恐艾症吧 关注:1,085贴子:19,755
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About a week ago I met another guy online.
He said that he had no diseases and was HIV negative so we met up and masturbated each other.I climaxed, but he did not (I don't even believe that he even had precum).
This encounter took about five minutes and then we went our separate ways.
I had shaved my genital area two nights before (although I saw no open cuts or sores).
Days later, I noticed that I had a small cut on my finger (but I believe that I received that cut days after the meeting).
Now, six days later, I feel warm to the touch (no fever though-temperatures around 97.9), I cannot concentrate, I sweat and have chills, parts of my body itch, and my anxiety is extremely high.
Is it possible that I got HIV (or another STD) from an encounter such as this? What should I do?
他说他没有什么ji bing并且也没有HIV,所以我们约上了并且互相fj;我最后she jing了,但是他没有(我相信他连qian列腺ye都没有分泌)。
这次行为大概持续了5分钟左右,之后我们就各自回去了。 行为之前的两天,我把sheng zhi器区域的毛剃干净了(并没有发现伤口或者溃疡)。
几天后,我注意到我的手指上有一个小的伤口(但是我相信伤口是在那次行为之后造成的)。 现在六天过去了,我觉得自己摸起来很烫(没有发烧温度一直在36.6度左右),我不能集中精神,有出汗和发冷和身体发痒的情况,这让我非常焦虑。

IP属地:广东来自Android客户端1楼2017-11-21 07:38回复
    Welcome to the forum. Thanks for your question. You needn't worry about HIV. The virus has never been known (or even suspected) to have been transmitted by hand-genital contact, regardless of cuts on the fingers, exposure to semen, etc.
    Sexual transmission only occurs through intercourse -- a bare penis (no condom) inside another person's vagina, rectum or (maybe very rarely) mouth.
    As for your symptoms, they are not suggestive of a new HIV infection. THey also started too soon; 8-10 days is the minimum.
    你没有担心HIV的必要,HIV病毒从来不会(甚至是疑似)以手触摸sheng zhi qi只这样的方式传染,不管你手指上有没有伤口,不管你有没有接触jy等等。

    IP属地:广东来自Android客户端2楼2017-11-21 07:53
      As for other STDs, there also is no risk from mutual masturbation or hand-genital contact, and your symptoms don't fit with any STD.
      I suppose it is possible you caught a cold or other minor virus, but I suspect your symptoms are due to anxiety, nothing more.
      You don't need testing for HIV or any other STD.
      对于其他std,互相fj和用手触摸sheng zhi qi也不存在任何风险,你的症状也不是任何std引起的。

      IP属地:广东来自Android客户端3楼2017-11-21 07:54