乳媪 Nanny 小姐,你妈要跟你说话。 Miss, your mother wants to talk to you. 罗密欧 Romeo 谁是她的母亲? Who is her mother? 乳媪 Nanny 小官人,她的母亲就是这儿府上的太太,她是个好太太,又聪明,又贤德;我替她抚养她的女儿,就是刚才跟您说话的那个;告诉您吧,谁要是娶了她去,才发财咧。 Little official, her mother is the wife of the house here; she is a good wife, wise and virtuous; I have brought up her daughter, the one who spoke to you just now; tell you, if anyone marries her, he will be rich.
罗密欧 Romeo 她是凯普莱特家里的人吗?嗳哟!我的生死现在操在我的仇人的手里了! Is she Capulet's family? Oh, oh! My life and death are now in the hands of my enemies. 班伏里奥 Banfrio 去吧,跳舞快要完啦。 Go, dance is almost finished. 罗密欧 Romeo 是的,我只怕盛筵易散,良会难逢。 Yes, I am only afraid that it will be easy to disperse.
凯普莱特 Capulet 不,列位,请慢点儿去;我们还要请你们稍微用一点茶点。 No, column, please go slowly; we would also like to ask you to use a little bit of tea. 真要走吗? Are you going to leave? 那么谢谢你们;各位朋友,谢谢,谢谢,再会! Thank you, everyone! Thank you, thank you, I will!
再会! Goodbye! 再拿几个火把来! Take a few more torches! 来,我们去睡吧。 Come, let's go to sleep. 啊,好小子! Ah, good boy! 天真是不早了;我要去休息一会儿。(除朱丽叶及乳媪外俱下。) It’s not too naive; I’m going to take a break. (Except Juliet and nipples.)
乳媪 Nanny 呃,我想他就是那个年轻的彼特鲁乔。 Hey, I think he is the young Ppetruchio. 朱丽叶 Juliet 那个跟在人家后面不跳舞的人是谁? Who is the person who does not dance behind others? 乳媪 Nanny 我不认识。 I do not recognize.
朱丽叶 Juliet 去问他叫什么名字——要是他已经结过婚,那么坟墓便是我的婚床。 乳媪 Nanny 他的名字叫罗密欧,是蒙太古家里的人,咱们仇家的独子。 His name is Romeo, the man of the Montagu family, the only son of the enemy. 朱丽叶 Juliet
恨灰中燃起了爱火融融, Hate in the ash, the love is in flames, 要是不该相识,何必相逢! If you shouldn’t know each other, why bother you! 昨天的仇敌,今日的情人, Yesterday's enemy, today's lover, 这场恋爱怕要种下祸根。 This love is afraid to plant the bane.
开场诗 Opening poem 致辞者上。 The speaker. 旧日的温情已尽付东流, The warmth of the old days has been paid to the east, 新生的爱恋正如日初上; The new love is as early as the day; 为了朱丽叶的绝世温柔, For Juliet’s peerless gentleness,
忘却了曾为谁魂思梦想。 I forgot who I dreamed of. 罗密欧爱着她媚人容貌, Romeo loves her charming looks, 把一片痴心呈献给仇雠; Present a piece of infatuation to the enemy; 朱丽叶恋着他风流才调, Juliet is in love with him,
要相见除非是梦魂来去。 To meet each other, unless it is a dream come and go. 可是热情总会战胜辛艰, But enthusiasm will always overcome hardships, 苦味中间才有无限甘甜。(下。) In the middle of bitterness, there is infinite sweetness. (under.)
要相见除非是梦魂来去。 To meet each other, unless it is a dream come and go. 可是热情总会战胜辛艰, But enthusiasm will always overcome hardships, 苦味中间才有无限甘甜。(下。) In the middle of bitterness, there is infinite sweetness. (under.)