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来自Android客户端1楼2016-01-28 02:08回复

    来自Android客户端2楼2016-01-28 02:08
      0.14.0 Build 2
      Very quickly after the beta release, we have a build 2 for you. To answer some common questions:
      There will be no Ender Pearls in 0.14.0 - it was entered into a chengelog unintentionally. Sorry!
      Some tweaks and bug fixes were implemented so feel free to test those out and see if everything is working as it should. And as always - have fun.
      Destroy particles for Item Frames.
      Zombies drop a head when killed by Charged Creepers.
      Moved the drag progress bar from under your finger in Dropper, Hopper and Dispenser menus.
      Bug Fixes:
      Item Frames don't disappear or corrupt when suspending the app.
      Leather armor remains tinted when placed in an Item Frames.
      TNT Minecarts don't explode anymore after reloading the world.
      Fixed a crash caused by placing detector rails.
      Anvils don't require XP in creative anymore.
      Cauldron potion particles aren't black anymore.
      Pumpkin Helmet overlays don't mess up anymore when changing UI scale.
      Fixed a potential crash on quit.
      Items aren't duplicated anymore when thrown in a portal.
      Anvil, Furnace and Enchantment Table don't duplicate items anymore.
      Fixed lighting of Item Frames.
      Destroying an Item Frame doesn't destroy the block behind it anymore.
      Can now remove an item in an Item Frame without destroying it (still broken in Survival).
      Mob heads are now less weird while riding boats.
      Witches' forehead is now normal.
      Eggs now correctly break when thrown on half slabs.
      Pixels are more orderly on Zombie Villager's legs.
      Charged Creepers overlay now animates.
      Missing pixels from the Leather Armor are now back.

      来自Android客户端4楼2016-01-28 02:09
        0.14.0建立2非常快的测试版发布后,我们有一个建立2为您。回答一些常见的问题:就在0.14.0 -不安德珍珠是进入了一个chengelog无意。对不起一些调整和bug修复了所以觉得免费测试看看是否一切工作应该。和一如既往的乐趣。调整:破坏粒子的项目框架。僵尸掉落头时,被指控的爬行动物。感动从你的手指拖动进度条滴管下料斗和分配器的菜单。错误修正:项目框架不消失或损坏时暂停应用程序。在一个项目框架中放置时,皮革装甲仍然是有色的。TNT矿车不爆炸了重装后的世界。修正了由放置探测器轨道引起的碰撞。砧不需要XP创造了。大锅药剂颗粒不黑了。南瓜帽覆盖,不要弄乱了改变UI尺度时。修正了一个退出的潜在崩溃。当被扔进一个入口的时候,物品不会被复制了。砧,炉和迷人的表不重复的项目了。固定照明的项目框架。摧毁一个项目框架不会破坏它背后的块。现在可以删除一个项目框架中的一个项目,而不破坏它(仍然打破生存)。怪物的头是现在不那么奇怪,而乘坐快艇。女巫的前额现在是正常的。鸡蛋现在正确地打破扔在半块。像素更为有序的僵尸村民的腿。带电的攀缘植物覆盖现在的动画。丢失的像素从皮革盔甲现在回来。(机翻你咬我

        来自Android客户端7楼2016-01-28 02:12

          来自Android客户端14楼2016-01-28 02:26
            wtf现在google store还没上架

            来自Android客户端20楼2016-01-28 03:17

              来自Android客户端21楼2016-01-28 03:51