It's time to move on...
Here is a long long story. Do u really wanna listen?
Once upon a time. There was a little girl. By keeping her heart protected she’d never ever feel rejected. But one day, she found someone special, he is not so perfect but she liked him. No why, just like. She started to notice that boy, every movement every words. She felt so happy to see him passes by; to talk with him. There is a long time, the girl thought they were mean together cos god helped her so much, there are too many coincidences, too many chances. But later the girl found herself was so childish. The boy didn’t even notice her. She is just a drop of water in the ocean. No matter how hard she tried, she is still a normal girl… At first, the girl didn’t wanna give up. She tried and tried. She did everything she can to help the boy (though he might never know). Later, she find all the stuff she has done is useless. He didn’t see in her.
She was so sad, like the song she loved, she aint got much to offer but her heart and soul and that is still not enough for him to notice her. You dont know how it feels to be so in love with someone who doesnt even know.
Now the girl is despairing, but she still has faith. She will go to uni, have a bright future. Without that boy she still can move on. She is gonna miss him like a child misses their blanket. But she’s gotta get a move on with her life. It's time to be a big girl now. And big girls don't cry. She will be strong, she is not a little girl anymore. She will go in her life with her favourite songs, alone, but not lonely, cos she still has a lot of people who love her.
The path that I'm walking, I must go alone.
I must take the baby steps til I'm full grown.
Fairy tales don't always have a happy ending, do they?
Thx god, thank u ever helped me, thank u give me such a nice memory. It’s time to go~ cya my X ~
PS: at first I wanna say “gotta hell” but, now I will say “best regards, my FRIEND”……