What is the true infection fatality rate of COVID-19,broken down by age and health status?This is a simple question for which the CDC should have a clear answer by now,accompanied by a readable chart–a chart showing everyone's demographic risk assessment so that we can better target our infection mitigation efforts.Yet it's the one thing our government hasn't done.Wonder why?
Take a look at this chart(which I translated into English using Google Translate)prepared by the Economisch Statistische Berichten(ESB),a Dutch economics magazine,quantifying the infection fatality rate for the Dutch population based on age bracket.The data were calculated from an antibody test of 4,000 blood donors conducted by Dutch blood bank Sanquin to see how many have been infected for the purpose of donating blood plasma to those currently suffering from the virus.The data were presented to the Dutch House of Representatives in mid-April by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment(RIVM).
看看这张由荷兰经济杂志《Economisch statistical sche Berichten》(ESB)编制的图表(用谷歌翻译翻译成了英文),它根据年龄段对荷兰人口的感染死亡率进行了量化。这些数据是根据荷兰 Sanquin 血库对4000名献血者进行的抗体测试计算出来的,该测试旨在了解有多少人已经感染了艾滋病毒,以便为目前感染艾滋病毒的人提供血浆。四月中旬,国家公共卫生与环境研究所(RIVM)向荷兰众议院提交了这些数据。
Take a look at this chart(which I translated into English using Google Translate)prepared by the Economisch Statistische Berichten(ESB),a Dutch economics magazine,quantifying the infection fatality rate for the Dutch population based on age bracket.The data were calculated from an antibody test of 4,000 blood donors conducted by Dutch blood bank Sanquin to see how many have been infected for the purpose of donating blood plasma to those currently suffering from the virus.The data were presented to the Dutch House of Representatives in mid-April by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment(RIVM).
看看这张由荷兰经济杂志《Economisch statistical sche Berichten》(ESB)编制的图表(用谷歌翻译翻译成了英文),它根据年龄段对荷兰人口的感染死亡率进行了量化。这些数据是根据荷兰 Sanquin 血库对4000名献血者进行的抗体测试计算出来的,该测试旨在了解有多少人已经感染了艾滋病毒,以便为目前感染艾滋病毒的人提供血浆。四月中旬,国家公共卫生与环境研究所(RIVM)向荷兰众议院提交了这些数据。