Yesterday, I quarreled with one of my workmate, A. We were at a meeting when A came in with an aggreesive attitude. He came to my dest and threw a volume of files which were composed by me the day before yesterday on the desk.
I asked him:" What's going on?"
He said:" Look at them. What are you talking about in your documents? You'd better explain or I'll call the police."
I opened the papers to see where made him so angry. Then he pointed to the paper of page three and shouted:" Do you see this? You said ' A failed to hit the independence right on time when the locomotive was approaching the stud end siding.' Explain this sentence!"
I became angry as well but tried not to lose temper. I said to him:" Mr.A, I analysed the surveillance video and found that you didn't slow down your locomotoive and it wasn't ten meters away from the end siding. It was only three meters, you know?"
A saId:" But I replied my dynamic to eighty percent. So there's enough power to stop the train. Why did you say like that?"
I became annoyed:" According to the operating regulations by offical, if you want to put your locomotive close to the ending line, you should hit the independence when it was twenty meters away to the line. So you've already broken the rule. As a department manage, I have to count it as a mistake. If you don't understand, go to the misinster's and ask."
The result was that I let this sucker away.