More info regarding CW 2.0 更多关于领土战的消息 - Tankfreezing will continue but developers state it's possible they will revisit thefreeze time; 领土战2.0锁车依旧,时间待定
- The number of divisions available to a clanwill not depend on the amount of clanmembers but on the influence currencyearned by the clan (division are the analogues of a current token stack and arepurchased for "influence"); 军团里可用部队数量与军团里的玩家数量无关,而是和这个军团所获得影响力点数有关(部队和目前筹码类似,可用影响力点数购买
- Skill MM in CW? "Don't attack thestronger ones. Here, players are deciding for themselves in what region andwith whom to fight"; 领土战里加入技术分房(类似天梯的玩意儿)? 别去作死被大军团吊打就行了,这里,玩家能够自行决定他们去进驻哪块区域,选择和谁作战。