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【病娇模拟器】9月1日 学校气氛更新


作者的logo镇楼 原作者blog: https://yanderedev.wordpress.com

IP属地:美国1楼2015-09-07 01:09回复

    IP属地:美国2楼2015-09-07 01:10
      Added a “Choose Uniform” interface to the “Customize Senpai” screen. The player can now choose what uniform the school’s students will wear.
      There are now 5 uniforms available for male students.
      There are now 5 uniforms available for female students.
      It is possible to apply custom textures to all 5 of Yandere-chan’s possible school uniforms.
      The process for applying custom textures to Yandere-chan has changed slightly. There will no longer be a “CustomArms.png” and Yandere-chan’s arm texture will now come from “CustomUniform.png”. I apologize for any custom textures that break because of this!
      It was only possible to add new uniforms to the game because of a tremendous amount of assistance from Saracen!

      IP属地:美国4楼2015-09-07 01:11
        - 如果有学生突然人间蒸发(当然是被你杀了或者是绑架了),学校气氛将会微微变得沉重
        - 如果有人发现了同学的尸体,学校气氛会明显的变沉重
        - 学校气氛变得沉重会导致学校本身变得黑暗、BGM将会变得鬼畜,感谢Henry Rofkar提供BGM(https://soundcloud.com/onlywednesdaymusic
        - 学校气氛变得沉重以后,学生会的更加疑神疑鬼(不这样才怪呢~
        - 疑神疑鬼的学生将会反应更快、并且他们的动作会变得像监控摄像头(左顾右盼),当然会增加女主杀人的难度
        - 学校气氛下降到一定程度的时候,你的危险行为将会引起更多警觉
        - 现在如果你在光天化日之下杀人,学生将会尖叫,并且尖叫将会引来其他人的注意~
        - 学校气氛不对劲的时候,人们会隔着更远的距离注意到有人尖叫
        - 日历界面的”情绪“专栏将会开始反应学校的气氛,并且会因为学校气氛而改变样子哟~
        School Atmosphere
        If a student stops coming to school (because they were killed or kidnapped), School Atmosphere will drop slightly.
        If a corpse is discovered, School Atmosphere will drop significantly.
        As School Atmosphere drops, the school becomes darker and less colorful.
        As School Atmosphere drops, the game’s background music changes to suit the mood of the school. These new music tracks were composed byHenry Rofkar of Only Wednesday Music!
        As School Atmosphere drops, students will become more paranoid.
        A paranoid student can notice dangerous behavior from a farther distance.
        A paranoid student becomes alarmed faster than a normal student.
        A paranoid student’s idle animation is similar to the movement of a security camera (looking left and right) increasing the chance that Yandere-chan will be spotted by them.
        As School Atmosphere Drops, Yandere-chan will lose more reputation points from dangerous behavior (carrying weapons, looking bloody, acting psychotic).
        Now, when a student is murdered, they will scream. If a student hears a scream, they will react by turning in the direction of the scream.
        As School Atmosphere drops, students will react to screams from longer distances.
        The “mood” of the Calendar Screen changes to reflect the current level of School Atmosphere, and displays a number and a graphic that relates to the current School Atmosphere level.

        IP属地:美国5楼2015-09-07 01:11
          - Fixed bug that would allow Yandere-chan to clip into the bathtub in the shower room by running towards the purple haired girl while she was bathing (I think).
          - Fixed bug that would cause objects to grow larger and larger in size every time they were picked up and dropped by Slender-chan or DK-chan.
          - Fixed bug that would cause Yandere-chan’s textures to get screwed up if Easter Eggs were activated while she was nude.
          - Fixed bug that was preventing outlines from appearing on male students’ heads in Yandere Vision.

          IP属地:美国7楼2015-09-07 01:12

            IP属地:美国来自iPhone客户端9楼2015-09-07 03:20
              百度云链接已经放在2楼了,@冯勒布 你整理一下发资源库吧~

              IP属地:美国来自iPhone客户端22楼2015-09-08 10:09