Page 1
TN: Change of setting! Our chapter starts with Saher, who is holding up in the battlefield. There are living assassins in the middle of those piles of corpses.
Saher: Asfal Isar
SFX “haa haa” (heavy breathing)
Saher: …
My Magoi will soon reach its limit…
Page 2
Saher: …..
Tamira is already…. (TN: RIP Tamira)
How are things for the princess right now? I don’t know.
[we will die] in such circumstances, in the middle of this….
What the heck can I do…?
TN: In that moment, some assassins sneak from behind
Assassins: Kill the survivor…
TN: Saher closer her eyes…
Saher: !!
Page 3
TN: But in that moment, someone attacks the assassins that were about to kill her, ending with their lives…. And Saher opens her eyes.
Sinbad: ….
We kept you waiting, sorry.
Saher: Ah!… Ah….
Page 4
Saher: Mr. Sinbad!
Sinbad: Forget the greetings, please tell me about the current situation, Saher.
Saher: Y-Yes!!
The harbour…
Has already suffered enemy invasion and it’s almost destroyed….
The last ship is on the only remaining coast, and people were told to get on borard.
The one who gave that command was Lord Dragul….
Page 5
Saher: Those who can fight are in the middle of a battle on this place in order to attract the enemy’s attention.
Saher: Miss Rurumu should be coming out of that place.
Hinahoho: Is Rurumu there?!!
TN: Next, Hinahoho runs to find Rurumu.
Sinbad: Hinahoho!
Sinbad: Saher. You return to the place where Drakon is too.
We are going to bring back the others.
TN: Saher looks at him and starts crying.
Saher: …. I’m sorry.
Page 6
Saher: That…. That things have become like this….
Uhh…. (TN: *cries*)
TN: Sinbad reaches for Saher and touches her shoulder.
Sinbad: Let’s stop it, Saher.
Page 7
Sinbad: Me, you, we are all lost and wounded by this.
That’s why we need to end it….
So, there will be no more casualties.
We’ll finish it here…
Saher: Please, return safe somehow.
TN: The scene changes to Hinahoho.
Page 8
Hinahoho: Rurumu!!
Rurumu! Where are you?!!
TN: Then, we can see Masrur who’s over a pile of corpses ( holymotherofgod Ohtera sensei)
Masrur: Mr.. Hinahoho?
Hinahoho: Ruru… !
TN: Hinahoho spots Rurumu’s silhouette.
Page 9
Hinahoho: Rurumu, are you okay? Are you hurt….
TN: Seems like he realizes she’s… and Sinbad and Ja’far suddenly reach his place!
Sinbad: Hinahoho!
… and Masrur was here too!
Masrur: Mr. Sin..
Sinbad: I heard the story from Saher.
You can stop fighting. Go to the coast area quickly.
Sinbad: Rurumu, you return too.
Even those who are safe must hurry to the ship….
… Rurumu?
Page 10 & Page 11
TN: These pages have no text and they don’t need it either. RIP Rurumu
Page 12
Masrur: Ms. Rurumu…. Fought all along in order to protect us….
Rurumu: Until the very end, until this life is consumed…
Pipirika: Sis Rurumu…
Sinbad: …. Masrur…
Sinbad: And then, you stayed here all this time in her place…
Masrur: ….
Masrur: But….
I could not save them…
Page 13
TN: Masrur is just a baby take him out of there. Sin listens to Masrur and tries to comfort him. Hinahoho stares at Rurumu’s corpse, and suddenly grabs his harpoon tightly. It appears as if he were increasing his Magoi or something.
Sinbad & Masrur: !!
Sinbad: Hinahoho!!
Page 14
Ja’far: His household assimilation is starting.
This is bad…
If he stays like this he will be swallowed in anger!!
Sinbad: Hinahoho!!
Page 15
TN: Finally, we have a panel of black rukh surrounding them. Hinahoho seems to be the center of to where that black rukh is concentrating…