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『咨询』♀06-26♀would anybody give some advice?


I went to hospital to test my urine last Friday,The report of my urinalysis showed little amounts of protein in my urine,the protein is 1+.it seems that there maybe some problem with my kidney. and then I did 24 hour urine protein test,the report showed the amount is 247mg/L higher than normal amounts which is 150mg/L,and then I did several urinalysises,all is good,besides one is +-.the doctor said he couldn't judge because I need to do TAPPING to know the exact diseases in my kidney.but now it is too early to do that,now I use Traditional Chinese Medicine,I drink herbal medicine every day,it seems to be working,I feel better.but the effect is slow.What can I do now?

1楼2016-06-26 06:31回复
    I cannot speak chinese.I am from Canada.

    3楼2016-06-26 07:06

      4楼2016-06-26 07:39