顺便解释一下我为什么如此激动的嚷嚷着我要做Shaun的妈咪...免得又有匿名的人来找茬,影响我们小马吧的环境...god.. im so boring haha...
这个是因为我看到了Mrs Haugh的一段发言,然后羡慕感由然而生
是一个粉丝问的关于Shaun Haugh名字读音的问题,我整理了一下分散的段落,等下,那个我们吧里的年龄都不需要翻译了吧?那偶就不翻了哦,大致是这样的
Out of curiosity, how is "Haugh" pronounced? Is it like "haw" or "hawf" or ... as he's American, maybe a little more like "hahf"? hehe, I've been wondering for a while now.
The correct pronunciation is "haw"
Thank you for the answer! Mrs Haugh.
you must be so proud of him! i wish i could have a lovely boy as yours some day.
now i wonder what are Shaun's bros look like?
btw, i thought Shawna is girl's name
I have 3 boys. Shaun is my middle son. It is pronounced Shawn. That is how I wanted to spell it, but was told that was a girl's name. Thus we went Shaun.
This is silly but I'm curious about how Mrs. Haugh look like.
Does Shaun look more like his father or mother?