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IP属地:天津1楼2017-08-15 21:26回复
    第7装甲师与1943年11月从意大利战场撤出返回英国参加诺曼底登陆的准备,这是最后一支到达英国的盟军登陆部队。该师随即换装了克伦威尔式坦克并在44年4到5月间接收了36辆谢尔曼萤火虫式坦克。所换装的装备数量十分充足因而每一个坦克连都有用于补充的3辆克伦威尔和1辆萤火虫坦克。在整个登陆战的过程中,第7装甲师是唯一的一支以克伦威尔坦克作为主战坦克的英国装甲师。在诺曼底登陆的过程中,第7装甲师是两个英国突击军团的三个后续师之一。第22装甲旅在6月4日上船并与6月7日在金滩登陆。该师做最初参与了卡昂战役的两个行动(Operation Perch和Operation Goodwood)。在Perch行动中,该师作为夹击守军的攻击箭头之一。由于作战计划的改变,该师在Villers-Bocage镇遭遇了德军装甲教导师一部以及党卫军第101重装甲营(该营有德国王牌坦克手米歇尔·魏特曼)。在盟军攻占卡昂后,第7装甲师则配合正在进行眼镜蛇行动和Bluecoat行动的美军,发起了名为“春天”(Operation Spring)的作战行动,其目的是为了支援美军突破并阻止企图前来救援的德军。在法国战役结束后,第7装甲师参与了盟军进攻比利时以及荷兰的战斗。9月5日解放了比利时的根特市。同年并参加了穿越马斯河的战斗。1945年1月,该师参加了清扫Roer三角的“黑鸡”(Blackcock)行动,并稍后参与了“掠夺”(Plunder)行动。在盟军对德本土战役时,该师负责越过克桑腾(Xanten)河以及维塞尔(Wesel)河以袭击汉堡。第7装甲师在诺曼底以及其他法国地区的被认为与其在北非时有一定的差距,因此受到过相当的质疑,在1944年8月初于第7装甲师师长厄斯金(Erskine)、装甲旅的旅长欣德(Hinde)以及多达一百多名其他军官从他们的岗位上被撤职或者调任。历史学家们大多同意,这是对该师在Villers-Bocage镇的“失败”而带来的惩罚。历史学家Daniel Taylor认为,那次战斗的结果为解雇那些军官以及“证明陆军司令部正在做一些与普通公众的意志完全相反的事情”提供了一个借口。而Mungo Melvin则更积极地评论第7装甲师,认为他们拥有一个相当灵活的步坦协同指挥系统。而这样的系统直到Goodwood行动后才被其他英国装甲部队所接受。然而,撤换指挥官的行为,并没有似的第7装甲师在1944年11月以后的表现有所改观。厄斯金的继任者G.L Verney少将在他被认为“没有足够的能力将第7装甲师以蒙哥马利将军以及邓普西(Dempsey)中将的要求调教好该师的习惯”之后被解职。无疑该师陷入了整体性的厌战情绪中。正如弗尼(Verney)预言的那样:“没有证据表明对战争的熟悉会使一个人勇敢,这指挥是一个人变得狡猾,而狡猾和懦弱只相差一小步而已。”

    IP属地:天津3楼2017-08-15 22:01
      In November 1943, the division left Italy for the United Kingdom; with the last units arriving on 7 January 1944.[13][14] The division was re-equipped with the new Cromwell cruiser tanks and in April and May received 36 Sherman Vc Fireflies; enough to organise each troop so that they had a complement of three 75 mm gun Cromwell tanks and a 17 pounder gun Firefly.[13] The Desert Rats were the only British armoured division to use the Cromwell as their main battle tank.[15]
      The 7th Armoured Division was one of the three British follow-up divisions of the two British assault corps earmarked for the Normandy landings.[16] The 22nd Armoured Brigade embarked on 4 June and most of the division landed on Gold Beach by the end of 7 June, a day after the initial landings.[13][17] The division, part of Lieutenant General Gerard Bucknall's XXX Corps, initially took part in Operation Perch and Operation Goodwood, two operations that formed part of the Battle for Caen, itself part of Operation Overlord, codename for the Allied invasion of Normandy. During Perch, the division was to spearhead one arm of a pincer attack to capture the city. Due to a change in plan, elements of the division engaged tanks of the Panzer-Lehr-Division and the Heavy SS-Panzer Battalion 101 in the Battle of Villers-Bocage.[18] Following the capture of Caen, the division took part in Operation Spring, which was intended to keep the German forces pinned to the British front away from the Americans who were launching Operation Cobra and then Operation Bluecoat, an attack to support the American break-out and intercept German reinforcements moving to stop it. After the Battle of the Falaise Gap, which saw most of the German Army in Normandy destroyed, the 7th Armoured Division then took part in the Allied advance from Paris to the Rhine.
      The division's performance in Normandy and the rest of France has been called into question and it has been claimed they did not match those of its earlier campaigns. In early August 1944, Major General George Erskine, the division's GOC, who had been in command of the division since January 1943, Brigadier William Hinde, commanding the 22nd Armoured Brigade, and up to 100 other officers of the division were removed from their positions and reassigned. Erskine was replaced by Major General Gerald Lloyd-Verney. Historians largely agree that this was a consequence of the "failure" at Villers-Bocage and had been planned since that battle.[19][20][21][22] Historian Daniel Taylor is of the opinion that the battle's result provided an excuse and that the sackings took place to "demonstrate that the army command was doing something to counteract the poor public opinion of the conduct of the campaign".[21] Historian and former British Army officer Mungo Melvin has commented approvingly of the 7th Armoured Division's institution of a flexible combined arms structure, which other British armoured divisions did not adopt until after Operation Goodwood.[23]
      The replacement of the division's GOC, following Normandy, did not change the performance of the division and in November 1944, Erskine's replacement, Major General Lloyd-Verney, was relieved, by Major General Lyne, after he "was unable to cure the division's bad habits well enough to satisfy Montgomery and Dempsey."[24] There is almost no doubt that the division was suffering from collective and cumulative battle fatigue. As Lloyd-Verney put it, with some prescience: "There is no doubt that familiarity with war does not make one more courageous. One becomes cunning and from cunning to cowardice is but a short step."[25] This was not an isolated incident; the 51st (Highland) Division and several of the other veteran formations Montgomery had brought back from the Mediterranean for Operation Overlord experienced similar difficulties, although, curiously, not with the 50th (Northumbrian) Division, which performed well throughout the Normandy Campaign.

      IP属地:天津4楼2017-08-15 22:03

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                IP属地:天津9楼2017-08-18 15:29
                  第22装甲旅- 第1皇家坦克团- 第5皇家坦克团- 第4'伦敦'后备骑兵团- 第1步枪旅第131(女王)旅- 第1/5女王近卫团- 第1/6女王近卫团- 第1/7女王近卫团- 皇家火枪团诺森伯兰,第3支援连师直属部队- 第8骑兵团- 第11骑兵团(1944年8月前都隶属第VIII军团)- 师属信号通信部队师属炮兵- 第3皇家骑炮团- 第5皇家骑炮团- 第15皇家轻高射炮团- 第65皇家反坦克炮团(诺福克郡团)皇家工兵- 第4战地工兵营- 第621战地工兵营- 第143野战维修部队皇家陆军补给与运输勤务队(RASC)- 第58连、第67连、第507连英国皇家陆军军医队(RAMC)- 第2轻型野战医院- 第131野战医院- 第29战地包扎站- 第70卫生站- 第134流动牙医队皇家陆军军需部队及机械工程师部队- 第7装甲旅工场- 第22装甲旅工场- 第22装甲旅兵器修理场- 第131旅兵器修理场- 第15轻高炮团工场- 师野战兵器修理场皇家装甲兵团- 第263前线派送中队

                  IP属地:天津10楼2017-09-04 08:05
                    22nd Armoured Brigade
                    1st Royal Tank Regiment
                    5th Royal Tank Regiment
                    4th County of London Yeomanry (left 29 July 1944)
                    5th Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards (joined 29 July 1944)
                    1st Battalion, Rifle Brigade
                    131st Infantry Brigade
                    1/5th Battalion, Queen's Royal Regiment (West Surrey)
                    1/6th Battalion, Queen's Royal Regiment (West Surrey) (left 3 December 1944)
                    1/7th Battalion, Queen's Royal Regiment (West Surrey) (left 3 December 1944)
                    2nd Battalion, Devonshire Regiment (joined 1 December 1944)
                    9th Battalion, Durham Light Infantry (joined 2 December 1944)
                    Divisional Troops
                    7th Division Signals
                    8th Hussars (joined 16 December 1943)
                    3rd Independent Machine Gun Company
                    Royal Artillery
                    3rd Regiment, Royal Horse Artillery
                    5th Regiment, Royal Horse Artillery
                    15th (Isle of Man) Light AA Regiment Royal Artillery
                    65th (Norfolk Yeomanry) Anti Tank Regiment Royal Artillery
                    Royal Engineers
                    4th Field Squadron
                    621st Field Squadron
                    143rd Field Park Squadron
                    7th Bridging Troop
                    58th Armoured Brigade Company
                    67th Infantry Brigade Company
                    507th Armoured Divisional Troops Company
                    133rd Armoured Divisional Transport Company
                    2nd Light Field Ambulance
                    131st Light Field Ambulance
                    29th Field Dressing Station
                    70th Field Hygiene Section
                    134th Mobile Dental Unit Army Dental Corps

                    IP属地:天津11楼2017-09-04 08:08

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