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各位对Casey Jones是怎么看的?

IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端1楼2020-11-04 22:32回复
    能找到的介绍是皮特的歌和ballad of Casey Jones
    两首歌对于Casey Jones的评价截然不同

    IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端2楼2020-11-04 22:35

      IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端3楼2020-11-04 22:36
        Today, we tell the story of Casey Jones. He was a famous railroad engineer. His life has been described and celebrated in stories and songs.
        Many Americans are very interested in railroad trains that were pulled by steam-powered engines a long time ago. Steam engines produced bright, fiery particles and clouds of smoke as they traveled across the countryside. People who miss steam engines often say each one had its own personality. They say the engines were living, breathing things -- not machines. A railroad lover would say: "Airplanes, space vehicles and automobiles are fine -- but I wish I was back in the days of Casey Jones."
        John Luther Jones was born in eighteen-sixty-four in the state of Kentucky. As a boy, he lived in the small town of Cayce, Kentucky. It is from this town that he got the name Casey.
        The young man's first railroad experience was with the Mobile (MO-beel) and Ohio Railroad in Columbus, Kentucky. At age fifteen, he worked as a telegraph operator. He sent and received messages for the railroad.
        Later, Casey Jones accepted a job as a brakeman for the Mobile and Ohio. He inspected railroad cars and assisted other train crew members. Then, he became a fireman on the company's rail line between Columbus and Mobile, Alabama. He added coal to the fires that powered the steam engines.
        Casey Jones grew to be a tall man. He was one-hundred-ninety-three centimeters tall. He married a woman named Janie Brady. In eighteen-eighty-eight, Casey Jones joined the Illinois Central Railroad. He worked as a fireman on the rail line between Jackson, Tennessee and Water Valley, Mississippi. There were a lot of job possibilities with the Illinois Central. In two years, he became a driver, or engineer, with the company. This was the job he always wanted. He operated trains between Jackson and Water Valley for the next nine years.
        Casey Jones spent the summer of eighteen-ninety-three in Chicago, Illinois. Large crowds gathered there for a major event -- the Chica

        IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端4楼2020-11-04 22:36
          这是皮特西格的歌词,后面括号了个(the union scab),说明是主观看法,是正确的还是强加的?
          S.P.铁道公司的工人们发出罢工号召,但工程师Casey Jones根本没有兴趣,他就折腾那漏水的锅炉和失控的联动器,折腾那失灵的发动机和轴承,Casey Jones 折腾他的破铜烂铁,Casey Jones 总爱加班加点,最后他从老板那里得到了木头奖牌,作为忠心耿耿的奖赏,同事们问他:“何不一起参加罢工?”,他说:“你们哪里凉快哪里呆着去!”,罢工时有人把枕木叠在铁轨上,于是Casey和出轨的火车一起冲进河,Casey Jones 沉到了河底,Casey Jones 摔断了他的脊椎,Casey Jones 成了天使,他乘着S.P.铁道公司的火车上了天堂,当Casey来到天堂门口,来到大天使彼得面前,他自报门户:“我是Casey Jones,在S.P.铁道公司拉货的。”,“就是你了!”大天使彼得说,“我们的乐工也在搞罢工,你就负责打入其中搞破坏。随时可以上岗。”,Casey Jones 进到天堂里,Casey Jones 他忠心耿耿,Casey Jones 混进天使中间当工贼,就是他在S.P,铁道公司的老本行,天使们聚到一起,说这不公平,Casey Jones怎么到处搞破坏?他们发现Casey混进了天使23号工会,就马上把他逐出了天堂,Casey Jones 堕入了地狱,“是Casey Jones啊”,魔鬼说,Casey Jones 被罚去挖矿永不停歇,这就是在S.P.铁道公司当工贼的报应

          IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端5楼2020-11-04 22:38

            IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端6楼2020-11-04 22:39
              皮特模仿了原版的音调,类似于《工会版Casey Jones》
              分享Billy Murray的单曲《The Ballad of Casey Jones》:网页链接(来自@网易云音乐)

              IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端7楼2020-11-04 22:41

                IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端8楼2020-11-04 22:43

                  IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端9楼2020-11-04 22:44

                    IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端10楼2020-11-04 22:46

                      IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端11楼2020-11-04 22:55