ok,送上第一条: 8.14日更新:Back in Miami, enjoying a Cuban coffee with @vcalleja. So nervous to throw out the first pitch on Saturday at the Marlins game!!! about 17 hours ago from web
一觉醒来,某娃又更新了点,哈哈 按时间顺序哦 It's still unreal to me. I am so blessed to have the love and support of all these incredible people. THANK YOU! Time to take in some sun! about 10 hours ago from web
Getting ready for pitching practice! This is going to be interesting... about 3 hours ago from web 是不是在让弟弟教呢? ps.珍妮现在的following为菲菲,jason,paris,tony,俩她自己的朋友(其中一个貌似还跟去了NY,当了电灯泡~)adam爷爷,ashton,travis