give the benefit of the doubt Over the decades Peary was given the benefit of the doubt. 几十年里,Peary 被给予无罪推定 =to believe one person is innocent rather than guilty when you are not sure. 给予无罪推定,疑罪从无
go against the grain Lejeune went against the grain to perform in the old, traditional style long forced underground. Lejeune反其道而行之,用长期被压抑的传统老风格演奏。 =so as to annoy or trouble. 背道而驰,违反他人心意
go broke After starting Baltimore's first newspaper, her brother went broke trying to organize a colonial postal service. 她哥哥创办巴尔的摩的首家报纸后,试图开办殖民地的邮政业务,结果破产了。 =to lose all of one's money. 破产 (明天要去旅游,提前发了)