On the one hand, disgusting! On the other hand, some nations eat beef, other nations worship its sacredness. Others eat pork while for others it is forbidden. Strange world. Wait... where did my dog go to now? 一方面,这让我恶心!另一方面来看,一些国家吃牛肉,一些国家把牛当做神明供奉。一些国家吃猪肉,而有的国家猪肉却是禁忌。世界很奇妙。等等……我的狗跑哪里去了?
I find it really revolting, but cows pigs and sheep and horses are animals too and are also often dear pets much nicer that some dogs, so what is the fuss about? Why don't do gooders do something about child exploitation instead of worrying about other peoples menus. 我发现这真让我恶心,但是牛,猪,羊,马也是动物,有时他们比起狗来还是更漂亮的宠物,所以有什么好大惊小怪的?比起关心别人的食谱,为嘛这些好心人们不去关心关心剥削儿童的问题?
If it was a sweet young lamb cooked & on the plate, nobody would blink an eye, but because it's a dog, people get upset. It's pure & simple hypocrisy . 如果这是个鲜嫩多汁的小羊羔,没人会关心,但是因为这是只狗,人们便觉得伤心难过。虚伪至极。
Just because we are a nation of dog lovers doesnt mean it is wrong to eat dog in other countries. If a cow wagged its tail when it was pleased to see us would that mean it is wrong to kill and eat them? Yes I am a dog owner and care for him very much but it doesnt mean it is wrong in other parts of the world. I am sure someone will quote Chinas appaling human rights at some point. 我们是一个爱狗的国家,这不代表别的国家吃狗就是错的。如果一头牛看到我们后也开心的摇摇尾巴是不是代表着我们吃牛肉也是错的?我养了条狗,而且我很爱我的狗狗,但是这不代表其他国家吃狗肉就是错的。我打赌一会儿就会有人扯一些中国让人震惊的任泉问题了。
People should remember that it is not so much the fact that it's dog, but it's the way they are treated. Stuffed in cages so they can't move, covered in urine and faces, and probably slaughtered in a terrible way causing them unnecessary pain and suffering. That's what's wrong with this. 它是不是狗并不重要,关键是它被如何对待。那么多条狗被塞进狭小的笼子里无法动弹,面对面,笼子里遍布屎尿,屠宰时,很可能遭受了惨无人道的本不该经受的痛苦,这才是最糟糕的。 Fact is all real meat comes from animals 现实是,你吃的所有肉都来自动物。
eating man's best friend? they might as well eat people. don't they grind dried foetuses and use this for medicine? this culture has no respect for life or death. makes me sick. 吃人类最好的朋友?他们还不如吃人。他们是不是磨碎婴儿尸体入药?这个文明对生命毫无尊重。让我恶心。
Hardly news, you know? Dog has been on the menu in China and elsewhere for thousands of years. Not every culture regards them as four-legged children, like we do here. There, its just another choice for dinner. 这不是新闻了,你知道么?几千年来狗就是中国和其他一些地区的盘中之餐。不是每个国家都像我们一样,把狗当做是四条腿的孩子。在那里,狗只是又一个可供选择的晚餐食物罢了。
It is not the fact that they eat all manner of food, but the way they kill them, nothing humane about it what soever, beating animals first to get the blood going to make them more tender. Nothing but CRUEL!!!!!! 重点不在中国人什么都吃,而是他们杀死这些动物的方式,惨无人道,活活把狗打死只为了让肉质更好。太残忍!!!!!
加一些美国人的评论 walterc Yesterday 10:55 AM Not interested in eating dog meat myself, but chicken, turkey, rabbit,squirrel, fish, pork, frogs, beef, venison, etc etc etc. No protests over us eating those, but let someone eat a cute littledoggie, noooo, can't do that. It's their culture. I agree there should be no abuse or crueltyinvolved, but humans have evolved to eat meat as well as vegetation. 我自己对吃狗肉没兴趣,但是吃鸡,火鸡,兔子,松鼠,鱼,猪,青蛙,牛,鹿,等等等等。 没有人抗议我们吃这些,但是如果有人吃可爱的小狗狗,不——不能这样做。 这是他们的文化。我同意不应该用虐待或残忍的手段,但是人类就进化成既要吃植物也要吃肉。 DearMom Yesterday 07:24 PM Hey,,, you leave those little froggies alone. 嘿,你放开那些小青蛙。
dixiedog Yesterday 11:33 AM Here let me be the first to say it. I don't have much for a culturethat specifically aborts females and eats dogs. 让我第一个说出这句话吧。我对对女性堕胎并吃狗肉的国家没什么好感。
Alex Yamach Yesterday 01:57 PM Bush and Cheney preferred Human Flesh which is why they sent 5,000American soldiers to their deaths in Iraq for nothing. 布什和切尼更喜欢人肉,这就是为什么他们把5000个美国士兵送到伊拉克白白去送死。