【M】. -[龙语] O drakon! E male so ftengometta tesd'hup'anankes ! 你放声怒吼,召唤最后的希望. [龙语] Kilgharra… I would not have summoned you, if there were any other choice. I have one last favour to ask. 最后一次地 老龙带你飞至阿瓦隆湖
-(龙) Merlin… There is nothing you can do. -(m) I've failed? 你问地有些无力. -(龙) No, my young warlock, for all that you have dreamt of building has come to pass. 龙说你曾经梦想的国度已建立,魔法重回卡梅洛特,但这对你已毫无意义.
-(m) I can't lose him! He's my friend (lover). 你崩溃大喊. -(龙) Though no man, no matter how great, can know his desting, some lives have been foretold, Merlin… 是啊,你现在才明白,原来真的没有人可预知命运,你满心以为改变了的结局却是你亲手促成,也许你们的命运真的早已注定…
-(龙) Arthur is not just a king-he is the Once and Future king. 老龙的永恒之王到底给了你多少期望 Take heart, for when Albion's need is greatest, Arthur will rise again. 是的,亚瑟可是永恒之王,他必将再次崛起,当你坚信如此,守护他的王国已成了你必然的宿命,千年等待…
望着驶向小岛的小船,你忽然想起曾经的对话 -(a) If I died,please…No man is worth your tears. 还记得小王子曾这样对你说. -(m) Yeah,you're certainly not. 还记得你自己曾如此戏谑. 可现在你为什么哭得这样丑… {哭得这么丑 一定是真爱}