Bastard Swords 混种剑
In the early 1400's (as early as 1418) a form oflong-sword often with specially shaped grips for one or two hands, became knownas an Espée Bastarde or "bastard sword".
The term may derive not form the blade length, butbecause bastard-swords typically had longer handles with special"half-grips" which could be used by either one or both hands.
In this sense they were neither a one-handed sword nora true great-sword/two-handed sword, and thus not a member of either"family" of sword.
Evidence shows the their blade were typically tapered.
Since newer types of shorter swords were coming intouse, the term "bastard-sword" came to distinguish this form oflong-sword.
These handles have recognizable "waist" and"bottle" shapes (such grips were later used on the Renaissancetwo-handed sword).
The unique bastard-sword half-grip was a versatile andpractical innovation.
Some were intended more for cutting while others werebetter for thrusting. Bastard swords continued to be used by knights andmen-at-arms into the 1500's.
Their hilt style leads toward the shorter cut &thrust sword forms of the Renaissance.
Strangely, in the early Renaissance the termbastard-sword was also sometimes used to refer to single-hand arming-swordswith compound-hilts.
A form ofGerman arming sword with a bastard-style compound hilt was called a"Reitschwert" ("cavalry sword") or a "Degen"("knight's sword").
Although these might have been forms of single-handestoc.
The familiar modern term "hand-and-a-half"was more or less coined to describe bastards swords specifically.
The term "hand-and-a-half sword" is oftenused in reference to long-swords is not historical and is sometimes misappliedto other swords
(althoughduring the late 1500's, long after such blades fell out of favor, some Germanforms of this phrase are believed to have been used).
While there is no evidence of the term“hand-and-a-half” having been used during the Middle Ages, either in English orother languages, it does appear in the 16th century.
In his 1904 bibliography of Spanish texts, D. Enriquede Leguina gives a 1564 reference to una espada estoque de mano y media,and a 1594 reference to una espada de mano y media.
在1904年的西班牙文本参考书目中,D. Enrique de Leguina提供了1564年的参考文献,以及1594年对una espada estoque de mano y media(各种剑)的参考。(??)
IntheRagionamento, the unpublished appendix to his 1580, Traite dEscrime (“Fencing Treatise”), Giovanni Antonio Lovino describes one swordas una spada di una mano et mana et meza (literally “hand and a halfsword”) which he distinguishes from the much larger spada da due mani ortwo-handed sword (the immense Renaissance weapon).
在他的1580年的《推理》的未发表的附录“击剑论”中,乔瓦尼·安东尼奥·洛维诺(Giovanni Antonio Lovino)描述了一种比”双手巨剑”更大的“手半剑”(???)
The term spadone was used by Fiore DeiLiberi in 1410 to refer to a tapering long-sword
1410年,菲奥雷·迪利·黎波里( Fiore Dei Liberi )使用Spadone这个术语来称呼锥形长剑。
and Camillo Agrippa in 1550 calledthe spadone a war sword.
1550年,卡米洛·阿格里帕(Camillo Agrippa)将Spadone归类为战剑。
Later it was defined by John Florio in his 1598Italian-English dictionary as “a long or two-hand sword”.
后来,约翰·弗洛里奥(John Florio)在他的1598意大利语 - 英语词典中定义为“长剑或双手剑”。