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【钢铁之师 18.2.13】巴黎卫戍师


1楼2018-05-18 15:59回复
    党卫军第1“阿道夫·希特勒警卫旗队”装甲师 https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5700065375

    2楼2018-05-18 16:00
      Back to Hell, the second DLC for SteelDivision: Normandy 44, will beavailable today at 3PM CET, and will feature 4 new divisions, 2 exclusiveace models, as well as 7 historical missions, including 5 in cooperativeplay.
      Let’s focus today on therag-tag forces charged with preventing Paris from falling to the Allies or,barring that, to burn it to the ground: the Festung Groß-Paris.

      3楼2018-05-18 16:01
        Meaning “fortifiedareas”, but more usually referred to as “Festung” (“fortress”),they were places of special importance to Hitler, to be defended to the lastman. Their commanders were to be specially handpicked for their irondetermination and to answer only to the Führer. Corps & army commanders hadno authority over them. This fanatical strategy doomed many garrisons in theEast, especially those facing the Soviet onslaught at the beginning ofoperation Bagration, such as Vitebsk or Orsha. In France,places declared as Festen Plätze were usually majorharbors on the Atlantic & Channel coasts: Dunkirk, Calais, Brest, …
        But in the Summer of1944, while the Mortain counter-offensive was on its way, Hitler ordered Paristo be held at all cost. For this task, he selected General derInfanterie Dietrich von Choltitz, a man of both unfailingbravery and blind obedience. An Eastern Front veteran, he had neverquestioned orders, even when it came to assisting Einsatzgruppen inrounding up and executing Jews. Later transferred to Italy, he faced the Alliesat Anzio before commanding a corps in Normandy.
        但是1944年夏,莫尔坦反攻激战正酣时,希特勒决定不惜代价守住巴黎。他选择了步兵将领Dietrich von Choltitz,因为后者勇猛果敢、遵守命令。作为东部战线的老兵,Dietrich von Choltitz从不怀疑命令,甚至在被命令协助特别行动队处决犹太人时他也是如此。后来,他被调往意大利战线,在安其奥和盟军交手,后来在诺曼底他升任军指挥官。

        Dietrich von Choltitz

        4楼2018-05-18 16:01
          Barely two weeks afterthe July20 plot against Hitler inwhich the previous Governor of Paris had been involved, and at a timewhen Wehrmacht officers were regarded with suspicion, vonCholtitz was still deemed trustworthy by the Nazi leadership. When appointed asMilitary Governor of the Paris on August 7th, 1944, he wasexplicitly ordered by Hitler to burn the city to the ground insteadof letting it fall to the Allies.
          7·20刺杀希特勒事件发生两周后,尽管法国总督也牵涉其中,国防军将领更是普遍被不信任,Dietrich von Choltitz仍热被纳粹领导层认为是十分可靠的。1944年8月7日,他被任命为巴黎的军事总督,同时得到希特勒明确的指令——要求其将巴黎付之一炬也不让其落入盟军之手。

          5楼2018-05-18 16:01
            PARIS UPRISING
            While von Choltitz was taking command of thecity defense, the Parisian Résistance was growing more active with the news ofGerman defeat in Normandy. But while the Résistance had stood united before theAllied landings, political rifts between the various groups, especiallyCommunists & Gaullists, were now surfacing again. Theformer wanted a popular uprising which would give them more legitimacy inpost-war France than owing the liberation of the capital only to foreign alliedforces, while the latter would rather wait for a “quiet liberation” by regularforces and not expose the city to destruction.
            Between August 10th & 19th, subway, railroad& post office (which by then controlled the phone lines)employees went on strike, hampering the German movements andcommunications through and around the city. Fearing (with reason)that policemen & gendarmes, the only regular troops in France to stillbear arm, would join the uprising, von Choltitz ordered them disarmed. Thatdecision immediately threw both those forces on the strikers’ side. By August18th, the strike was general and the Résistance’s leader in Paris, Rol-Tanguy,called for the general mobilization of all volunteers. On August 19th, 2.000lightly armed policemen barricaded themselves in the Paris Police Prefectureand rose the Tricolore above the building, kicking-off the uprising.

            Paris had a long tradition of uprisings (theterm “barricade” was even coined by the “Day of the Barricades” in 1588) andsoon thousands of Parisians of all ages, like their forefathers (and as willagain their children in 1968!), turned every street and block into smallfortresses. Makeshift barricades built from road cobblestones, carts,sandbags and every furniture people would throw out ofthe windows, especially mattresses. It is to be noted that Paris’modern urban architecture, with its large boulevards and star-shaped roadjunctions, was actually designed by Baron Haussmann to, among otherthings, easily quell such uprisings, allowing the more heavily armed troops(loyalists) with cannons to demolish barricades and their defenders from afar.
            But unlike the Warsaw Uprising, the ParisUprising barely had a few weapons and not even a radio to contact the Allies.While the Germans could hardly drive a truck through Paris without beingblocked by a barricade or taking shots from snipers, the Résistance couldn’treally bring the fight to them. August 19th was a strange day in Pariswith both sides watching the other and skirmishing at best before a truce wasagreed later in the day. For von Choltitz, it was meant to consolidate hispositions while waiting for the reinforcements he was asking (or just thetroops he had been promised) to arrive or consider the evacuation of the cityin the worst-case scenario; for the Résistance, it meant winning time for theAllies to send help. Rol-Tanguy had dispatched his chief-of-staff, “Gallois” ona dangerous mission to cross the frontline between German & Allied lines,and inform the latter about the uprising. And if they refused to help, toconvince Leclerc in person to go rogue and rush to the rescue even againstorders.
            但是和华沙起义不同的是,巴黎的起义者们甚至没有什么武器,也没有用无线电联系盟军。德国人无法在城内驾驶卡车行动,但是抵抗组织也无法掀起大规模的战斗。8月19日对于双方来说都是奇怪的一天,因为他们都在试图抢在巴黎停战前使劲浑身解数。对von Choltitz来说,他的任务就是守住现有阵地,等待援军,甚至在最坏的情况下考虑撤退;而对于起义者们来说,盼来盟军的部队就是胜利之日。Rol-Tanguy派给他的首席幕僚一项艰巨的任务,穿越两军交战的前线,告诉盟军指挥官巴黎起义的消息。如果盟军拒绝帮助,那就说服勒克莱尔,让他违抗命令、不惜代价来巴黎救援。


            7楼2018-05-18 16:05
              RACE TOWARD PARIS
              After the battleof Falaise, the Allied highcommand had no intention of diverting troops in a prolonged siege and urbanbattle for Paris. Instead, Eisenhower wanted to chase the Germans East as fastas possible, destroying as many as he could before they reached the SiegfriedLine. But De Gaulle & Leclerc were of a different opinion. Already,during the battle of Falaise, the French 2e DB had played onlya minor part, blocking one of the Germans’ escape routes but refrainingfrom engaging itself too much, for the Frenchmen’s eyes were alreadyturned toward Paris. Every man in the division was ready and waiting for theorder to rush toward the capital. An order which their American superiors hadno intention to give …
              Upon learning about theuprising, Eisenhower was still unwilling to change Allied plans to help thecity, but De Gaulle was adamant that he would not let the French capital sufferthe fate of Warsaw, and would personally order Leclerc to go if he hadto. Having promised De Gaulle, back in Algiers in 1943, that Paris wouldbe liberated by a French unit and knowing that the 2e DB wouldrush toward the capital with or without his order, and surely unwilling tosacrifice the Parisian population, Eisenhower finally gave his blessing. OnAugust 22nd, Bradley ordered the 2e DB & US 4thInfantry Division to dash for Paris.
              Although against orders,Leclerc had anticipated the move and already sent his vanguardahead. Aware both of the Parisians’ uprising and of the fate of theirPolish counterparts in Warsaw, the 2e DB charged frontallythrough each of von Choltitz’s defense lines. The firstclash occurred South of Versailles, on August 23rd’s morning. TheGerman outer defenses were manned mostly by Luftwaffe unitsand some survivors from 352. Infanterie-Division. At everyturn, every crossroad, the leading tanks of the 2e DB couldexpect an ambush, and soon the road to Paris became a trail of charred tanksand crews: Trappes, Toussus-le-Noble, Jouy-en-Josas, Clamart (where anattempt against De Gaulle’s life will be made by the OAS in 1962), …
              就算是知道了巴黎起义的消息,艾森豪威尔仍无意改变原定部署,但是戴高乐却十分坚定的表达了自己不会让巴黎遭受和华沙同样命运的坚持,同时他还重申1943年在阿尔及尔说过的话,即巴黎将由一支法国部队解放。他还说不管有没有命令,第二装甲师都会冲向巴黎。艾森豪威尔当然也不愿意牺牲巴黎市民,所以他还是妥协了。8月22日,布拉德利下令,由法国第二装甲师和美国第四步兵师同时冲向巴黎。与此同时,勒克莱尔早就违抗命令派出了前锋部队。为了使巴黎不致遭受华沙的命运,第二装甲师几乎是正面冲向了von Choltitz的每一道防线。第一场遭遇战发生在8月23日拂晓的凡尔赛南部,德国空军的地面人员和第352步兵师的幸存者担当着守卫者的角色。在每一个岔道口,都会发生一场伏击。因此Trappes, Toussus-le-Noble, Jouy-en-Josas,Clamart这些地方的路口,一路上都是烧焦的坦克残骸和成员尸体。

              Directions of attack of 2e DB’s battlegroups and German outer ringof defense
              On the morning of August25th, at Fresnes, home (still today) of the second largest French prison,the German military inmates imprisoned there were freed from their cells andformed into Bewährungstruppen (penal units) to defend the veryjail they were locked in earlier in the day! Protecting a 88mm Flak gun(and not a PaK 40 as depicted in “Is Paris burning?“) and some lighterguns, they engaged the five first Shermans to show up, managing to destroy the“Marne“, damage a second one and stop two others before beingrammed from the rear by the last one, which had smashed through garden walls toappear behind it.

              The prison of Fresnes in 1946 (Source: http://

              8楼2018-05-18 16:06

                9楼2018-05-18 16:25
                  AFTER PARIS
                  Von Choltitz and 17.000 of his men went intocaptivity. The obedient general had failed to carry out Hitler’s final insaneorder of turning Paris into a pile of ashes instead of surrendering it. Later,he claimed he did so because he had finally come to realize Hitler’s madnesswhen he met him for the first time in Rastenburg just prior to taking commandin Paris, and that he would never have forgiven himself and Germany fordestroying the City of Light. Others claim that von Choltitz, having beeninvolved in several war crimes in the East, needed a good action to redeemhimself in the face of the Allies. Recently, it surfaced that Leclerc had alsomanaged to address von Choltitz a message when he entered the capital,threatening his opposite of considering him a war criminal, not a prisoner ofwar, if he were to destroyed Paris. As often, the truth might liesomewhere in between …
                  Von Choltitz和他的17000人投降,总督本人没有执行希特勒疯狂的命令。后来,他宣称在狼堡会见希特勒时,终于意识到他的疯狂,如果他摧毁了巴黎,他将无法原谅自己和德国。其他观点认为总督需要在盟军面前好好表现,以面对在东线犯下的战争罪行。近期,有研究称勒克莱尔也对总督发出了私人的信息,称总督不会被视作战俘而是战争罪犯,如果总督决心摧毁巴黎。真正的真相也许无从知晓……
                  The 2e DB hadsuffered heavy losses on its way to Paris, but those were replaced tenfold inthe next days, the division even creating new companies to accommodate the manyvolunteers. As for Paris itself, it suffered for a few days from the Hitler’swrath, which couldn’t stand that his order hadn’t been carried out: he orderedthe Luftwaffe to bombard the city, but the bombings wererestricted to the suburbs. The super-heavy mortar Karl Gerät,arriving too late, managed to fire a few rounds on the capital from afar beforebeing forced to retreat in the face of the Allied advance.
                  Von Choltitz joined other German high rankingofficers in captivity in Trent Park country house, which unbeknownst to themwas bugged by British Intelligence, listening and recording their every word.There, von Choltitz was very critical of Hitler and unreserved regarding theGerman officer corps’, and therefore his own, responsibility in the warcrimes committed in the East.
                  Whatever his reasons to spare Paris though, itpaid off. Thanks to French support, von Choltitz never went on trial for hiscrimes in the East despite his self-acknowledgment of said-crimes at TrentPark. He was released in 1947 and died in 1966 in Baden-Baden, thenin Germany’s French occupation zone. Several high-ranking Frenchofficers attended the funeral of the man who, by a strange twist of fate, hadmanaged to style himself the “Savior of Paris”.
                  不论他的动机如何,他放过巴黎的举动获得了回报。多亏了法国人的支持,总督本人没有受到审判,虽然他在东线的罪行自己都说出来了。1947年von Choltitz获释,1966年在巴登巴登过世。一些法军高级军官参加了他的葬礼,也许是命运造化弄人,他这位原本是巴黎的毁灭者却成为了巴黎的拯救者。

                  10楼2018-05-18 16:25