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其实樱我也不错(ง •̀_•́)ง

IP属地:上海来自Android客户端1楼2015-07-27 22:17回复
    开篇那句被贴在镜子上的话:I don't think life is absurb. I think we are all here for a huge purpose. I think we shrink from the immensity of the purpose we are here for. 我觉得我们的生活并不可笑,我们都朝着一个伟大的目标,整部电影从这句格言开始叙述,又绕回到这句格言,生活是否荒谬,再从荒谬的生活中看生活。那张床,不敢去睡,那封信,不敢打开,那个伤口,不敢触碰,那些事,不敢面对,人的离去,不敢正视,对过去无法遗忘却又受到了深深的伤害,不停地去逃避。Shrink意为退缩,也有心理医生的意思,将心理医生和退缩联系在一起,正是Dr.Carter在逃避生活,无论是Carter 还是那个黑人女孩,他们都受到了失去至亲的痛苦,无法自拔,只是在用吸大麻和逃课来拒绝接受事实,拒绝承受这一切的伤痛。
    印象最深的是影片中时常出现Dr. Carter吸大麻的一幕,每次看见他独自吸大麻的身影就不由地心中一抽,他在用毒品来封闭自己的内心,缓解自己失去妻子的伤痛,一个被众人视为神圣的人,每天独自默默的吸大麻拜托妻子离世带来的阴霾和不安,很多时候,我们感觉自己被淹没在水底,只有你自己才懂得那种难受,不是不想诉说,而是无法诉说,不是不想面对,而是无法面对,不是不想流泪,而是无法流泪,太多太多的逼不得已,太多太多的无能为力,我们只能看着自己一步步地沦陷,被伤痛吞噬,你只能看着自己被淹没,唯一能做的却是用大麻来平复自己的内心。影片以Carte刮胡子为开头,他误拿了妻子的东西更引发的创伤,在影片后半部分也有人去询问Carter要不要刮掉他的胡子,他最终都选择了保留,因为他还放不下过去,忘不了妻子的自杀,自己作为一名心理医生,却没有及时救治自己的妻子,其次,那只时常依偎在他身边的那只狗,睡觉也抱着它,似乎狗成了妻子的一个影子,他将对妻子的怀念和抱歉都寄托在了这只小狗的身上。
    令人欣慰的是,导演赋予了电影一个好的结局,严重强迫症的经纪人开始变得亲近了,作家成功了,Jack开始不再为自己找借口了Carter 医生将大麻全部丢了,不再睡在沙发上,不再只是用忧郁的眼神看着那张双人床,而是走向那个双人床,正表明了他开始正视那些伤痛,正视自己的内心,接下来可能就是刮掉自己的胡子了吧,全篇都以昏暗的冷色调,病怏怏为基调,在最后那久违的阳光出现了,天空从黑乎乎的变得明亮,人心中的阴暗相信也随之有所消弭了了吧。
    每个人都会有自己的迷途,在里面迷失方向,越陷越深,我们可能会淹没在这种令人窒息的环境中,无人理解和分享的情绪,如同一团杂乱的线球,无可奈何的交错着,甚至越理越乱,一点点渗透直至身心疲惫,Carter作为一名心理医生,治愈了许多患者,却唯独治愈不了自己,因而 成为了病的最重的那个人,心理上的空虚和梦想上的空洞,,无法自拔,更多人选择去逃避,然而,只有面对,才会是最好的解决方法,我们都要有勇气捡起我们遗落在地上的碎片。

    IP属地:上海来自Android客户端3楼2015-12-08 13:28
      Pacific Islands, 1849Edit
      Adam Ewing, an American lawyer, has come to the Chatham Islands to conclude a business arrangement with Reverend Horrox and his father-in-law. While in Horrox's plantation, he witnesses the whipping of a Moriori slave, Autua, who later stows away on the ship. Autua confronts Ewing and convinces him to advocate for Autua to join the crew as a free man. Dr Henry Goose slowly poisons Ewing, claiming it to be the cure for a parasitic worm, to steal Ewing's valuables. As Goose administers the fatal dose, Autua saves Ewing. Returning to the United States, Ewing and his wife Tilda denounce her father's complicity in slavery and leave to join the abolition movement.

      IP属地:上海来自Android客户端4楼2015-12-25 20:28
        Cambridge/Edinburgh, 1936Edit
        Robert Frobisher, an English composer, finds work as an amanuensis to aging composer Vyvyan Ayrs, allowing Frobisher the time and inspiration to compose his own masterpiece, "The Cloud Atlas Sextet." Frobisher begins reading Ewing's journal, which he has found among the books at Ayrs's mansion. Ayrs demands credit for "The Cloud Atlas Sextet" and threatens to expose Frobisher's scandalous background if he refuses. Frobisher accidentally shoots Ayrs and flees to a hotel, where he uses the name Ewing. He finishes "The Cloud Atlas Sextet" and commits suicide just before his lover Rufus Sixsmith arrives.

        IP属地:上海来自Android客户端5楼2015-12-25 20:29
          San Francisco, 1973Edit
          Journalist Luisa Rey meets an older Rufus Sixsmith, now a nuclear physicist. Sixsmith tips off Rey to a conspiracy regarding the safety of a new nuclear reactor run by Lloyd Hooks, but is killed by Hooks's hitman, Bill Smoke, before he can give her a report that proves it. Rey finds Frobisher's letters to Sixsmith and tracks down a vinyl recording of Frobisher's "The Cloud Atlas Sextet." Isaac Sachs, another scientist at the power plant, passes her a copy of Sixsmith's report. Smoke kills Sachs by blowing up his plane, and runs Rey's car off a bridge. She escapes but the report is destroyed. With help from the plant's head of security, Joe Napier, Rey evades another attempt on her life, which results in Smoke's death. With another copy of the report she exposes the plot to use a nuclear accident for the benefit of oil companies.

          IP属地:上海来自Android客户端6楼2015-12-25 20:30
            London, 2012Edit
            65-year-old publisher Timothy Cavendish reaps a windfall when Dermot Hoggins, the gangster author of Knuckle Sandwich, murders a critic who gave the novel a harsh review. This allows the book to sell successfully shortly afterwards. When Hoggins's brothers threaten Cavendish's life for Hoggins's share of the profits, Cavendish asks for help from his wealthy brother, Denholme, who tells him to hide at Aurora House. On the way there, Cavendish reads a manuscript of a novel based on Luisa Rey's story, and recalls a relationship he had with a woman named Ursula. He visits the house where she lived with her parents and discovers that she still lives there. Believing Aurora House is a hotel, Timothy signs papers "voluntarily" committing himself; in fact, Aurora House is a nursing home (in Ayrs's old mansion). Denholme reveals to Timothy that he sent him there as revenge for Timothy's affair with Denholme's wife Georgette. The head nurse, Noakes, is abusive, and contact with the outside world is denied. Cavendish escapes with three other residents. He resumes his relationship with Ursula and writes a screenplay of his experience.

            IP属地:上海来自Android客户端7楼2015-12-25 20:30
              Neo Seoul, 2144Edit
              Sonmi~451 is a "fabricant", a human cloned for slave labour, living as a server at a fast food restaurant in a dystopian South Korea. She was exposed to ideas of rebellion by another fabricant and friend, Yoona~939. After witnessing Yoona being killed for rebelling, Sonmi is rescued from captivity by Commander Hae-Joo Chang, a rebel, who exposes Sonmi to the larger world, including the banned writings of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and a film version of Timothy Cavendish's "ghastly ordeal". They are found and Sonmi is captured. Hae-Joo rescues her, introduces her to the leader of the rebel movement, and shows her that clones are not freed at the end of their contract but are killed and recycled into food for other clones. Sonmi makes a public broadcast of her story and manifesto. The authorities intervene to halt the broadcast; Hae-Joo is killed in the firefight and Sonmi is again captured. After recounting her story to an archivist, she is executed.

              IP属地:上海来自Android客户端8楼2015-12-25 20:31
                Big Isle (Hawaii), 106 winters after the Fall (2321)Edit
                Zachry Bailey lives in a primitive post-apocalyptic society called the Valley on the Big Island of Hawaii.[13] The Valley tribesmen worship Sonmi-451; their sacred text is taken from the broadcast of her manifesto. Zachry is plagued by visions of a demonic figure called Old Georgie, who urges him to give in to his fears. Zachry, his brother-in-law Adam, and his nephew are attacked by the cannibalistic Kona tribe. Zachry runs into hiding and his companions are murdered. His village is visited by Meronym, a member of the Prescients, an advanced society using the last remnants of high technology. Meronym's mission is to find a remote communication station on Mauna Sol and send a message to Earth's off-world colonies. Catkin, Zachry's niece, falls sick, and in exchange for saving her Zachry agrees to guide Meronym to the station, where Meronym reveals the true story of Sonmi-451. Returning, Zachry finds his tribe slaughtered by the Kona. He kills the sleeping Kona chief and rescues Catkin, and Meronym saves them both from the returning Kona. Zachry and Catkin join Meronym and the Prescients as their ship leaves Big Island. On an extraterrestrial Earth colony, Zachry recounts stories to his grandchildren.

                IP属地:上海来自Android客户端9楼2015-12-25 20:31