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Final Thoughts‏
发件人:      Marvel Ma (marvelwork@gmail.com)
发送时间:     2010年1月8日 7:05:50
收件人:     marvelwork@gmail.com
dear cis 232 students,
亲爱的cis 232的同学们,
I'm sure some if not many of u are surprised to hear from me again.
However, even though many of u have already heard something, in one
form or another, about what has happened to me, and since some of this
information may be inaccurate and/or possibly damaging to my character
and reputation, i feel i should directly address each and every one of
u by providing my account as to what has happened. i will attempt to
keep this email as concise and factual as possible.
on October 29, 2009, i was terminated by the acting associate dean,
mike Coutts, under the authorization and approval of the former
associate dean, Dan shepherd, who had resigned a day earlier (oct 28),
and Dan’s immediate supervisor and assistant provost of msu, Steven
rabbinate. the only reason they provided was: “repeated class
absences”. i have repeatedly asked them for documentation
substantiating this fact (e.g. on which date(s) i was absent from
class), and instead of doing so, Mr. robinette replied: "We have
sufficient statements from students regarding your teaching for this
semester for you to be replaced and that's what we have done". as of
today, neither he nor any one has provided me with any proof
whatsoever, and the school has refused to compensate me for many of
the things stipulated in the contract, including october's salary,
contract breach fee, and return expenses. the school, specifically,
mr. robinette and mr. shepherd, have done you, the school, and me a
great and dishonorable disservice by maliciously terminating me in the
middle of the semester using a knowingly spurious reason. furthermore,
it was even more embarrassing to have nearly every teacher and even
some students knew i was going to be terminated before i did. the real
reasons for my termination, however, i feel are more personal and have
to do with mr. shepherd's insane and extreme dislike for me, and have
little or none to do with my professional ability or even this class,
per se. but to make matters worse, after i was terminated, mr. coutts
attempted to revoke my work visa, and change it to a one-month tourist
visa, which would have forced me to leave china with no chance of
seeking compensation through china’s legal system as well as made new
allegations about saying "sexually inappropriate things to students"
from your class in order to force me to accept his unreasonable and
unacceptable ultimatum. for comparative purposes, I never had a single

IP属地:辽宁1楼2010-01-08 23:42回复
    problem working with two former associate deans – phillip whittkorn
    and dr. richard miller or received any complaints from them regarding
    my teaching or behavior at this school.
    2009年10月29日,在前任院长dan shepherd (在10月28日辞职),和他的直接管理人MSU的教务长助理steve
    robinette and mr.
    shepherd个人对我疯狂极端的反感,与我的专业能力和门课根本无关。但是更糟的是,mr. coutts
    whittkorn和richard miller的相处没有任何不愉快,也没有收到任何关于我在这所学校教学的不满。
    the purpose of the petition that was circulating around the school was
    primarily to vindicate myself of the school's claims. a secondary
    purpose was to persuade the school to allow me to continue as an
    instructor either for this current cis class, or for future classes.
    furthermore, given the fact that many of u have a close relationship
    with mr. cheong (he has already taught you for one year), and many of
    you feared possible retaliation or punishment by the school, i
    understood if you did not or did not want to sign the petition, but to
    those who did sign, i want to show my sincere appreciation and
    gratitude for your help and support. regardless, please remember that
    the purpose of this petition was intended only to vindicate me and
    disprove the school's allegations (and had little or no relevance to
    mr. cheong, his teaching ability, or his personal relationship with
    given what has happened thus far between the school and me, my hope of
    returning to this school looks more and more dim. i've been teaching
    here more than three years, and the single, most wonderful thing has
    been the continually improving quality of you, the students of lnu-msu

    IP属地:辽宁2楼2010-01-08 23:42