Planning 10 (4 credits)
a Language Arts 10 (4 credits)
a Language Arts 11 (4 credits)
a Language Arts 12 (4 credits)
a Mathematics 10 (4 credits)
a Mathematics 11 or 12 (4 credits)
a Fine Arts and/or Applied Skills 10, 11 or 12 (4 credits)
a Social Studies 10 (4 credits)
a Social Studies 11 or 12 (4 credits)
a Science 10 (4 credits)
a Science 11 or 12 (4 credits)
Physical Education 10 (4 credits)
在Planning 10 的课程中,学生会学到如何定位将来的专业以及职业发展方向,到11年级和12年级的时候,可以选修自己感兴趣领域的课程,具体课程如下:
Business and Applied Business
Fine Arts, Design, and Media
Fitness and Recreation
Health and Human Services
Liberal Arts and Humanities
Science and Applied Science
Tourism, Hospitality, and Foods
Trades and Technology
学生如果想顺利毕业获得毕业文凭,必须参加省考,通过Grade 10 Language Arts, Grade 10 Science,Grade 10 Mathematics,Grade 11 or 12 Social Studies,Grade 12 Language Arts的考试。其中Grade 12 Language Arts成绩占最终成绩的40%,其他科目占20%。
学生修完高中课程,通过省考,获得80学分后获得高中毕业证书-Dogwood Diploma。毕业过渡课程中包含每周150分体育活动以及30小时工作经验或社区服务。如果学生超过19周岁未能毕业,需要转到成人高中继续修习学分,修满即可毕业获得成人高中毕业证书。获得该证书也可以直接申请大学,和普通高中毕业证书具有同等效力。
Planning 10 (4 credits)
a Language Arts 10 (4 credits)
a Language Arts 11 (4 credits)
a Language Arts 12 (4 credits)
a Mathematics 10 (4 credits)
a Mathematics 11 or 12 (4 credits)
a Fine Arts and/or Applied Skills 10, 11 or 12 (4 credits)
a Social Studies 10 (4 credits)
a Social Studies 11 or 12 (4 credits)
a Science 10 (4 credits)
a Science 11 or 12 (4 credits)
Physical Education 10 (4 credits)
在Planning 10 的课程中,学生会学到如何定位将来的专业以及职业发展方向,到11年级和12年级的时候,可以选修自己感兴趣领域的课程,具体课程如下:
Business and Applied Business
Fine Arts, Design, and Media
Fitness and Recreation
Health and Human Services
Liberal Arts and Humanities
Science and Applied Science
Tourism, Hospitality, and Foods
Trades and Technology
学生如果想顺利毕业获得毕业文凭,必须参加省考,通过Grade 10 Language Arts, Grade 10 Science,Grade 10 Mathematics,Grade 11 or 12 Social Studies,Grade 12 Language Arts的考试。其中Grade 12 Language Arts成绩占最终成绩的40%,其他科目占20%。
学生修完高中课程,通过省考,获得80学分后获得高中毕业证书-Dogwood Diploma。毕业过渡课程中包含每周150分体育活动以及30小时工作经验或社区服务。如果学生超过19周岁未能毕业,需要转到成人高中继续修习学分,修满即可毕业获得成人高中毕业证书。获得该证书也可以直接申请大学,和普通高中毕业证书具有同等效力。