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来自iPhone客户端1楼2016-02-18 20:56回复
    Because of the mechanical fault of the plane,Saint-exupery was forced to land in the middle desert of the desert. At first, he felt lonely and helpless, because as if he was only one person on the entire desert.
    It seems to give a good explanation to lonely: lonely is the time when a person stay with himself alone and feel helpless. But before the rose grew up on his planet ,the little prince never felt lonely even if he lived on his planet by himself. He cleaned up the planet, dredged the volcanos, and pulled out the monkey bread tree seeds every day so that his life was insipid and sureness. It is obviously that a person live alone is not equal to feel lonely. When Saint-exupery first land to the desert and felt lonely and helpless, the little prince did the same feeling like him while wandering alone on the earth. So they help each other. Saint-exupery drew a sheep with a painted mask to the little prince, and the arrival of the little prince let saint-exupery find long-lost childishness. They found the deep hidden wells in the desert together and spent time with each other during the difficult period. But the little prince's missing of the rose growing increasingly in his lonely heart so that he finally willing to choose the way of death to back to his planet earlier. So someone being help care can also feel lonely. Or missing may can make a person feel lonely more. The little prince tamed the fox and they become the best friends. But finally he left his unique foxes. He will miss the unique fox, but the little prince never felt lonely when missing the fox. Is how many you have the cause of the lonely? The king and businessmen have rights and “all the stars all over the world,” but they still feel lonely when staying in his own world for a long time. The little prince said to the pilot: “since I live in a star in the sky, and I laugh in one of the stars , this is like all the stars are smiling to you and you will in procession of countless smiling stars.” But the pilot will be sad when looking at the stars after the little prince leaving him. Maybe love can leave a person feel lonely, but when the little prince decided to go back to b612 where his roses grew up on his heart must not be lonely any more. Is it was the time that the little prince loved his rose? So lonely is really a hard thing to define. The difficult of defining lonely is characteristic of loneliness. When people staying alone, they will start to reflect on their life and things around, and calm down to think about life. the fox said to the little prince before he leaving , “this is my secret and it is simple: what is essential is invisible to the eyes. ” The little prince's lonely always exudes a quietly attractive temperament, quiet and sad. Loneliness makes people different and lonely is the closest to god.
    Loneliness is not the patent of genius, everyone has lonely hearts.
    Loneliness is a person's character when he born.

    来自iPhone客户端2楼2016-03-23 06:49
      Lonely identification is not on the surface that measured by whether a house built beautiful or not. It is a kind of inner inexplicable satisfy. This content is short and precious.
      When someone's loneliness recognized by others he will feel happy and full of sense of security, and the loneliness will never disappear but just temporarily hide. The reason why we like the little prince is because this book can always let our hearts find eternal companion when we seeking solitude identity to our lonely's largest identity.

      来自iPhone客户端3楼2016-03-23 10:17
        For the king, the world is very simple, all people are his subjects.
        In fact, except a mouse living with him in the planet,there is no other people there. Before the little prince came to him, the king is really a lonely person. He tried to show the little prince his country administration containing at least three aspects: the content of the authority, the rule of law and diplomacy. The king's understanding of authority “is to let everyone do what they can do, and the authority must first established on the basis of reasonability.” “If you ordered your people to jump into the sea, then they will revolt. The reason why I have the right to make people obey is set up on my basis of reasonable orders.” Authority also has to issued “when the conditions are ripe”. So although the king indulged in authority but not abuse of authority, he is, to a certain extent, an enlightened monarch.
        In order to retain his only subjects--the little prince, the king appointed him as minister of justice. Face with the condition of no one judged the little prince was puzzled, and the king said that “Judging oneself is harder than judge others. If you can judge yourself, you are a real wise man.” The little prince had no yet known what is the meaning of “trial”, and not all adults like king could grasp the value and significance of “trial”. But the king told the little prince that he can judge the only rat here such as gave him an judgement of the death penalty. However, after each judgement the rat would have power to be forgiven. By this token, the king showed us his oppression, hypocrisy and moody heart, so all his previous “reasonable” are just a beautiful mask. Or it is that the authority is the poor mice sentenced to death, and the king made him known this beautiful coat of forgiven.
        And the little prince was not willing to give mice death penalty because he was afraid of death, what's more, was naturally immured the authority.
        The authority of the king only worked when he appointed the little prince who was naive and refusing to obey his orders to be his ambassador. This can also be an accident. It was also strange to the little prince that the king may just provides himself a lower steps about his authority failure .

        来自iPhone客户端4楼2016-03-23 10:18
          In the story, in order to explore the true meaning of love and seek inner security the little prince began his wandering with the heart of yearning outside world from the bad feeling lossing from the rose loved on his own planet. In six planet where the little prince strayed lived strange men and they are: The king addicted in power, the painter praised with greedy vanity, A drunkard addicted to alcohol and spent all day in alcohol, representing all inner weakness escape from the reality. The businessman used all his energy to calculate the star in order to know the worth of the money is symbol of those people who were so blind passion with money; Author had already described his painting drew in his childhood about a boa constrictors eating an elephant but adults thought it was a hat in the first chapter of the book , “the adults don't allow me to draw snake whether its belly open or not. They order me to pay attention on geography, history, arithmetic and grammar. So I gave up painter's glorious career at the age of six .”
          Besides, the way of people watching things also concentrate on what they can understand, such as bridge, golf, politics and so on. The adults were very satisfied that they thought they met a reasonable, considerate person who is in procession of many beautiful and expensive houses. We want to know why people feel lonely, do people feel lonely since born? The king addicted in power, the painter praised with greedy vanity, A drunkard addicted to alcohol and spent all day in alcohol, representing all inner weakness escape from the reality. The businessman used all his energy to calculate the star in order to know the worth of the money is symbol of those people who were so blind passion with money. Identification is not to say that people are not lonely when alone, when a person's lonely being approved when he also will be lonely.

          来自iPhone客户端5楼2016-03-23 10:22