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简要来说就是,New Content
Registration procedure reworked and improved.
Comprehensive changes to the tutorial and game familiarization processes introduced.
Garage tutorial simplified and improved.
Battle with bots feature introduced.
Hints on the battle loading screen introduced.
Battle missions introduced.
“Trial by Fire” map added (works in Battle with bots mode only).
New Premium vehicles are now available in the Tech Tree to purchase with gold: Churchill III and Jagdtiger 8,8.
Balance Improvements:
Hit Points increased from 190 to 230
Panzerjäger I
Hit Points increased from 180 to 220
Vickers Medium Mk. I:
Traverse speed for Vickers Medium Mk. IA* suspension increased from 32 to 35 deg/s
Traverse speed for Jagdpanzer 38 (t) suspension decreased from 28 to 21 deg/s
Traverse speed for Jagdpanzer 38 (t) verstärkteketten suspension decreased from 30 to 23 deg/s
Dispersion on the move for A-20 mod. 1938 suspension changed from 0.2 to 0.18
Dispersion on the move for A-20 mod. 1941 suspension changed from 0.16 to 0.14
Dispersion on the move for suspension T-28 changed from 0.2 to 0.18
Dispersion on the move for Т-28А suspension changed from 0.18 to 0.15
For 76 mm KT-28 gun dispersion after firing changed from 0.6 to 0.52, dispersion during turret traverse changed from 0.18/0.16 to 0.14/0.12 (for stock/top modifications)
For 57 mm ZiS-8 gun dispersion during turret traverse changed from 0.18/0.16 to 0.12/0.1 (for stock/top modifications)
For 76 mm L-10 gun dispersion during turret traverse changed from 0.18/0.16 to 0.12/0.1 (for stock/top modifications)
For 76 mm F-32 gun reload speed changed from 9.2 to 7.9 s, dispersion during turret traverse changed from 0.18/0.16 to 0.12/0.1 (for stock/top modifications)
For 57 mm ZiS-4 gun dispersion during turret traverse changed from 0.18/0.16 to 0.12/0.1 (for stock/top modifications)
D.W. 2:
Hit Points of the stock/top modifications of the tank increased from 510/560 to 540/600
For 7,5 cm Kw.K. 37 L/24 gun dispersion decreased from 0.55 to 0.45, dispersion during turret traverse changed from 0.16/0.14 to 0.14/0.12 (for stock/top modifications), post-shot dispersion factor changed from 4 to 3.5
For 5 cm Kw.K. 39 L/60 gun dispersion decreased from 0.4 to 0.35, dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.16/0.14 to 0.12/0.08 (for stock/top modifications), after shot dispersion factor changed from 4 to 3
Pz. 38 nA:
Dispersion on the move for Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) n.A. suspension changed from 0.18 to 0.15
Dispersion on the move for Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) n.A. verstärkteketten suspension changed from 0.16 to 0.13
For 3,7 cm Kw.K. 38 (t) L/47 gun dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.16 to 0.1/0.08 (for stock/top modifications)
For 4,7 cm Kw.K. (t) L/43 gun dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.12 to 0.08
For 5 cm Kw.K. 39 L/60 gun dispersion decreased from 0.4 to 0.35, dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.12 to 0.06, aiming time decreased from 2.3 to 1.8 s, after shot dispersion factor changed from 4 to 3
VK 30.01 (H):
For 7,5 cm Kw.K. 37 L/24 gun dispersion decreased from 0.55 to 0.45, after shot dispersion factor changed from 4 to 3.5
For 5 cm Kw.K. 39 L/60 gun dispersion decreased from 0.4 to 0.35, after shot dispersion factor changed from 4 to 3
Icons restyled.
Offensive words filter updated.
Game chat entry field reworked.
x2 XP multiplier in the Garage reworked.
Vehicle burning effect reworked.
Effects of shells hitting vehicles reworked.
Amount of time between the explosion and burning of a destroyed vehicle reduced.
Crew Skill descriptions reworked and updated.
Player time zones implemented.
Bug Fixes
Bug with Google payments failure fixed.
Bug with hang-up in the battle loading window fixed.
Bug with absence of notification of the x2 XP multiplier reset fixed.
Bug with the display of ribbons in the post-battle statistics window fixed.
Bug with the camera sensitivity slider fixed.
Bug with awarding Ace Tanker Mastery Badge fixed.
Bug with Premium Account notification fixed.
Castilla map sound and animation effects fixed.
Bug with reticule functioning at the mill on the Winter Malinovka map fixed.
Bug with object hit effects fixed.
Bug with push-notifications fixed.
Bug with incorrect currency symbol displaying in the RU Premium shop fixed.
In-game notification and description texts fixed.
General game client errors and crashes fixed.

来自iPhone客户端1楼2015-04-21 22:28回复

    来自iPhone客户端2楼2015-04-21 22:30

      来自iPhone客户端3楼2015-04-21 22:30

        来自iPhone客户端6楼2015-04-21 22:32
          部分三级轻坦和四级中坦包括a20, 大青虫,38na,移动开火和转炮更稳,但是76射速削弱

          来自iPhone客户端8楼2015-04-21 22:37