谁都不了解他,他这人很少与人来往。
6. Lost for words 有种没话说是因为不知所措。当你感到非常惊讶或困惑时,有时真的不知道该说什么好。这个短语说的就是这种情况。 例:I was so surprised to see her that I was lost for words. 见到她太意外了,我一下子不知道该说些什么了。