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【20150311】【赛后线上评论】常规赛第63场 湖人VS 活塞


【赛后线上评论】常规赛第63场 湖人VS 活塞

IP属地:美国1楼2015-03-11 13:01回复
    Jeremy got robbed!

    Hey Stu Lantz, that was a Jeremy Lin block on Tolliver, not Jordan Hill's armpit. I know, unbelievable, but true.
    Did Lin get a block shot?
    Let just say, he at least knocked the ball lose

    IP属地:美国2楼2015-03-11 13:03
      Ladies & Gents, let's give a hand to Mr. Jeremy "FT All-Day-Long" Lin!
      Bad 1st half but great aggressive attack in 2nd.
      Yea that was an ok game for Lin overall. He saved it with his fts. ;)
      I don't think the 1st half was bad, he played solid defence all-around =)
      He's not scoring so he's bad on first half per some...

      IP属地:美国3楼2015-03-11 13:06
        This is the game I was talking about. Impose his will when the set is just BS. Lin did it.
        From now on, Lin shoot just shoot 3s and FTs! =)
        That's what I wanted to see. Proud of him.
        THe good thing about it is you did not see him went rogue. He plays with BS sets and make big impacts.
        The key is to get to the line for him. He did that. Also, good he had Ed in there for the most part, Boozer and Hill tried to ruin it but Ellington stepped it up while Wes had his usual good and bad moments in the game. Lin's D was strong, really strong tonight.

        IP属地:美国4楼2015-03-11 13:08

          Piston praised Lin more than Stu Lantz entire season.
          9:48 PM - 10 Mar 2015
          Doesn't seem like Reggie Jackson is panning out. Pistons need another guard other then Jennings.
          Pistons announcers: Lin is very gritty. He may not be here with the Lakers, but there are a lot of teams he can help.
          Awesome. Lakers made a huge mistake.
          He can help 29 other teams.
          Make them
          Pistons announcers again: Jeremy Lin may not be here with the Lakers, but there are a lot of teams he can help
          Detroit announcers are high on Jeremy... "He may not be with the Lakers after this year but he sure can help a lot of teams :)
          Thanks, I got tortured with Stu on LA feed.

          IP属地:美国5楼2015-03-11 13:13

            #Lakers get the WIN! They take down Detroit, 93-85. Stick around for game analysis & more on #AccessSportsNet!
            9:50 PM - 10 Mar 2015

            IP属地:美国6楼2015-03-11 13:14
              Lakers won. Lin outscored Ellington and Clarkson.
              Lin outrebounded Jordon Hill.
              What more do U want?
              Be more aggressive - says some people
              Linsanityyyyyyy :p

              IP属地:美国7楼2015-03-11 13:18

                Jeremy Lin makes another pair of free throws as Lakers are going to win.
                Lin did well overall. He is not playing selfish and has overall good numbers. It isn't just about scoring and he really held his composure even when nothing was happening at the beginning. Good for him!
                Jeremy Lin's rebounding has been outstanding today, just made a key rebound to put Lakers up 7 w/ 2 FTs.

                Jeremy "Mr. FT" Lin made only 1 shot but scored 12 pts!
                could've been 15.. sigh
                it's okay, he's human =D
                And he's smiling.
                It could've been 2pts/20min, ya know
                Topped Clarkson with less time (barely), played D, Whoot!
                ha ha ha . "Mr. Aggressive" too.
                Something that makes you go, "how did he do that?!?!?!"

                IP属地:美国8楼2015-03-11 13:23
                  A point of clarification. The Lakers need to win and hold an opponent under 100 points for tacos. Nothing to do with offense except score more points
                  Oh I see...thanks!
                  ah, it makes sense.. thanks!
                  Oic!!! ^^
                  Crowd didn't look like very hyped tho like last time when Lin put a 3. But he hit the 100 and that's why they got tacos that time ?!. Confusing.

                  IP属地:美国9楼2015-03-11 13:44
                    Interview with Greg monroe, was asked what made the difference in the lakers win, he responded the two main guys that made the difference is Ellington and Jeremy Lin, kept penetrating paint, and making plays for team!
                    Piston's targeting Lin in FA this summer too?
                    Van Grundy likes lin. I also too think that Bigs like Lin.
                    Funny how la media will just skip right over that
                    Opposing players and coaches know what Jeremy is all about. GMs too so no need to worry about FA. Will be getting lots of offers for sure :)
                    Ed Davis is the third guy.

                    IP属地:美国10楼2015-03-11 13:46
                      Jeremy's post game interview.
                      Lin is always classy.
                      I like how he plugged the positives of the pnr.
                      I love that the smiles are back!
                      "Were you aware that #Lakers held Pistons scoreless in 1st 6 min of 2nd half?
                      Lin: Yes, coz I was watching" LOL
                      Love his humor :)
                      Dead-panned expression =) Love It!
                      Another LOL
                      Reporter: Does Knicks games mean anything to you?
                      Lin: No, it's been 3 years .. and 6 games already
                      Lin doesn't think much but he counts 3 years & 6 games already that have passed? What? LOL
                      Did Lin unintentionally let out that he's counting the number of games since Linsanity broke out?
                      I love winning. It brings out the comedian in Jeremy. lol.
                      Haha,.. I can't tell if he's being funny or he's really counting the # of games
                      We can tell the reporters LOVE interviewing him!

                      IP属地:美国11楼2015-03-11 13:50

                        @吃白兔的胡萝卜 @红茶杯rp @afa198355 @戴慧佳 @RIP64

                        IP属地:美国12楼2015-03-11 13:51

                          IP属地:美国13楼2015-03-11 14:31
                            But I really think their plan it's to go w JC for double double tonight W win but during half time something changed.... that's why Lin got to close the game.
                            Kobe stopped that action for Clarkson. Kobe knows lin won't be here next season with possibly Rondo coming. Let lin play his game and let him get a good contract because he won't be back with the Laker's next season.
                            Nice theory. Not sure why Kobe would do that. Don't think he would help Lin. Who knows.
                            Maybe Kobe wants to make sure another team gets Lin off the FA market before the Lakers FO could entertain thoughts of making Lin a modest offer. If the Lakers start having trouble attracting talent that will play for Scott and with Kobe, they might try to re-sign Lin -- regardless of what Kobe wants.
                            I think Lakers FO will make the offer to Lin but I really hope Lin will not stay...
                            I really hope Lin will not stay here w Kobe. Did you see Kobe's pregame interview? He said right now I will not play after next season but if I am healthy... smh! I really think he will not retire after 2016.
                            Looks to me that Kobe left as soon as the game ended. Didn't congratulate the players coming off the court.
                            He sure was mad about Lin could help the team won... LOL!

                            IP属地:美国14楼2015-03-11 14:43

                              IP属地:美国16楼2015-03-11 15:00