邹兴伟吧 关注:124贴子:17,116
The Death of Laocoon...And Troy
Here another great fear (Oh a miserable story!) terrifies our blind minds. Laocoon, who was made a priest of Neptunus by Fortune , sacrificed a bitter bull to the alter on the shore. Them a twin strong serpents, which are pressing on the sea , run to the shore from an island. And they reached land , with eyes blazing fire , were licking mouths by their hissing tongues.
We all flee ; they attack Laocoon and his sons by a determined way. They catch the small bodies of the two boy firstly , mangle them , kill them and devour them. Then the brave father , who is running to the miserable sons, they grab him ,hold him by their great coils and overpower him. Neither can he defend himself from wounds nor flee , and himself , as just as the wounded bull which to the alter, raises horrendous scream to sky. At the same time the serpents hurry away , seek the shelter in the citadel of cruel Minerva (i.e. Athena).
Because of Laocoon has thrown spare to the horse of Minerva , we thought that he has made a mistake and paid his pulishments ; We ignored the greivous truth. We opened the gates and let the horse in city; and boys and girls —— Oh fatherland , Oh great gods , Oh Troy ! —— are happy to touch it. And everyone who was miserable also is happy, to that whom that day was the last and whom will never be in any comfort.
VIRGILIVS , AENEID , 2.199-249; prose adaptation

IP属地:美国21楼2017-04-08 01:05
    1.That leadr didnt know that himself will to receive the imperium.
    2."Some ," he says ,"begged for imperium before and longed to oppress free men."
    3.On the same day ten thousands of enemy were turned away and driven out by the most fidel general, many soldiers received wound and were lying on the field.
    4.With the death of the ferocious tyrant announced , everyone turned himself to the most mighty orator with great hope.
    5.Laughing , the wise writter of that story then narrated another one rather pleasant.
    6.Here with the things were heard , the twin youthes will abandon their eagerness of literature because of their desire of money.
    7.The strongest queen of Carthage then showed her fidelity that is always dearer to herself rather than riches.
    8.He said that he had never see a more trustworthy slave than this one.
    9.A more pleasant mode of life should to be sought by humans now.
    10.We believe that 20 free men and women lead as a pleasant life as possible.
    11.The emperor sent a hundred of strongest soldiers before him yesterday.
    12.Light in that house was not the brightest ; because of the family kept few windows opening.
    13.He received the sorrowful friends , invited them to table , and gave them shelter and comfort there.
    14.Quid est dulcius quam vita iocundissima ?
    15.Viros certos, autem , dicunt mortem esse ducior quam vitam.
    16.Hoc tribus certissimis signis nuntiatis , petivimus solacium comsiliumque a potentissimo duce.
    17.In hanc fabulam scriptor narrat omnes viros vitas quam beatissimas petere.
    18.Haec lux est semper clarior quam alia.

    IP属地:美国22楼2017-04-09 00:40
      1.Old age is quite garrulous. - CICERO
      2.All your plans are clearer than light to us . - CICERO
      3.Some medicines are harder than the dangers themselves. - SENECA.
      4.On that day I called the strongest and most patriotic men to me. - CICERO
      5.Who was willing to accept the power , avoids the bitterest part of servitude. - SENECA
      6.The most pleasant gifts , as they say , are always these which the giver makes it dear(to himself). - OVID
      7.A fortunate and wise man avoids forum and haughty thresholds of powerful citizens. - HORATIVS
      8.What is more disgraceful than being deceived by another? - CICERO
      9.What is truly more foolish than holding unsure for sure , false for true? - CICERO
      10.Always tell me , my dearest friend : "Write something great , you the most lazy man." -MARTIALIS
      11.Words moves quickly ; but a stenographer's hand is faster than them ; Not my tongue , but his hand , completes the work. - MARTIALIS
      12.Many think that affiars of wars are more important than affiars of cities; but this opinion must be changed , for many affiars of cities are more imortant and clear than those of wars. - CICERO
      13.Invited to dinner, you took way the napkin of a careless guy with your left hand. You think this is witty? It is the most mean thing ! So give my napkin back to me. - CATVLLVS

      IP属地:美国23楼2017-04-09 01:13
        The Nations of Gaul
        Gaul is all divide into three parts , in which one lives Belgians , another (lives) Aquitani , and the third lives who are called by their own language Celts , by ours the Gauls. They all differs from language , custom , and law among themselves. Gaul is divided from Aquitania by Garumna river, from Belgia by Matrona and Sequana river. The strongest of them are Belgians.

        IP属地:美国24楼2017-04-09 16:07
          The Good Life
          Here are , my most pleasant friend , what make life sweeter : property was not made by work but inherited, a prosperous farm , few of forum and enough leisure , a calm mind , strength and a healthy body , wisdom , reliable friends , a simple table(i.e. without crafts) , not drunken night but freed from cares , not on a sad but still chaste bed , easy sleep. Only desire what you have , long for nothing ; do no to be afraid of the final day or hope it.
          MARTIALIS , 10.47; prose adaptation

          IP属地:美国25楼2017-04-09 16:34
            1.Everyone wants to give the as beatiful and useful gifts as possible.
            2.Some disgraceful people have the most things(i.e.have many) but even beg for more.
            3.That orator , who was expelled by the highest tyrant , then sought for a more agreeble leader and fairer laws.
            4.The highest power has been always chased by the best men.
            5.The old opened the house to the sorrowful grandsons and invited them across the threshold(i.e. come in the house).
            6.He shows that enemy gave the final sign by the clearest light that night.
            7.That most wicked tyrant said that he never oppressed free men at any time.
            8.The fidelest slave received more dinner to table than the worse three.
            9.They say that this writter leads a very humble life here.
            10.Why did the highest gods avert their eyes away from human matters at that time?
            11.Do you hold money and your affiars before the republic?
            12.We can see that sun in sky behind few very thin clouds today.
            13.Quidam credunt maximas urbes esse peiores quam minimas.
            14.Pro tribus minoribus donis , adulescens trisissimae matri illius etiam plura pulchriora dedit.
            15.Illi maximi montes fuerunt superiores quam hos.

            IP属地:美国26楼2017-04-09 17:47
              1.A new force is dragging me : I see rather better ones and I approve ; but I make rather worse ones so much and I dont know why . - OVID
              2.Some songs are nice; more are bad. - MARTIALIS
              3.It is the best. I saw nothing better , nothing more beatiful than this. - TERENTIVS
              4.I hope that you will have both birthday and many other things that are as happy as possible. - PLINVS
              5.Since judgement and rationality are in the old, ancestors of us called senate the highest council. - CICERO
              6.More works and eagernesses must to be set in demestic affiars now even than in military affiars. - CICERO
              7.Neither the truly danger in republic was heavier than anytime nor the laziness greater. - CICERO
              8.We are wiser than them , because of we know that nature is the best guide. - CICERO
              9.Nature asks very little; but however a wise man adapts himself to nature. - SENECA
              10.The greatest remedy of anger is delay. - SENECA
              11.Who conquers his mind and holds anger, I dont compare him with the greatest men but say that he is similiar to a god. - CICERO
              12.Dionysius , the ruler of the most beatiful city , was the highest man in temperate lifestyle and the most diligent and keenest in all affiars. He stll was violent and unjust. From that , if we say the truth, he seemed very miserable. - CICERO
              13.If I cant change the gods , I will stir Acheron. - VIRGILIVS (Nisi superos vertere possum , Acheronta movebo.)

              IP属地:美国27楼2017-04-09 19:45
                1.A new force is drawing me : I see rather better ones and I approve ; but I make rather worse ones so much and I dont know why . - OVID
                2.Some songs are nice; rather many are bad. - MARTIALIS
                3.It is the best. I saw nothing better , nothing more beatiful than this. - TERENTIVS
                4.I hope that you will have both birthday and many other things that are as happy as possible. - PLINVS
                5.Since judgement and rationality are in the old, ancestors of us called senate the highest council. - CICERO
                6.More works and eagernesses must to be set in demestic affiars now even than in military affiars. - CICERO
                7.Neither the truly danger in republic was heavier than anytime nor the laziness greater. - CICERO
                8.We are wiser than them , because of we know that nature is the best guide. - CICERO
                9.Nature asks very little; but however a wise man adapts himself to nature. - SENECA
                10.The greatest remedy of anger is delay. - SENECA
                11.Who conquers his mind and holds anger, I dont compare him with the greatest men but say that he is similiar to a god. - CICERO
                12.Dionysius , the ruler of the most beatiful city , was the highest man in temperate lifestyle and the most diligent and keenest in all affiars. He stll was violent and unjust. From that , if we say the truth, he seemed very miserable. - CICERO
                13.If I cant change the gods , I shall stir Acheron. - VIRGILIVS (Nisi superos vertere possum , Acheronta movebo.)

                IP属地:美国28楼2017-04-09 19:58
                  Alley Cat
                  Oh Caelius, our Lesbia, that Lesbia,
                  that Lesbia , who Catullus loved
                  more than himself and all his own (i.e. the dearest people to him)
                  now in crossroads and alleys
                  strip off (clothes of) the descendents of magnanimous Remus.
                  CATVLLVS , 58

                  IP属地:美国29楼2017-04-09 20:32
                    Thanks A Lot, Tully!
                    The most learned of Romulus' descendents ,
                    as many as there are and as many as there were, Marcus Tullus ,
                    and as many as there will be later in years.
                    Catullus gives you the greatest thanks,
                    the worst of all poets ,
                    just as much as the worst of all poets,
                    as you the best patron of all.

                    IP属地:美国30楼2017-04-09 20:44
                      An Uncle's Love For His Nephew And Adopted Son
                      Young man is dearer to me than me myself ! And he isnt my son but from my brother. Eagernesses of my brother sometimes are not like mine for a long time. I have led a urban life and looked for leisure, and which someone tought it's rather fortunate , I have never had a wife. He, however made all of this: led a life not in forum but in farm, accepted few money, married a chaste wife, had two sons. From him I adopted this older one to myself , and I raised him up from a little boy. My pleasure is in that young man, it is only dear to me.
                      TERENTIVS , ADELPHOE 39-49

                      IP属地:美国31楼2017-04-09 21:01
                        1.Let rationality lead me, not fortune. -LIVIVS
                        2.Let weapons yield to toga. - CICERO
                        3.Leave from the city now so that I may not be oppressed by fear and weapons. - CICERO
                        4.Now one thing must be done by me immediately in order to get the greatest leisure and comfort. - TERENTIVS
                        5.Let us seize the chance from a day, my friend - HORATIVS
                        6.Body truly needs sleep and many others in order to be good; mind nourishes itself by itself. - SENECA
                        7.Let who gives benefit be silent; who received speak. - SENECA
                        8.Let us say nothing except good about the dead. - DIOGENES LAERTIVS
                        9.Let a parent neither have vices himself nor tolerate them - QVINTILIANVS
                        10.In this matter rationality must be had so that admonition may not lack acerbity. - CICERO
                        11.Women often come to games in order to watch —— and to be watched. - OVIDIVS
                        12,I sing about arms and people who first came to Italy from the shore of Troy. - VIRGILIVS

                        IP属地:美国32楼2017-04-11 01:18
                          Please Remove My Name From Your Mailing List!
                          Why I dont send my litte books to you, Pontilianus?
                          So that you may not send your to me, Pontilianus.
                          MARTIALIS 7.3

                          IP属地:美国33楼2017-04-11 01:21
                            To Have Friends One Must Be Friendly
                            That I should supply Pylades , let someone supply me Orestes.
                            This is not done by words , Marcus , to be loved , love!
                            MARTIALIS, 6.11.9-10

                            IP属地:美国34楼2017-04-11 14:06
                              The Days of The Week
                              Days are named after from the gods whos names the Romans dedicated to stars. Indeed, the first day the named after the Sun, which is the foremost of all stars as the same day is before all other days. The second day after the Moon, which received light from the Sun. The third after the star of Mars, which is called the evening star. The fourth after the star of Mercury. The fifth after the star of Jupiter. The sixth after the star of Venus, which is called Lucifer(Light-bringer), and which has the brightest light among all stars. The seventh after Saturn, which is said to have to take 30 years to complete its own course. Among the Hebrew however the first day is called the first day after Sabbath, which in our language is the day of the Lord, and which pagans dedicated to the Sun.Sabbath however is the seventh day from the Lord, which pagans dedicated to Saturn.
                              ISIDORVS HISPALENSIS (Isidore of Serville), ORIGINES 5.30

                              IP属地:美国35楼2017-04-11 18:13