After the battleof Falaise, the Allied highcommand had no intention of diverting troops in a prolonged siege and urbanbattle for Paris. Instead, Eisenhower wanted to chase the Germans East as fastas possible, destroying as many as he could before they reached the SiegfriedLine. But De Gaulle & Leclerc were of a different opinion. Already,during the battle of Falaise, the French 2e DB had played onlya minor part, blocking one of the Germans’ escape routes but refrainingfrom engaging itself too much, for the Frenchmen’s eyes were alreadyturned toward Paris. Every man in the division was ready and waiting for theorder to rush toward the capital. An order which their American superiors hadno intention to give …
Upon learning about theuprising, Eisenhower was still unwilling to change Allied plans to help thecity, but De Gaulle was adamant that he would not let the French capital sufferthe fate of Warsaw, and would personally order Leclerc to go if he hadto. Having promised De Gaulle, back in Algiers in 1943, that Paris wouldbe liberated by a French unit and knowing that the 2e DB wouldrush toward the capital with or without his order, and surely unwilling tosacrifice the Parisian population, Eisenhower finally gave his blessing. OnAugust 22nd, Bradley ordered the 2e DB & US 4thInfantry Division to dash for Paris.
Although against orders,Leclerc had anticipated the move and already sent his vanguardahead. Aware both of the Parisians’ uprising and of the fate of theirPolish counterparts in Warsaw, the 2e DB charged frontallythrough each of von Choltitz’s defense lines. The firstclash occurred South of Versailles, on August 23rd’s morning. TheGerman outer defenses were manned mostly by Luftwaffe unitsand some survivors from 352. Infanterie-Division. At everyturn, every crossroad, the leading tanks of the 2e DB couldexpect an ambush, and soon the road to Paris became a trail of charred tanksand crews: Trappes, Toussus-le-Noble, Jouy-en-Josas, Clamart (where anattempt against De Gaulle’s life will be made by the OAS in 1962), …
就算是知道了巴黎起义的消息,艾森豪威尔仍无意改变原定部署,但是戴高乐却十分坚定的表达了自己不会让巴黎遭受和华沙同样命运的坚持,同时他还重申1943年在阿尔及尔说过的话,即巴黎将由一支法国部队解放。他还说不管有没有命令,第二装甲师都会冲向巴黎。艾森豪威尔当然也不愿意牺牲巴黎市民,所以他还是妥协了。8月22日,布拉德利下令,由法国第二装甲师和美国第四步兵师同时冲向巴黎。与此同时,勒克莱尔早就违抗命令派出了前锋部队。为了使巴黎不致遭受华沙的命运,第二装甲师几乎是正面冲向了von Choltitz的每一道防线。第一场遭遇战发生在8月23日拂晓的凡尔赛南部,德国空军的地面人员和第352步兵师的幸存者担当着守卫者的角色。在每一个岔道口,都会发生一场伏击。因此Trappes, Toussus-le-Noble, Jouy-en-Josas,Clamart这些地方的路口,一路上都是烧焦的坦克残骸和成员尸体。
Directions of attack of 2e DB’s battlegroups and German outer ringof defense
On the morning of August25th, at Fresnes, home (still today) of the second largest French prison,the German military inmates imprisoned there were freed from their cells andformed into Bewährungstruppen (penal units) to defend the veryjail they were locked in earlier in the day! Protecting a 88mm Flak gun(and not a PaK 40 as depicted in “Is Paris burning?“) and some lighterguns, they engaged the five first Shermans to show up, managing to destroy the“Marne“, damage a second one and stop two others before beingrammed from the rear by the last one, which had smashed through garden walls toappear behind it.
The prison of Fresnes in 1946 (Source: http://