=> - 你在拉斯维加斯多久了? - 几天。 => 先生。 D. => D. Wants to see you. => 想见你。 Now => 你inte=> Agincourt争斗。 Outnumbered ten to one. => 数量为10比1。 Henry => And Mrs. => 和夫人。
's do this. cleaned up 'fore you go in to see her, huh? Ugh! Aah! Ged dydd, clan. => 现在,也许我们应该让你清理干净,然后你进去看看她,是吧?啊!啊哈! Ged dydd,氏族。 It's been a while since I spoke in the old
Did you want , oka => => 你认为呢 The bro cave was complete But it's a little trickier dragging a 200-pound fridge up the stairs than you might think. We're listening. => 我们在听。