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千年醉 英文歌词翻译


Millennial Stupor
千载前月下商丘 铜绿化作你眼眸
Millennia ago - moon lights Shangqiu, Verdigris turn to your eyes.
碎玉打散巫觋离愁 黄沙湮没心上秋
Fragments scatter shaman's sadness; Sands cover a solemn heart.
千载后落叶长安 渭水流经你耳畔
Millennia past - leaves on Changan, Wei waters pass through your ears.
终南山无语音书断 三彩釉浸染了向晚
Mt. Zhongnan's silent; words have stopped. Sancai glaze fills impending night.
每次轮回都是唯一 长卷只书这世记忆
All rebirths-a singularity; scrolls remember of only this life.
往三生石路已迷 独留那伊人在往昔
On memory stone path, straying, leaving the beloved to proceed.
上一辈子都是秘密 记在故事里的拾遗
All of past life is a mystery, lost pieces in the old stories.
你圈点字句意义 没发现新人在叹息
You annotate the words' meaning, not noticing sighes your spouse heaves.
千载前月下商丘 铜绿化作你眼眸
Millennia ago - moon lights Shangqiu, Verdigris turn to your eyes.
碎玉打散巫觋离愁 黄沙湮没心上秋
Fragments scatter shaman's sadness; Sands cover a solemn heart.
千载后落叶长安 渭水流经你耳畔
Millennia past - leaves on Changan, Wei waters pass through your ears.
终南山无语音书断 三彩釉浸染了向晚
Mt. Zhongnan's silent; words have stopped. Sancai glaze fills impending night.
每次轮回都是唯一 长卷只书这世记忆
All rebirths-a singularity; scrolls remember of only this life.
往三生石路已迷 独留那伊人在往昔
On memory stone path, straying, leaving the beloved to proceed.
上一辈子都是秘密 记在故事里的拾遗
All of past life is a mystery, lost pieces in the old stories.
你圈点字句意义 没发现新人在叹息
You annotate the words' meaning, not noticing sighes your spouse heaves.
爱 不是唯一 是相依
Love-not one and only, is belief.
销魂当此际 烛火轻轻地吹熄
Missing the ecstasy, candles are blown out softly.
爱 不是秘密 是猜谜
Love-not mystique, is quandary.
无计相回避 答案继续寻觅
No separate paths to weave; the answers you still seek.
每段修行都是流年 几岁得深院共枕眠
The trial we face may be fleeting, earning a shared tranquil moment.
靠着上一人的肩 已在修这一人的缘
On your shoulder I can stand, fulfilling destiny that we began.
所见即使断井颓垣 也不过是沧海桑田
Witnessing the ravaged and the ruined, those thing that no doubt time shall amend.
庄周提醒着时间 且水墨将九州都画遍
Dreamlike trance cloud consequence; painting across all of the nine lands.

IP属地:美国1楼2016-04-13 00:13回复

    IP属地:安徽2楼2016-04-13 00:45

      IP属地:山东来自Android客户端5楼2016-04-13 07:39

        IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端6楼2016-04-13 08:25
          Verdigris -> verdigris
          glaze fill -> glaze fills
          You annotate -> Annotate
          memory stone -> Three Lives' Stone
          not mystique -> not of mystique
          trance cloud consequence -> trance clouds consequence

          IP属地:美国7楼2016-04-14 05:11
            Millennial Stupor
            千载前月下商丘 铜绿化作你眼眸
            Millennia yore - moon lights Shangqiu, verdigris turn to your eyes.
            碎玉打散巫觋离愁 黄沙湮没心上秋
            Fragments scatter shaman's sadness; Sands cover a solemn heart.
            千载后落叶长安 渭水流经你耳畔
            Millennia past - leaves on Chang'an, Wei waters pass through your ears.
            终南山无语音书断 三彩釉浸染了向晚
            Mt. Zhongnan's silent; words have stopped. Sancai glaze fills impending night.
            每次轮回都是唯一 长卷只书这世记忆
            All rebirths-a singularity; scrolls record of only this life.
            往三生石路已迷 独留那伊人在往昔
            On Three Lives' Stone path, straying; leave the beloved to proceed.
            上一辈子都是秘密 记在故事里的拾遗
            All of past life is a mystery-lost pieces in the old stories.
            你圈点字句意义 没发现新人在叹息
            Annotate the words' meaning, not noticing sighes your spouse heaves.
            千载后落叶长安 渭水流经你耳畔
            Millennia past - leaves on Chang'an, Wei waters pass through your ears.
            终南山无语音书断 三彩釉浸染了向晚
            Mt. Zhongnan's silent; words have stopped. Sancai glaze fills impending night.
            每次轮回都是唯一 长卷只书这世记忆
            All rebirths-a singularity; scrolls record of only this life.
            往三生石路已迷 独留那伊人在往昔
            On Three Lives' Stone path, straying; leave the beloved to proceed.
            上一辈子都是秘密 记在故事里的拾遗
            All of past life is a mystery-lost pieces in the old stories.
            你圈点字句意义 没发现新人在叹息
            Annotate the words' meaning, not noticing sighes your spouse heaves.
            爱 不是唯一 是相依
            Love-not one and only, is belief.
            销魂当此际 烛火轻轻地吹熄
            Missing the ecstasy, candles are blown out softly.
            爱 不是秘密 是猜谜
            Love-not of mystique, is quandary.
            无计相回避 答案继续寻觅
            No split paths to weave; the answers-you still seek.
            每段修行都是流年 几岁得深院共枕眠
            The trial we face may be fleeting, earning a shared tranquil moment.
            靠着上一人的肩 已在修这一人的缘
            On your shoulder I can stand, fulfilling destiny we began.
            所见即使断井颓垣 也不过是沧海桑田
            Witnessing the ravaged and the ruined, those thing that no doubt time shall amend.
            庄周提醒着时间 且水墨将九州都画遍
            Dreamlike trance clouds consequence; painting across all of the nine lands.

            IP属地:美国9楼2016-05-04 23:29

              IP属地:美国来自Android客户端13楼2016-05-06 02:50

                IP属地:美国来自Android客户端14楼2016-05-06 02:51

                  IP属地:浙江18楼2016-05-08 11:16