[2] A. G. Dickens and John Tonkin, TheReformation in Historical Thought (Cambridge, Massachusetts: HarvardUniversity Press, 1985), pp. 150-175, 其中直接讨论兰克的部分见pp. 167-175.
[3] A. G. Dickens and John Tonkin, TheReformation in Historical Thought, p. 170.
[4] A. G. Dickens and John Tonkin, TheReformation in Historical Thought, pp. 174-175. 迪肯斯和汤金引用了捷克学者安东·金代利(1829-1892年)的意见,但是金代利批评兰克的原话其实更加尖锐。参见A. W. Ward, “Anton Gindely,” EnglishHistorical Review 8 (1893), pp. 500-514, 此处pp. 506-507.为《教宗史》的写作,兰克曾经长期逗留在意大利等地,但是金代利认为他对档案文献的使用仍然是肤浅的。
[5] A. G. Dickens and John Tonkin, TheReformation in Historical Thought, p. 174. 此处所引用阿克顿的话出自Lord Acton, “GermanSchools of History,” English HistoricalReview 1 (1886), pp. 7-42, 此处p. 16.
[6] Lord Acton, “German Schools of History,” pp. 13-17.
[7] Georg G. Iggers, “Image of Ranke in American and German HistoricalThought,” History and Theory 2(1962), pp. 17-40, 此处17-27.
[8] Georg G. Iggers, “Image of Ranke in American and German HistoricalThought,” pp. 27-40.
[9] Theodore H. von Laue, LeopoldRanke: The Formative Years (New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1950),pp. 42-45; Leonard Krieger, “Elements of Early Historicism: Experience, Theory,and History in Ranke,” History and Theory14 (1975), pp. 1-14.
[10]关于“反宗教改革”这一概念以及兰克的相关贡献,参见H. Outram Evennet, The Spiritof the Counter-Reformation (Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame,1970), pp. 1-22. 该著作第一版由剑桥大学出版社1968年出版。也可参见Hubert Jedin and JohnDolan, ed., History of the Church,vol. 5: Reformation and CounterReformation, edited by Erwin Iserloh, Joseph Glazik and Hubert Jedin (NewYork: Crossroad, 1980), pp. 431-432. 耶丁所主编10卷本《教会史》德文版出版于1962-1979年。