More info regarding CW 2.0 更多关于领土战的消息 - Tankfreezing will continue but developers state it's possible they will revisit thefreeze time; 领土战2.0锁车依旧,时间待定
- The number of divisions available to a clanwill not depend on the amount of clanmembers but on the influence currencyearned by the clan (division are the analogues of a current token stack and arepurchased for "influence"); 军团里可用部队数量与军团里的玩家数量无关,而是和这个军团所获得影响力点数有关(部队和目前筹码类似,可用影响力点数购买
- Skill MM in CW? "Don't attack thestronger ones. Here, players are deciding for themselves in what region andwith whom to fight"; 领土战里加入技术分房(类似天梯的玩意儿)? 别去作死被大军团吊打就行了,这里,玩家能够自行决定他们去进驻哪块区域,选择和谁作战。
- The alternative way of entering the map(apart from landings) will be called "auction" - in"auctions", clans will be "betting" influence on the ownedprovinces. The clan that bets the most will have the chance to play with theprovince owner, other bidders will have their influence returned. Thismechanism will apply to most provinces but there will be provinces where"auction landing" will not be possible; 另一条进入地图的方式(除了登陆)被称为“竞拍”。在竞拍中,军团可以在有主的领土上下注,竞拍点数最多者将获得与该地所属军团一决雌雄的机会。而其他竞拍者将会拿回自己的竞拍点数。该机制对大多数领地有效,有些领地是不能拍卖的
- The gameplay in CW 2.0 will change a lot -large clans will no longer be able to afford just to sit on 8-10 provinces andto not fight. On the other hand, due to the income improvement mechanism, aclan with 2-3 provinces will be able to make as much gold as current 5-7province clans. 在领土战2.0中玩法将会变很多。大军团们不会坐享8-10领地,而不用战斗,而另一方面有了收入提升机制,2-3个领地小军团也将会有原来5-7个领地的收入
following are the developer answers from the "Portraits of victory" historical events. It's not sure who exactly was answering but usually these are rather solid. 以下是开发者在“胜利肖像”历史纪念活动上回答的问题。不知道是谁回答的,但通常来说这些回答是相当靠谱的。
- New motion physics will allow tanks to reach previously unreachable places but there will still be places you can't go to for gameplay reasons in the game; 新的移动物理系统使得坦克可以驶入以前无法达到的地方,但出于游戏玩法方面的原因,还是有些地方是不让你去的。
- It's possible that the additional track links on the hull that will be added as a part of the customization upgrade will not be a part of the collision model and will be visual only; 或许将来作为个性化物品挂在车体上的备用履带不会成为碰撞模型的一部分,仅仅是个装饰。