Neal Baer的访谈:(MS他是SVU的executive producer) Neal, how long are we going to get Wentworth Miller, is it just for one episode or... Neal Baer: Well you're definitely getting him for the premiere. And, you know, it's quite intense at the end as Christine knows because she's in that whole scene at the end with Wentworth and what happens to him. But it doesn't mean that he can't come back I should say. Wait, you'll understand that more when you see the whole episode and what happens to him. But what happens to him isn't necessarily something that could prevent him from coming back just as what happens to Christine's character in Episode 4 isn't necessarily - well you've already heard but she does make an appearance but it's in a different way so you're not going to see her in the same way in Episode Never rule anything out. 有人问小温只演一集还是有更多? 他充分发挥了商人的狐狸本性和政客的太极手法,回答了一串其实等于啥也没回答。我们在以后的SVU里还能不能看到小温,他也没给个确切的说法。虽然语气是有所松动,为小温回归留有余地。。。但是,偶告诫自己,期望越大,失望也越大。。。所以,偶决定还是暂且按兵不动。 (来自EX的Vienny)
嗯,我在写5楼的话时还没有看剧,我们不妨再比照之前小温采访的视频他是怎么说的: I think there is lot of potential there. I can't say too much but the episode does end in this very kind of serious cliffhanger with a lot of loose ends. And I felt those sort of character that hopefully audiences want to see more even if the real characters on the show hope that they never see him again. So we will see, will see. 看看,这两人好像约好了似的,口径相当一致啊。经过了四年PB的磨练,温同学剧透功夫越来越强了。我承认,当初看到"cliffhanger"的时候心里痒的很。