飞蚊症吧 关注:27,009贴子:421,836



在欧洲我们有一个 #Eye Floaters Research Organization# (中文的意思为
)缩写为 #EFRO# 的组织,我们团队也参予其中的过程。EFRO目前刚刚发布了将积极支持比利时的Tassignon医生进行研究治疗 #飞蚊症#的项目。具体信息请访问官网 floaters.info 。 如果国内无法访问的,请关注我们的微博http://weibo.com/EyeFloatersCure ,脸书https://www.facebook.com/EyeFloatersEOVF 我们将不定期发布翻译过来的详细情况。
The Eye Floaters Research Organisation launched today a highly innovative eye floaters research project supporting Prof. Dr. Tassignon. More information on floaters.info You can also make a donation to support this research.

IP属地:美国1楼2016-07-28 01:39回复
    Eye Floaters Research with Femtolaser
    The method that is going to be researched by Dr. Tassignon and her ophthalmological team consists in a new groundbreaking technique applied to dissolve all type of vitreous eye floaters.
    The current YAG laser has been used since the 1980s to treat eye floaters. It has not proved to be efficient in treating all type of eye floaters. In fact, only a small minority of people with eye floaters can be treated. The YAG laser aims to treat certain type of floaters by trying to localize the floater and treating it with the laser. The YAG laser tries to dissolve or break down floaters. When a floater is too close to the lens or the retina it can‘t be treated because there is a risk that the laser hits the retina and / or the lens.
    The new technique consists of a femtosecond laser treatment for eye floaters. The patent for this method has been requested in October 2015 and it has been approved and published on 17 March 2016. The femtosecond laser technique consists firstly in measuring the volume of the vitreous humor by OCT (optical coherence tomography) to determine the area of the vitreous humor. The OCT helps to determine the safe area of the lens and of the retina. The new OCT’s can measure very precise distances. Once this area of the vitreous humor is measured then secondly the floaters are treated.
    The vitreous humor is homogenized with the femtosecond laser and the eye floaters are pulverized by this method. This physical interaction will liquefy the vitreous humor which will be similar to a posterior vitreous detachment (PVD). The aim is to modify the viscosity of the vitreous and induce a PVD so that all the floaters can be treated, including the floaters in the premacular bursa. If more floaters appear after the PVD (including a weiss ring), then a subsequent treatment with the femtolaser will be performed to pulverize them all.
    Patent for femtosecond laser apparatus for plasma induced vitreous ablation in the eye: https://www.google.com/patents/US20160074221
    What is the difference between the YAG laser and the femtosecond laser treatment?
    The difference between the YAG laser treatment and the femtosecond laser treatment is that the treatment consists of a volumetric approach towards the vitreous and not a point to point approach, such as the YAG laser. The pattern in which the femtosecond laser will be applied needs to be researched. There are many patterns and research will determine which is the best one to use. The femtosecond laser will change the consistency and viscosity of the vitreous humor and therefore eliminate all the eye floaters. By this grinding technique with the femtosecond laser the floaters will be dissolved.
    Stages of the research:
    • Proof of principle: is positive
    • Laboratory research: (duration: 1 year approximately)
    • Animal testing: to refine the technique and determine the feasibility (duration: 1 year approximately)
    • Human testing: (duration: 1 year approximately)
    How and why we support this research:
    The Eye Floaters Research Organisation (EFRO) supports this research project with an unrestricted research grant as it is the usual way in which universities and recognized research institutions accept collaboration and sponsorship. An unrestricted research grant allows the sponsor to be involved in the research project and to support it in order to get quicker a safe and effective treatment. It will also allow the sponsor to contact the media to express their visibility as a sponsor.
    The industry will not pay for this research because of conflict of interests. That is why the hospital and university of Antwerp works with non-industry related partners.
    The unrestricted research grant consists of sponsoring € 60,000 / year for three consecutive years. Dr. Tassignon believes this is a realistic deadline to get the treatment in the clinic. The money funded for the unrestricted research grant will be used to pay for a PhD with no industry links to research independently this new proposed technique.
    Dr. Marie-José Tassignon
    Dr. Marie-José Tassignon, MD, PhD, FEBO is the Chief and Head of the Department of Ophthalmology of the University Hospital of Antwerpen.
    Marie-José Tassignon was born in 1952 in Belgium and has been raised both in Dutch and French languages. She completed her studies and earned her medical degree at the Free University of Brussels with high distinction. She was appointed Chief of the Department of Ophthalmology of the Antwerp University Hospital and Chair of the Department of Ophthalmology of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Antwerp in 1991. In 2007, Dr. Tassignon became Medical Director of the Antwerp University Hospital. She has been Full Professor at the University of Antwerp since 2003.
    She was President of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons from 2004 until 2007 and was President of the European Board of Ophthalmology from 2007 until 2008. She is a member of 18 international societies in ophthalmology and a board member for 5 of the societies. She was elected Chair “L” of the International Academy of Ophthalmology in 2007 and was elected Chair “V” of the European Academy of Ophthalmology in 2008. She became a member of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium in 2009.
    Dr. Tassignon has had seven patents approved. New patent applications are in the pipeline to improve surgical techniques and patient outcomes. Dr. Tassignon is author/co-author of 248 publications and 23 chapters in 21 books. She is also involved in international ophthalmological congresses and in a few of them she acts as a Board Member. Dr. Tassignon is an international renowned ophthalmologist has received many global awards in recognition to her contribution in the international ophthalmological field.Unlike many other departments of ophthalmology, Tassignon has attracted engineers, physicists and paramedical researchers to complement the medical staff at the Antwerp Department of Ophthalmology.Unlike many other departments of ophthalmology, Tassignon has attracted engineers, physicists and paramedical researchers to complement the medical staff at the Antwerp Department of Ophthalmology.Unlike many other departments of ophthalmology, Tassignon has attracted engineers, physicists and paramedical researchers to complement the medical staff at the Antwerp Department of Ophthalmology.
    As an ophthalmic surgeon, Dr. Tassignon is dedicated to patients from all age ranges. In 2008 she operated King Albert II of Belgium successfully on a cataract in his right eye. She used an innovative procedure called lens-in-the-bag implantation technique patented by her that avoids posterior capsule opacity (which is the main complication after cataract surgery).
    Dr. Tassignon is a mother of two and grandmother of three.
    Frequently Asked Questions
    Day to day we receive many questions, often of very similar nature. We have therefore created a summary of answers to these frequently asked questions.
    What are the risks of inducing a PVD with laser?The natural degenerative process of a PVD is simulated. So the risks of this method are equal to the occurrence of a natural PVD.
    Why would a Weiss ring possible form after laser induced PVVD if the objective was to make the vitreous homogeneous?In the first phase the vitreous is made homogenous. This process could induce a PVD with a Weiss ring or other floaters as a consequence. The laser treatment can be repeated so that the new formed floaters can be treated and disappear.
    If additional funding is found would it accelerate the research timeline?The unrestricted research grant consists of sponsoring € 60,000 / year for three consecutive years. Dr. Tassignon believes this is a realistic deadline to get the treatment in the clinic. The money funded for the unrestricted research grant will be used to pay for a PhD with no industry links to research independently this new proposed technique. A fulltime researcher is needed to meet the 3-year deadline.
    Anything that creates enough energy to LIQUIFY the entire vitreous is pretty invasive.The fact that you have floaters means the vitreous is already liquefying. This will only get worse when one gets older. So this treatment simulates the natural aging process of the vitreous.

    We know that many of you have a lot of questions about this treatment form. We will therefore invite you to send in your question(s) below. However, we can not promise you an answer, but we will forward many of them and update our FAQ frequently.

    IP属地:美国3楼2016-07-28 06:12
      看了下文章,试着总结下:1.和yag一样还是激光治疗。本质一样,但是过程不一样。2.激光前结合OCT精确定位飞蚊。3. 融化混浊物,而不是打散。4.会先引导PVD. 5. 基本原理是可行的。一年实验室研究,一年动物实验,一年志愿者实验。三年规划。

      IP属地:湖北来自iPhone客户端10楼2016-07-31 20:33
        在欧洲我们有一个 #Eye Floaters Research Organization# (中文的意思为飞蚊症研究机构)缩写为 #EFRO# 的组织,我们团队也参予其中的过程。EFRO目前刚刚发布了将积极支持比利时的Tassignon医生进行研究治疗 #飞蚊症#的项目。具体信息请访问官网 floaters.info。 Eye Floaters Research with Femtolaser
        Eye Floaters Research with Femtolaser
        #1 这种方法将被 Tassignon 医生和她的眼科团队进行研究,这种全新的突破性的技术将被运用于消融所有类型的飞蚊。
        当前流行的YAG激光是从1980年开始就用于治疗激光。它并不能被证明对于所有类型的飞蚊症都有效。事实上,只有少数的飞蚊症患者能够被这种激光所治疗。YAG激光是通过瞄准和局部定位然后来治疗飞蚊。YAG激光是尝试着消融和分解飞蚊的。当飞蚊太过于靠近晶体和视网膜,那么就会因为担心有直接打到警惕和视网膜的风险而无法使用激光。而新的方法是利用飞秒激光技术来治疗飞蚊。这项专利技术在2015年10月申请,在2016年3月17日通过了批准和得到了发表。 这项飞秒激光的技术首先包含了使用OCT光学相干断层扫描来确定玻璃体中飞蚊的体积和方位。OCT帮助来确定在晶体和视网膜之间的安全区域。这种新型的OCT可以用于测量非常精确的距离。测量结束后,就会进行飞蚊症的治疗。
        玻璃体会被飞秒激光同质化,而飞蚊将用这种方式粉碎。这种物理作用将把玻璃体液化,这种过程和PVD玻璃体后脱离很相似。这个目标是改变玻璃体的粘性并人工引导PVD玻璃体或脱离,从而让所有的飞蚊都可以被治疗,包括premacular bursa(黄斑前囊区,基本都位于离视网膜很近的(0.5mm到1mm),假如飞蚊在PVD玻璃体或脱离的过程中出现(包括Weiss ring 魏斯环), 那么随后再用飞秒激光进行粉碎化。
        #2 YAG激光和飞秒激光之间的治疗方式的不同。
        #3 研究阶段:
        * Proof of principle (原理的证明):positive (可行的)
        * Laboratory research(实验室研究) :时间大约一年
        * 动物实验:技术精细化来确定可行性 (时间大约一年)
        * 人体实验:(时间大约一年)
        #4 为什么要和如何支持这一研究:
        The Eye Floaters Research Organization (飞蚊症研究机构缩写为EFRO)以不限制的接受大学和有影响力的机构合作与赞助方式支持这项研究项目 。不限制的研究资金允许赞助者参与到研究项目中从而能更快的得到安全有效的治疗方法。它也允许赞助者和媒体接触来显示他们作为赞助者的身份。
        这不限制研究资金包括了连续3年,每年60,000 欧元,一共180,000欧元. Tassignon 医生相信3年是一个合理的期限来让治疗方式可以在诊所实现。这不限制研究资金将用于支付和医疗工业无关系的医生们进行新技术的独立研究

        IP属地:美国12楼2016-08-04 00:49
          各位蚊友请暂时不要灌水,我一直要发英文的翻译在第三楼以方便大家阅读,但本帖吧一直不让我发表,我已经申请第二次了!!!如果各位想看到英文的翻译,请上我的微博 http://www.weibo.com/eyefloaterscure

          IP属地:美国17楼2016-08-06 03:28

            来自Android客户端25楼2016-08-09 10:41
              Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) 常见问题回答翻译
              问:假如激光是为了让玻璃体homogeneous同质化,那么为什么Weiss ring魏斯环会在人工导引PVD之后产生呢?
              答:在第一阶段,玻璃体会被同质化。在这个过程中会导引PVD(玻璃体后脱离)而同时间会造成Weiss ring魏斯环和其他的飞蚊的产生。之后激光治疗会被重复几次直到新产生的飞蚊被消除。
              答:The unrestricted research grant (无限制研究基金制度)包含了每年6万欧元,一共连续3年的资金支持计划。Tassignon医生相信3年出成果(如果资金到位)是一个在实验室中现实起来很的合理的。为The unrestricted research grant (无限制研究基金制度)筹集来的资金将用于支付给这些和医疗工业没有连带关系的研究人员。这是需要研究人员全职的工作来符合3年的预定时间。

              IP属地:美国26楼2016-08-11 08:11

                IP属地:上海27楼2016-08-11 09:13

                  IP属地:上海32楼2016-08-11 09:34
                    各位蚊友:首先需要大家对于这项新技术有一点了解,然后形成自己的观点,认为值不值得支持这项研究。虽然这是我们团队的成员花了四个月时间的努力而初步形成的成果,但也需要大家对这技术有所认识。我不会把我的观点强加于其他人。只有我们形成共识了,才有下一步推广可谈。我发现大家连对于眼科的基本知识都非常缺乏,如果你自己都对此项目都不了解,何谈有信心的努力推广?因为你自己都不信。如果大家想帮忙至少你要花时间读一读我的翻译,再自己做点功课,了解一下什么是OCT,什么是飞秒激光,飞蚊症的混浊物到底成份是什么,什么是人工PVD后脱,等等。另外,我会不定期在我的微博上转载一些科普文章,希望大家给予关注,谢谢!微博上搜索关键词:EyeFloatersCure 就可以找到我们

                    IP属地:美国来自iPhone客户端35楼2016-08-15 06:35

                      IP属地:辽宁来自手机贴吧36楼2016-08-18 02:43
                        Ocular Surgery News October 11, 2014
                        在英国伦敦举行的欧洲白内障与屈光手术学术会议上,Marie-Jose Tassignon, MD,讨论了一种纳秒YAG激光治疗玻璃体飞蚊症的情况。

                        39楼2016-08-29 08:28

                          来自手机贴吧44楼2016-09-20 17:30

                            IP属地:北京来自手机贴吧45楼2016-11-14 18:08