Loren Lott – Michael Jackson’s “I Wanna Be Where You Are” – This is a bad song choice. She’s pitchy. She screeches the high notes. She’s lacking warmth. She’s acting the words rather than feeling them. Just no. She does better with songs that call for drama. “You really made me smile. Strong vocal. Strong performance. You’re going to do really well,” says Jennifer NO JLO. Harry thinks she nudged the bar a little higher. Is he kidding? “It’s really good baby.” says Keith. Not feeling the judges on this one. She kind of loses her mind after her performance. “THIS IS THE BEST MOMENT EVER!!!!” she says, jumping up and down.
评委评语比较多就勉强翻一下吧:J-胡说八道-LO说“你给我带来笑容,过硬的vocal(Really?!),过硬的表演,你会在比赛中表现出众的。”Harry认为她将表演的标准又抬高了一点。(别放屁了 - MJ)Keith说“宝贝儿你真棒。” 不懂评委怎么想的。她表演完之后有点儿失控,上蹿下跳地说“这辈子最爽的就是这会儿!”