使命召唤吧 关注:1,163,059贴子:26,564,911
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IP属地:日本1楼2016-03-19 23:39回复
    Donnie "Ruin" Walsh
    +++Decrypt Success
    Analytics: D.E.A.D, AP, Battery, Ruin
    Tags: NULL
    Header Ends+++
    "Ruin: You think that's impressive? There was this one time when me and Baker...
    Battery: Not this again, come on Walsh.
    Ruin: What, you want to tell it?
    Battery: Nah, the way you do, it gets better every time
    Ruin: Right? Anyway, so there was this one time...
    Battery: He's full of it though, keep that in mind
    Ruin: It was bad, no idea who authorised the attack, but it was an utter Charlie Foxtrot. Intel had told us the area was clear and our target was two klicks ahead, so we moved out. Encountered a couple of patrols on the way, no biggie, we had that covered, then we got a call over the comms...
    Battery: D.E.A.D. systems were down
    Ruin: Right, We looked at each other and realised we had 30 seconds before incoming AP turned us into mist, so we hustled quick...
    Battery: Bah-ah-ah-ah-ah, Anti-Personnel was the least of our problems, enemies were raiding major reinforcements behind us."
    — Ruin, with Battery

    IP属地:日本2楼2016-03-19 23:39
      Alessandra "Outrider" Castillo
      +++Decrypt Success
      Analytics: Favela de Rochinha, Gang Activity
      Tags: NULL
      Header Ends +++
      "Growing up on the streets of Favela de Rochinha in the 40's was no joke, gang violence everywhere, children killing each other over the corners they sold drugs on. Among the street kids, 22 was considered old age, most didn't make it that far. Me, I got lucky. I spotted that the gangs kept clear of an international mission that supplied food and medicine to the local residents, I used to hang out nearby, staying out of trouble, they noticed me, and soon I was helping out, guiding them through the streets to make deliveries. They took me in and gave me a pretty good education, gave me the chance to make something of myself. Without them, damn, I doubt I would've seen my 18th birthday."— Outrider's voice log about her life in the Favela

      IP属地:日本3楼2016-03-19 23:40
        He "Seraph" Zhen-Zhen
        +++ Decrypt Success
        Analytics: Quarantine Zone, 54I, Bribe
        Tags: Father, Enforcer, Duty
        Header Ends +++
        "I was 14 years old when my father told me we were moving into the Quarantine Zone. I was helped into the back of an APC, and watched the internal screens closely as we rode across Singapore. The Quarantine Zone gates were opened by guards the 54I had bribed. I won't ever forget my first view of our new home. It was a warzone. Desolate, trash and wreckage everywhere, there was still the remains of bodies lying around. I almost complained, but was silenced by a single glance from my father. He was an enforcer--one of the few who kept the combine in check. There could be no public dissent. If I were to follow in his footsteps, I would have to play my role. We had to set the example of what was expected."— Seraph talking about her upbringing when moving into the Quarantine Zone

        IP属地:日本7楼2016-03-19 23:42
          Experimental War Robot-115 "Reaper"
          +++Decrypt Success
          Analytics: DNI, Safety Protocols
          Tags: System Modification
          Header Ends+++
          "David "Prophet" Wilkes: Initiating access now, not gonna fry my DNI systems or anything?EWR-115 "Reaper": Negative, Ident. Prophet, Code level access granted, active firewalls disengaged"Prophet": Alright mate, lets see if we can't get rid of those safety protocols, interesting, same basic file structure as a... GI Unit. So behavioural limitations should be....yeah, there we go..."Reaper": WARNING, Safety systems offline."Prophet": Easy tiger, file history on your core system is insane, file revs 646, 000. Who's making those revisions?"Reaper": This unit."Prophet": Wait...what are you...you're saying this is recursive self improvement?"Reaper": Confirm, 645,624 revisions, this unit.''"— Prophet and Reaper while disabling security protocols

          IP属地:日本8楼2016-03-19 23:42
            wiki上缺失的有battery,prophet,nomad和specture。其中我只解全了nomad和specture的... 其他由于我没转过生很多听不到,只能依靠广大吧友了。

            IP属地:日本11楼2016-03-19 23:50